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    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Chi chi.
      Chins are not natural climbers or tree dwelling creatures, so I would advised against doing a similar set up. That setup is really more...
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    • Amethyst
      The bridge is the Living World Treehouse logs, I got at a pet store. The hanging toy is one I put together using a mix of wood from my...
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    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread New member.
      It might be easier to just ask what you aren't sure of, but a few basics. - The diet should be simple, all they actually need is water...
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    • Amethyst
      First I would double check that they are in fact both males, misgendering chins is VERY common especially with young chins. If you don't...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread are these okay for chins?.
      Those loops treats unfortunately are both not good for chins, the orchard ones because of the peas (can be gassy) and the apple (too...
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    • Amethyst
      The issue is although you are fine taking the risk, suggesting others do things that can very likely result in chins getting sick or...
    • Amethyst
      Honestly I would get them proper cages for both chins, those areas could work for supervised out of cage playtime, but there are SO MANY...
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    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Hi Friends!.
      Personally I think the best way to try to bond two chins is slowly. Start by having the cages in the same room then slowly moving the...
    • Amethyst
      Unfortunately people still breed chinchillas on a large scale for fur (as well as lab use and pet trade), even if it's true that all the...
    • Amethyst
      I got Pikachu moved over to the ferret nation cage this evening. I'll add more perches later when they are processed, along with a few...
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    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread Syringe Feeding Help.
      Since you have been giving meds I'm guessing you already know about burrito wrapping, but if not this might help...
    • Amethyst
      Could be a troll, but could also be a misinformed person, or more likely a breeder/fur farmer if they say they are an "expert". There...
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst replied to the thread My Sweet Willow.
      Sorry for your loss. :( Dental disease in chins is so unfair.
    • Amethyst
      Amethyst reacted to Nerk's post in the thread My Sweet Willow with Sad Sad.
      I had to make the decision to let Willow go this afternoon. Due to her rapid weight loss and refusal to eat, it was told. A few weeks...
    • Amethyst
      If you look closely at the cage floor it's covered in holes (the idea is pee and poop will fall through) which are prefect size to fit a...
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