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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. StevieP

    Flat tire

    Not sure why but a flat tire comes to mind when I see this: He looks suspicious... Guilty!
  2. StevieP

    My chins are GROUNDED! Wheel eaters.

    I bought 4 Silver Surfers. Installed one in Bowzer Oscar & Arnold's cage, went to sleep and got woken up by a 'ting ting ting ting' sound... Someone was sitting on the wheel eating it!! I took it out before they chewed completely thru the wheel like they did to their last one until I...
  3. StevieP

    Calcium in young chins effect on teeth

    I went to a seminar last Saturday entitled "Small mammal dentistry" given by my vet, Dr. Peter Fisher. It was very interesting. One thing I thought was worthy of discussing on here is calcium in young chins. He said that inadequate calcium intake causes the jaw to develop improperly, which...
  4. StevieP

    Hog picture

    Saw this and thought I'd share!
  5. StevieP

    Watery eye

    Clarice has had a watery eye for most of this month. I took her to the vet 2 weeks ago and he did a stain test with the dye & uv light which revealed no scratches. Also, no dye came out of her nose so he concluded that it is probably clogged tear ducts. Note that only one eye is watery but...
  6. StevieP

    Pics of the monsters

    White ones BOWZER & Oscar the grouch The three stooges Arnold, Oscar & Bowzer
  7. StevieP


    Arnold, Oscar, & BOWZER huddled up today right when I got home. Look how little BOWZER is! (he is on the left) This Plus this Equals this! All 3 were in this one tube!!
  8. StevieP

    A Day in the Life of Chilli

    Chilli has a popular name but a unique lifestyle. Here she is just waking up Breakfast Let ME OUT! I gotta go to work! She made it on time. Here she is at work, the car wash. Still at work
  9. StevieP

    Middle Cerebral Artery on the brain surface

    Probably useless to most of us, but who knows. WARNING: It has some mildly graphic pictures, and some not-so-pleasant descriptions.
  10. StevieP

    Clarice & Momma the chunkers

    These two are just plain fat. Look at all the rolls and sagging! Clarice is 860g and Momma is 870g! Clarice: Momma: Clarice: Hello Clarice... Momma:
  11. StevieP

    Toe bitten

    I know that toes being bitten off is somewhat common and usually not a big deal. Munchkin got one of her toes chomped a week and a half ago and I think it is still looking pretty bad. I have been spraying it with blu-kote. Does this look bad enough to take her to the vet?
  12. StevieP

    Holes in poop

    Someone in my trio cage has these very hard poops that have little holes inside and sometimes on the outside (see attachments). I think I remember reading that this means he has gas? Is this right?
  13. StevieP

    Ware pop-up playpen

    Does anyone have any pictures of their pop-up playpen? I am thinking about getting one. Are they tall enough for you to sit inside with the chins? Is there anything that you don't like about it?
  14. StevieP

    The nutrition of the the Chinchilla as a companion animal

    Has some interesting data on incisor growth and wear.... But some of the things they fed are concerning, like carrots.
  15. StevieP

    Spunky licking the AC air

    Spunky has an obsession with the air conditioner that I have in the chin play room. Usually he hops on the hoses in the back then wall surfs off of the blinds. But the other night he got on top and licked the air! Click on this to watch the video...
  16. StevieP

    Pinning of broken leg: 10 months later with X-Rays

    I wanted to share my experience dealing with a broken leg of a chinchilla. BOWZER was born on 7/10/2009 so we got the Super Pet cage that has 1/2" bar spacing for him and Momma to live in. It came with the DEATH WHEEL (obviously I didn’t know any better). Needless to say, I believe the wheel...
  17. StevieP

    Wheel that I made

    I have been determined to make a wheel for months. It was one of those things that I was determined to do. I started out with a big pan. I cut the handles off, drilled a hole in the center, and roughed up the running surface. It has a 16" diameter. It is aluminum, so it will never rust...
  18. StevieP

    Amputated leg: skin coloration

    Some of you may know that I rescued a chinchilla in March who had an amputated rear leg. It is amputated at the knee. The skin at the end of the remaining leg is brown. Underneath of the skin feels squishy, like jello. Does anyone know what causes the brown skin? Any suggestions for...
  19. StevieP

    Thinking of changing Spunky's name

    I feel that the name Spunky doesn't fit his personality as well as GRIMACE. What do you think? Do you see any similarities?
  20. StevieP

    We're trying to sleep! go away!

    Some of my chins have the weirdest sleeping positions. And some are just plain cute.