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    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Unique Chinchilla Behaviors.
      The question is kind of vague, but a change in behavior is generally caused by something. What exactly are they doing? Are they just...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Treats - where to order from?.
      It's lucky you have the option of getting things in the US, the shipping from the US to Canada sucks and all the cool things tend to be...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Treats - where to order from?.
      I'm not sure they sell the rosehip and dandelion blend anymore. I think the only full cheeks one they have left that is ok is the herbs...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Chin crushing food?.
      If he hasn't been to the vet recently it's not a bad idea. Chins are so good at hiding issues you really have to pick up on the little...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Chin crushing food?.
      It could be a tooth issue, is there any other symptoms other then messy eating, like weight loss? drooling? pawing at the mouth? If you...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Timothy Hay question.
      No, hay should never smell musty at all, that is a sign it's gotten moldy, so it's not safe to feed to animals. It sounds like either it...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Chinchilla repeated sneezing.
      It's hard to tell much from a 2 sec video, but based on the other info it sounds like it could be an respiratory infection. Chins are...
    • Amethyst
      Actually knowingly putting an intact female and an intact male together means you are intentionally breeding them, which makes you a...
    • Amethyst
      I'm not only not an expert but have mostly only read stuff about breed, but I can tell you want I do know. You may want to reach out to...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Chinchilla Tail Biting.
      Is the skin discolored at all? Sometimes chins will chew and pull fur out when they have pain, and tail injuries are not uncommon. If...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Fenugreek treats.
      I would say no, as far as I can tell fenugreek is "safe" but more medicinal then a treat. It was commonly used to help with milk...
    • Amethyst
      It's hard to say if removing the fleece will work, but it's worth a try, some chins actually enjoy peeing on something soft so without...
      • ChinLitterbox.jpg
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Rabbits and Chinchillas.
      The biggest thing is rabbits can carry a bacteria called Pasteurella without being sick or showing symptoms themselves unless stressed...
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