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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Jill of Beans

    wooden hidey houses

    Looking for a wooden hidey house or two. Hoping to find some one to make them out of KD pine.
  2. Jill of Beans

    Blue Ribbon Chins?

    Has anyone heard of this breeder? I did a google search and found a site -but all that is listed is the following: " I am a hobby breder with a collection of chins. i live half way between baltimore, md and washington, dc, but travel around pa, va, & md for other reasons and can deliver...
  3. Jill of Beans

    Chin on Freecycle

    Now I can say I've seen it all. :hair: from Annapolis Freecycle: OFFER: Chinchilla with Cage, food and accessories. White male. Needs home that can stay airconditioned. Moving. I will deliver to close area.
  4. Jill of Beans


    Not sure if I am posting this in the right category or not but... While visiting my sister over the weekend, I was playing with her chin...when I reached through the bars to give scritches...he started nibbling my fingernail....then biting on it. I took my finger out and came back a few...
  5. Jill of Beans

    Need a simple answer Timothy vs Orchard Grass

    Can someone please break this down for me in basics? What's the difference and how does it affect chins in Timothy Hay and Orchard Grass? I previously fed my boys Orchard Grass, mainly due to allergies. When feeding Timothy Hay, I use a mask and gloves. What are the Pros and Cons of each...
  6. Jill of Beans

    Human Health Question - Asthma

    If I am posting under the wrong category - please move as appropriate. I am wondering if any of the forum members have asthma and if so, how do you address it with your chins. Do your chins aggrivate your asthma? Are you on medications to control it? If so - which? I have asthma and have...
  7. Jill of Beans

    Safe Wood

    I wanted to make a "natural" branch perch in the cage for my chins and was wondering, is crepe myrtle wood chin safe? We have several trees on our property and none are treated with pesticide. I know it's safe for my keets & parrots, but wondered if I could use it in the chin cage? If so...
  8. Jill of Beans

    Vent: Did someone say SNOW??

    Ahhhh!!! I am about to pull out my hair :hair: All morning long - all I keep hearing about is the snow....did someone say snow??? C'mon people, suck it up and get OVER it. I work in a LTC pharmacy and we provide medications to people in nursing homes & assisted living facilities. The...
  9. Jill of Beans

    Help Needed in Maryland

    Without going into all of the details - I am now faced with a family emergency - and while I am NOT wanting to get rid of my chin boys (the 5 of them) - I am wondering if there is anyone in the area who would be willing/able to foster them for approximately 4-6 weeks. Jill
  10. Jill of Beans

    FN Question

    I have a FN 142, and have the chance to get a 143 attachment for next to nothing. I was considering adding it to my current cage -making it a triple-decker. Those of you with FN cages, do any of you have triple levels? What are the pros/cons of it and if you had the choice again - would you...
  11. Jill of Beans

    New Photos of the Boiz

    Well I FINALLY Uploaded photos to my album.... Soot Jack Voulet Tommy Snickers Klinger
  12. Jill of Beans

    Pine Bedding Toxic?

    A local animal rescue posted 2 chins on CL this evening, and included in the ad it says: "The chinchillas of Small Angels would like to remind everyone that cedar bedding and pine bedding are toxic to all animals. Please use Carefresh bedding (first choice) or aspen bedding for your animal...
  13. Jill of Beans

    New FN Cage Owner

    I love my new FN cage - and my 3 new boys love it too. I am using fleece liners - and am wondering, mainly because I never had a problem like this in other cages - HOW do you keep the droppings IN the cage? I honestly think that more than 70% of their droppings is outside of the cage. I am a...
  14. Jill of Beans


    I called the feed store that I bought Mazuri from and asked about Hay. They have bales of Timothy Hay/Orchard Grass (mix) for 8.00/bale. She said they also have Alfalfa (1lb 8oz bag ) for $4.50 and said I could feed that to my chins.....I would rather feed Timothy Hay. Can someone tell me...
  15. Jill of Beans

    Grooming Question

    What is the best way to get rid of has matted fur?
  16. Jill of Beans

    Help Identify Please

    My friend has chins and thought they were all standard grays. Can you help me with what color these 2 would be? They are sisters and I'm posting a photo of their mom below them, and was told dad is "gray". I know no further information. Are they violets???
  17. Jill of Beans

    Jack Voulet

    Well we've decided to keep the Violet Chin we rescued and brought home 4 days ago. If you hadn't see earlier posts - he was in a chin fight 2 weeks prior, and had received NO veterinary care. If you missed other posts, you can go here to see what he looked like before I got him...
  18. Jill of Beans


    Since our new chin has been on Baytril - I was told to give him acidophilus with the "highest count" I could find. I found Natures' Bounty Probiotic Acidophilus. Per the label it "contains over 100 million active acidophilus (including the naturally occurring metabolic product produced by...
  19. Jill of Beans

    New Violet Chin

    Well I got the little chin that was in sad sad condition from a fight he was in over 2 weeks ago. He had one eye open when I got him, has numerous bites on his back, ears and his mouth is messed up too... I stopped at a vet on my way home - with the chin - and spoke with a vet who was super...
  20. Jill of Beans

    Need Advice

    I had someone contact me about a chinchilla they recently aquired from someone else. They have a violet male chin they are looking to place - and while I know I can't save the world - or the chins of the world...I am a softy for an animal in need. Here's part of the email I received "the...