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Gotcha, I just thought you always do well with things, that your nursery would have looked just as awesome!
lol thanks, yeah, I totally have ideas for when we do get a nursery! Although I plan on nursing through the night for a while, so even if we did have a nursery, chances are she'd be with us for a few months anyways.
Ha! That's what happened here. But this time, I'm actually gonna decorate the shared room. Since regardless of if the newbie sleeps in there, Remy still will. Poor Remy got jipped out of a cool room since he roomed with us for over 2 years. lol
And this is as close as you're getting, I'm swelling up, and I don't like the way I look! Oh well, it will go away after the baby gets here! But I am so ready to be done. I just had my dr's appointment today and so far my body isn't ready to go, but I'm hoping she comes around her due date, I can't go much longer, I'm getting so cranky!

Alli, you do look great! Don't be disappointed if the swelling, etc, doesn't go away right away. I was so bummed when my first daughter was born that I still looked preggers when we took her home! It takes awhile. You probably know this already, but I didn't, and I wished someone had warned me! ;)

But I do remember people telling me "Don't be so eager to have the pregnancy over with-- they're much easier to take care of when they're in your body, then after they're born!" But my instincts were right... I am a much happier mommy than pregnant person! I'm happy for you that not only is your daughter that much closer to being born, but you are almost done with pregnancy! :cheer:
Thanks! I do agree that I get annoyed when people say that you should enjoy now more than later because it is easier etc. Well, not everyone enjoys being pregnant! And it's going to be different for everyone.

Just like people say to try and enjoy your sleep now because it's worse with a newborn. Which I don't think is the case for everyone. My problem now is not getting quality sleep. At least once I'm no longer pregnant I can go back to sleeping on my back!

But that's the way it is, everyone has an opinion and advice, so you just kind of have to take everything with a grain of salt :))
Ugh, I know how you feel, Alli! I can't wait to be able to sleep in any position I want to again, and not to have to struggle to get out of bed. Granted I may be getting up 4-5 times a night, but I am already to use the bathroom! I can't wait for this munchkin to get here, it was 90 today and wow!

I'm also getting fed up with the comments made about the size of my belly... I have one girl who constantly tells me I'm "so small" and she's jealous, etc, at work (she's 5 months pregnant with her 3rd), and the people who say I can't be "that far" because I just don't look "that miserable" at work.
Annamarie Lucia joined us on Friday morning (7/1) at 1:46am.

The birth wasn't what I had hoped for but both her and I are healthy so it's all good.

I labored naturally in the hospital for 8 hours, then after only progressing to only a 3cm for those 8 hours had to get the epidural as I couldn't handle the pain any longer and was so discouraged and exhausted. I was having horrible back labor as well.

I labored through that on the epidural for over 12 hours, and then ended up pushing for about 3 hours. I still hadn't slept since Tuesday night, and it was now Friday morning.

She wouldn't descend so the doctor tried to use a vacuum on her, but she just wouldn't come down, so I had to have her via c-section. When they took her out they saw why she wouldn't descend, she was trying to come out transverse (so at an angle) and sunny side up. So a large part of the right side of her head was trying to emerge first, which is why I couldn't dilate properly.

We're both here and healthy though so I couldn't ask for more. All the nurses have been great and have said how I did more than was ever expected of me. She just could not come out naturally no matter how much I wanted it to be.

She was 8lbs 15oz, 21" long. So a bit of a chunk as well! She's very alert and acts more like a week old baby than a 2 day old. She does have a tiny bit of hair, and the chubbiest cheeks.


So needless to say, with the c-section I'm not going to be able to function normally for a bit. I'm going to have to see how and when I'll be able to start up working on my orders again. If anyone has ordered from me, I truly appreciate any patience but will also understand if you don't want the order as I have no idea how long it will be before I'm making things at a normal speed.
Congratulations Alli! Annamarie is beautiful! :) Here's hoping you are able to get a little rest after all that! What a tough labor!

But, like you said, you are both healthy and that is the most important thing!
Oh, congratulations, she's beautiful!!!!

As a mom of three, two of whom were "sunny side up", don't beat yourself up. Labor rarely goes the way we expect it to, and like you said you are both healthy and that is what matters!

Hope you manage to get some rest so you can enjoy your little girl! Congrats again!
Congrats Alli! She's adorable with those chubby cheeks. They say it is possible to still deliver naturally again after 1 c-section since you want to have a big family. Hope you are recovered soon.
Like I said on FB, congrats! I'm glad you're both healthy even if things didn't go as expected. I don't think labor/delivery ever really does. Can't wait to see more pictures once you're up to it. Keith's sister had 2 c-sections and was up and around by the end of the first week, so here's to a speedy recovery for you as well! Enjoy it all, it's true when they say it goes way too fast. I'm still trying to figure out where June went.