Thoughts & prayers for Smudge please.

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
Smudge & I have had a hectic Saturday, night, and Sunday...

Saturday morning I noticed Smudge's poos looked small and dry. He has occasional bouts of these types of poos for no reason and is always fine, so I didn't think much of it. I gave him a sprinkle of lifeline over his pellets which he usually gobbles up, and it usually helps with these poos. He looked fine, was snoozing in his tube, so I went off to work not too worried.

When I got home from work Saturday evening, I noticed Smudge hadn't touched his pellets, obvious from the Lifeline still sprinkled on top. There were also no new poos anywhere. He was on his cage floor in the corner- which he is never there, he is 90% of the time in his tube, and he had that look on his face that sick chins get. So I immediately took him out and he was just extremely lethargic.

Off to the emergency vet we go- 1 hour away. The usual vet that sees my chins was not there, so there was not much they could do. Thankfully I go ahold of our normal vet and she agreed to meet me at her clinic.

First thing she did was feel his abdomen and took x-rays to see if there were any signs of impaction, which we could not find. Since he was not eating and had no signs of poo, he was in the beginning stages, if not further, of GI stasis.

Vet prescribed reglan & propulsid, along with metacam. Also advised to give a syringe full of simethicone every 4 hours to prevent any onset of bloat. I am feeding him every two hours.

When I got home with him the first thing I did was get some CC & Lifeline in him, along with a belly massage. I managed to get a few small, hard poos out of him which was better than nothing. I've been up with him all night and today. He will take about 20-25 mLs of CC in him at each feeding. This last massage managed to produce some larger, but still hard poos.

I still don't know what caused him to stop eating.

The vet wants to see him again tomorrow if he does not improve. Right now it looks like it's going to be a long road. Just thought I would let everyone know what was going on and your thoughts would be much appreciated...between the lack of sleep and the worry about my poor Smudgie, I'm exhausted already.
Good luck Stacie! I'm sure Smudge will do well with you. Sounds like you and your vet have him on a good treatment plan so here's hoping he gets better quickly. We're here if you need support.
I'm thinking about you and Smudge. Keep us posted. We are always here for some support.
Stacie, I'm so sorry about Smudge. I hope he heals quickly. Keeping you and Smudge in my prayers.
i'll be thinking of smudge, stace :)

he'll be ok. i just know it!
Thanks everyone. He still is not pooping much despite all of the feeding. We are going back to the vet tomorrow. They are going to do another set of x-rays and more exams to see if there is an impaction.
Sending lots of love and well wishes to you both! C'mon Smudgie! Get well soon! All of us and especially your mum are pullin for ya! Hope the vet is able to resolve some things; they sound pretty knowledgeable and helpful. If you need anything or just need someone to vent to, I'm here for ya.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you! I am in the same boat waiting for poopp from King or Xrays tomorrow
I would offer some alfalfa hay, it's a gentle laxative, good amount of magnesium helps relieve constipation by drawing water into intestine and relaxing irritated intestinal walls. You can also mix some pumpkin puree and probiotics with critical care. Pumpkin Puree really helps correct constipation, it softens the stool and promotes it's passage. If you choose baby food, you need to make sure that it does not contain onion powders as they can cause haemolytic anaemia.
Ground flaxseed is another good idea. Flaxseed's stimulatory effects on bowel movements relieve constipation, it adds bulk and when mixed with water flax forms gel-like mixture in the intestines that soften the stool. Licorice, dandelion and yellow duck also help relieve constipation. Dandelion is especially useful if constipation is a cumulative effect of liver/gallbladder congestion.
Provision of nutritive herbs help initiate self-feeding. They are great source on vitamins, minerals, enzymes and co-enzymes.
You can also brew a strong tea (lemon balm, catnip, chamomile) and mix with critical care. These carminative herbs reduce gas and bloating, relieve painful spasms, stimulate peristalsis.
I'll keep Smudge in my thoughts and prayers.
The sub-q fluids always pulls my chin, Bunny out of the gut-slow down that she is mysteriously prone to after she bloated after taking baytril. And it is possible and helpful to put an IV in a chin...and buprinorphine can work wonders if there is bloat or any other pain. The e-vet did that for Bunny and she started eating better that night (they did have to put a cone on her). Fluids, Fluids, Fluids. Good luck!
Thanks everyone. He still is not pooping much despite all of the feeding. We are going back to the vet tomorrow. They are going to do another set of x-rays and more exams to see if there is an impaction.
Ask them to give him subcutaneous fluids and to teach you how to do them, ask for either butterfly needle set ups or a 30" extension and regular needles so that it's easier to deal with him moving during treatment. I would subq 30 - 40 cc's of fluid twice a day for several days to get everything moistened up inside and get things moving. Also, if you are giving subq fluids ask for injectable reglan. Oral reglan is not absorbed until it hits the lower digestive tract. If you have a slow moving digestive tract th When giving the injectable reglan, give 1/2 of the fluids, detach the extension or butterfly tube and put the reglan into the tube, then reconnect fluids and continue. This way you only have to poke him with a needle once.

Warm compresses on his abdomen in addition to massage helps get things moving along. I put rice in a sock and tie it off. Heat in the microwave. Don't pack the rice too hard, then it will conform to his tummy better and not feel like hes resting against a rock.

Fingers crossed for a quick recovery for Smudge.