Yay! My big Bv is in labor...

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Hmm well maybe its because she's on the baytril...She obviously was at risk for infection given the nastiness of the fetus...Is it standard in a normal spay, ie elective or with healthy kits that they would be put on baytril after the spay?
I think that's entirely up to the vet's previous experiences, and each situation, whether to put on baytril and pain meds or not. The c-section/spay we had done, the vet didn't put her on anything and she recovered great. The c-section/no spay with the same vet was the same deal, no meds, did absolutely fine. Granted ours did not have deteriorating fetuses in them, both of them had live babies, although the one female's kit ended up not making it.

I think I would give antibiotics in your case.
I have no experience with spays, but whenever I handfeed their water consumption goes down or stops completely due to the extra water in CC. I worried the first time it happened, but I've been assured it's normal. Hope she heals fast!
Ok thanks. I think its the baytril and probably her form of protest that she's limited to the extra large carrier right now in the kitchen. Its just easier to get her out of there to give her her meds than try to get her out of the run.

I put a little canned pumpkin in her food and she must really like pumpkin because she was gobbling it off the spoon HA!

Brit, I typically notice that too. She also did get lots of IV fluids right before she came home friday so she's probably getting enough.
Seems to be ok. She's not eating on her own yet as I had hoped. I noticed her teeth were looking a little white today so I started giving her a calcium supplement. Her last day of antibiotics is tomorrow so I hope she will get her appetite back.
I noticed she was doing some weird hind leg stretching probably 3-4 times while I was letting her out for some exercise tonight - one leg then the other straight out and then tucked back under like nothing happened...Soreness? Gas? She hasnt been pooping much today, if at all. I went back to handfeeding her last night vs. feeding her from a spoon because I was concerned she wasn't getting enough water. I am afraid to massage on her tummy to move any gas bubbles because of her sutures - and the surgery was a week ago tomorrow. UGHHHH I am ready for her to start eating on her own!
Sounds like she's got gas, I'd give her simethicone and definitely hand feed her as often (many small meals) as you can. We didn't catch our last c-section's signs soon enough and she deteriorated fast and didn't make it. If you have access to sub q fluids that wouldn't hurt either.
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Yeah, you probably should get a little simethicone into her every day to help with that. When they've had surgery and aren't eating they just end up with that slow digestion problem.

When Meega had her c-section I had to handfeed her for six weeks. Six weeks, five times a day. She was not sweet at all about it and she lost weight and just wanted to sit and sleep. We actually ended up putting her on Reglan to help get things moving and simethicone to keep her from getting bloaty.

I always like to get them some extra water after I feed them, if they aren't eating they probably aren't drinking. Sometimes the digestive system slows because of dehydration. My vet always says that it's better to give them water orally than having to do the subcutaneous fluids. I hope you can get her to eat and drink really soon.

Sometimes females that get spayed come through it with no issues whatsoever and eat on their own and require nothing. Your girl sounds like my Meega, who definitely required the most prolonged care. One day about six weeks after her surgery I caught her eating and her droppings went back to normal on their own and I didn't have to handfeed anymore. (The joys of breeding...)
Ive had her out moving around twice since this morning and havent seen anymore stretching. She is peeing, has peed both times she was out and it was light yellow so I am thinking shes getting a good amount of water from the CC. No pooping. Her belly is pliable, normal feeling. I started the smithecone this morning, I had run out before. I called the vet and she is getting the Reglan for me and said to bring her in if it doesnt work over night...
She'll be fine. I'm glad she's hydrated! Sometimes that can be such a challenge with chins that have had surgery, well, that and the handfeeding. She probably just isn't eating very much to be making droppings like normal. :( Come on little girl, eat your food!
Well an update on Sage, shes still not pooping. She did manage to pass one single soft poop last monday but shes been backed up since. I have been to the vet twice, got reglan, smithecone, baytril (for a secondary infection that popped up), critical care, mineral oil, and laxatone trying to get her to poop. She got subq fluids and a shot of reglan yesterday - I just left her at the vet for the day to see if they could help her. I can feel a hard segment in her abdomen closer to her hip and have been massaging and warm compressing to try to get it moving and trying to get her moving during "playtime" - more like sit time. Sigh, Im bout out of hope and definately out of money. :(
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So sorry Christy - has the vet been able to show you how to give meds and fluids SQ? If she is taking everything orally and her gut is not moving, it probably isn't doing her any good. I had to give these meds for months for my PW male and it is not too hard - definitely easier on the wallet if you can give them yourself.
You might consider having a ultrasound done of the gut to see if its actually contracting, if part of the gut died there is nothing that will help I am sad to say. This would also confirm if there is a impaction, in that case you don't want to use motility drugs depending on the location.
has the vet been able to show you how to give meds and fluids SQ? If she is taking everything orally and her gut is not moving, it probably isn't doing her any good. I had to give these meds for months for my PW male and it is not too hard - definitely easier on the wallet if you can give them yourself.

I agree, Lady forced me to learn to give injections, and it was really easy once I got the hang of it. If your hubby is around to hold her it will be a piece of cake. As far as sub-q's go, my vet gave me a large IV bag that didn't cost too much. It got us through a month of treatment. Crossing my fingers for good news on Sage. :hug2:
I could be imagining things but it seems like the mass area has lowered and feels less full/smaller.

thanks for the suggestion dawn. I wish we had done that monday while she was there. he offered xrays but I declined because I figured they would just confirm what we already knew.

He did offer to show me how to do the subq but frankly needles and me don't get along too well, although I will probably ask next time because it was $47 for one! I do hear quite a bit of sounds, especially after she gets the reglan and so did the vet, so maybe what we are doing is working. slowly. so slowly. I wish there was a magic shot that would just fix it!

Yes she's back on it as of saturday for 7 more days to fix the secondary infection - she had whitish/greenish creamy looking discharge from her vagina which he said was almost no surprise given the nasty fetus. that seems to have resolved already but keeping her on it for the 7 days.