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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. fanofdmb84

    Bad dreams or seizures? Daily

    This has been going on a while, but since it never amounts to anything, I'm not overly concerned. Just wondering if anyone has ever seen anything similar. One of my females sleeps in a tube that is suspended about 8" from the floor of her cage. She will make a raspy grunting noise, sometimes...
  2. fanofdmb84

    Opinions wanted: online purchases/customer service

    I'm looking for unbiased opinions on an issue I've had recently. My husband thinks I'm crazy for trying to be nice and helpful, but I think putting forth extra effort for customer service will go a long way in the end...maybe I'm wrong :/ Background: I have an online store where I sell...
  3. fanofdmb84

    Silver Surfer wheel broken

    Has anyone else ever had this happen? This is what I woke up to today. Needless to say I'm pretty disappointed, this wheel is not old by any standards, and I'm not sure that it can be repaired. I emailed about it, hopefully they will help me out.
  4. fanofdmb84

    Powder coating or painting Bass pans??

    I'm seriously considering getting a Bass pan for one of my cages. Raven has the annoying habit of hanging her fuzzy bum off her bridge or a high shelf and peeing - which lands on the tile bottom and splatters everywhere. Tala and Groo are both super-reliable about using their litter pans, but...
  5. fanofdmb84

    Anyone speak/write fluent Spanish?

    I'm looking for someone to translate a flyer (currently in English) to Spanish. We have a lot of Spanish speaking people in our area so I'd like to make some flyers for my low cost spay/neuter program. I don't want to use a translation website, I really don't need clumsy literal translations...
  6. fanofdmb84

    Raven and Groo's Intro (pics)

    Groo was neutered back in November and has recently moved into a FN142 with Raven. I did the smoosh method with them the first time or two, and after that they had combined play times for about 45 min for a few days, and after that was going well they moved in together :thumbsup: They've been...
  7. fanofdmb84

    Chinchilla Shirts! (hedgies too!)

    I came across these and had to share!
  8. fanofdmb84

    Question regarding hand-feeding (dependency, etc)

    My little Roo-man was neutered about 11 days ago. He went off his food for a few days so I was hand-feeding every 3-4 hours. His weight held steady around 547g (he was 540 the day of surgery). Once he started eating his pellets again I stopped hand feeding. Unfortunately, he lost about 40g...
  9. fanofdmb84

    Groo's neuter

    I got my little guy snipped today. I was a nervous wreck all weekend about it, but the vet I took him to has done several chins (as well as GPs, hedgies, and other little critters) and Groo came through with no complications. I opted to pay an extra $56 to have them use the laser instead of...
  10. fanofdmb84

    Happy Birthday Raven! (pics)

    Raven is the only one of my three that I have an actual birth date for. And Raven's is today! I can't believe she's a year old! She's become such a sweet little girl. When I got her she barked and barked and barked. She didn't know how to jump, she didn't know what treats were (not...
  11. fanofdmb84

    Fat Content of pellets??

    Right now two of my fuzzies are eating Oxbow, and Raven is still on the food she came with (I believe it is Tradition). I'm planning on switching them over to either PRCS or Manna Pro. They are all small chins, but what concerns me is that they are all a bit bony so I'd like to put them on a...
  12. fanofdmb84

    I tiled my Ferret Nation today :)

    Tala has been making it her mission to destroy her cage, no matter what I do. Since I don't care for the Bass pans, I decided I needed to make some changes. I bought a few more granite tiles from the local hardware store and had my dad cut them to size with his tile saw. It only cost me $36.00...
  13. fanofdmb84

    Emergency Contact?

    I'm going on vacation at the end of the month, we will be gone for a week so my mom is taking care of my chins. I'm giving her an "instruction manual" and have already showed her what needs to be done and all that...but I was wondering if anyone might consider giving me their phone...
  14. fanofdmb84

    Afraid of playtime? (with pics... just because)

    Raven has been with us for about a month and is settling in nicely. She's coming to the front of the cage looking for oats or a shreddie, and doesn't bark every time I open the cage anymore. In fact, if I sit by the cage she runs right up to me, crawls on my hands, and hangs her head over the...
  15. fanofdmb84

    Raven has arrived! An introduction (with pics of course)

    Raven, my new extra dark ebony girl, has finally arrived :) She's a Jags girl, and she's beautiful! Her fur is so thick and plush, its so different than my other two, I just can't get over it! And she has huge ears! Better yet, she loves scritches!!! (neither Tala nor Groo tolerate scritches...
  16. fanofdmb84

    Changing Names

    When we picked out names for our chins, we were under the assumption that both were males. Not surprisingly, one ended up being a female but by the time we found out, we didn't bother changing her name to something more girly. But....this has been bugging me since. Gizmo just doesn't fit her...
  17. fanofdmb84

    Gritty dust?

    So I've used a few different kinds of dust so far, and with lately have been using Blue Cloud. What I've noticed is that it has a lot of gritty stuff in it, almost like kitty litter, but smaller pieces. I've also noticed the chins are not as dusty after bathing, most likely because the dust is...
  18. fanofdmb84

    Newer pics of the fuzzballs!

    I haven't really posted pictures of the chins since I got here are a few. An experiment with corn starch...yikes. -Gizmo- Nomnomnom -Gizmo- Who me? -Gizmo- Mo trying out the hay Stink eye! I was looking through the pictures that I took when I first got them and boy...
  19. fanofdmb84

    Chin Spin Plywood Question

    I finally broke down and ordered a wheel for my kids. Well, for one of them. I guess I'll have to rotate it between them for now. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone ever tried to seal the plywood backing on a Chin Spin? Bare wood to me just screams issues, and I assume if the chinnies can't...
  20. fanofdmb84

    Chin coat (pictures)

    My female chin (approx 5 mo old, 500g) has always had an uneven line through her coat on her back. I've had her since January and I noticed it then, but didn't know what to make of it and thought it might go away. It has not. The pictures aren't great, but it always looks as though there is a...