Groo's neuter

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it IS called 'fur'-niture
Jan 12, 2010
I got my little guy snipped today. I was a nervous wreck all weekend about it, but the vet I took him to has done several chins (as well as GPs, hedgies, and other little critters) and Groo came through with no complications. I opted to pay an extra $56 to have them use the laser instead of the traditional scalpel and suture method. It cauterizes as it cuts, so there is less swelling, less pain, and less bleeding during surgery.

The goal (fingers crossed) is to have him living with Raven sometime early next year, they seem to like each other just fine through the cage bars, unlike Tala who tries to attack anyone who comes within smelling distance of her cage.

He's only been home for about 4 hours, but he was wide awake and alert when I picked him up. When he got home he did a few laps around his newly barren cage. He's been sleeping since. He peed and nibbled on some hay and a shreddie, so hopefully he'll continue to eat on his own. I'm going to be monitoring his water and pellet intake for the next couple of days just to be safe.

First time in the cat carrier:

Post-neuter. Swollen but still looking alright.
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WOW!!! It looks GREAT!!!

It's amazing how quickly technology changes...back when I had my boys neutered, there was no laser optoin and they had to have staples to close the incisions.

Be sure to keep him in a cage without shelves or a wheel so that he can't overdo it for a few days. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!
Unfortunately my little trooper did not eat anything last night :( He looks pretty uncomfortable, I may have to call the vet and see if they will give me pain meds. I'm going to hand feed him a little this afternoon just to keep everything moving. He pooped a little bit overnight so that's good. At least he got to pig out right up until the surgery.
Just got back from the vet--starting him on Metacam ($17 for 5ml!! :eek:) and will be force feeding CC every 4 hours until he's doing better. I'm hoping the Metacam will entice him to eat on his own, he is definitely not a fan of the chinnie-burrito.

The Roo-Man is feeling a little better on the meloxicam, he's spunky enough to be seriously pissed @ me for messing with him so much. I cannot keep him burrito'd to save my life, but I have been getting food into him. I gave up on the syringe and just spoon-feed him with a stir-stick, which works ok, albeit slowly. I don't think I'm feeding him enough, so we'll have to work on getting that up. He's always been super feisty and absolutely hates being handled so I knew it would be tough. I've just been worried about him making his surgical site worse with all the struggling, but so far it looks the same as when he came home so I'm worrying less about that and more about getting him to eat and move around a bit and poop. *sigh* I prepared myself for this possibility but I really hoped he'd be one of the lucky chins and sail through with no problems. At least I have the rest of the week off (mostly) so I can spend plenty of time torturing him.


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Have you been burrito'ing him to feed him? that would minimize the struggling...

Yes but even that makes him flail around and spaz out. He will tolerate it for a few minutes, but he eventually wiggles his front legs free and at that point the rest of him inevitably follows.