We adopted two dogs, and now...

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All I can say is wow. I just can't believe someone could do that to an innocent animal-especially a puppy! I am very glad to hear that Bear is doing well, and going to make it. I just want to extend my gratitude to people like you that really do make a difference in animal's lives. Without people with such compassion and caring, the animals would be in a lot of trouble. Good job!! Hey, if you have a hard time finding homes for any of them, which I doubt after this, you may want to give Animal Placement Bureau a call. They are awesome, and keep the puppies/dogs until they find a home. They do home inspections, vet checks, etc. I worked with them a while and they are just absolutely awesome! And they are in Michigan, so it's not too awefully far from you.
Good luck with everything, and again, thanks for caring!!
Baby Bear came home last night. He is a pretty sad sight, truthfully, but he is alive and healing, which is much more than we though a week or so ago. He spent time with both of us last night, and this morning I got him about 20 minutes before we got up and he snuggled in bed with us for a little while. He is a good little mover, but his muscles in his legs are so broken down he doesn't walk correctly. The vet said that would resolve itself in a few weeks. Right now, he gets to eat and drink as much as he wants, he gets cuddles whenever he wants them, and he gets exercise around the house every day. He's a little stinker, but Lord we love the little guy!!!

Thank you to all of you who have sent well wishes and who have supported us. We have been blessed with a second chance to give this sweet boy a good, long, healthy life.
OH MY GOD. I feel for you. I love animals and can't comprehend why anyone would do such a horrid thing. The man that did this has broken my heart, I can't write all the evil things I want done to this wicked person for his actions and all the pain he's cause you and your husband. Ya'll are truly amazing people and I wish nothing but loving and happy thoughts apon the long and fulfilling life I hope you both live for all the good that you do. I hope Jeremy and I can be like ya'll when we start our own life together.
I'm so glad he is doing better!

There is someone here in Phoenix going around mutilating cats. When I saw that story I instantly thought of your little puppy.

Hope he continues to progress!
The most pitiful (yet adorable) puppy you will ever see... :)

I finally figured out how to do this from school, so here are some pics of the most pitiful looking (but still cute) pup you'll ever see.

He is doing VERY well. He was out for about 5 hours or so last night, and he was either on the move or cuddling with my husband or me. The only thing he doesn't like is his meds. He has to take three (amoxidrops, tramidol, and a pill that I can't remember), and he HATES the tram and the pill. Once again, his ankles should be back to normal in a couple of weeks. He is going to our vet tonight and again Saturday for a bandage change (I've had people ask if he's wearing a sweater - no, it's like a soft cast), and he should be able to have his drains removed this coming Tuesday!

Brace yourselves for the cuteness...





Kahlua is very good with him. She sniffs him and has even given his head a bath. Jack just runs away from him (he thinks Bear is Frankenstein, I think!) Don't worry, he is within two feet of us whenever he is out of his crate.
He gets to stop at the pet store on the way home from the vet to pick out a toy (yeah, I know, it's like bribing a kid with a Happy Meal), and they have the pill pockets. I'll pick some up there!

Thank you for reminding me! :)
bear is adorable. i hope he makes a full recovery. i sincerlely hope that whoever did this to him will someday experience the pain & suffering ten fold.
Bear Update *Graphic pics*

Bear went in for a bandage change yesterday, and the news could have been better. Some of the skin that was holding the stitches died, so they came undone. It's not a huge deal, but we have to wait a little to see if any other skin dies. He will get his bandage changed every day, and he will have the skin removed early next week. I'm not sure if we're still going to take him back to the e-vet or not.

I wanted to post a couple of pics of his wound now. They are not as bad as the pics of him this past Saturday, but they are still a little graphic. Just keep in mind that he is chipper as ever, playing, cuddling, eating up a storm. The wound looks terrible, but the vets have assured us that it is not lethal barring infection. If these pics are too graphic, please feel free to remove them, I've just had people ask about the wound and it's really difficult to explain. He's mostly closed up, but with the stitches loose, he's got a little extra healing to do!



I can't stress to you all enough that no matter how bad this looks, it is so much better than what it was, and he is doing SO well both mentally and physically. He acts pretty much like a normal puppy, only a little slower and his movements are restricted.
=( I don't know why I looked at these pictures. I knew they would upset me. Poor thing. I hope he lives a long happily life.
Our little stinker is still doing very well. He is acting very much like a normal puppy - he even attempts to chase our cats! We changed his bandage twice this weekend, and the wound looks the same, which is good because it means the skin is finished dying. We take him to the vet this evening to get him checked out again, and hopefully they will be able to remove the dead skin and the wound can start to heal.
Good lord, the open portion itself is huge. But it is nothing compared to the area that is stitched up still!!!! Poor baby, it is rather surprising he has survived.

He has the most darling of faces. Reminds me of a pup I had as a kid. Was one of 10 we found in a cardboard box in the middle of a country road. He had that big shaggy lion head too.
Jenn - I feel your pain. Our lab escaped and went running across a snow drift, only to fall through onto barbed wire. He ripped his entire belly open like that, including around his penis. He had so many stitches it was just awful. He was an adult at least, so had a bit more immunity going for him. He did pee sideways for several months until the healing and swelling were done with, but he's great now. The vet said what saved his life is it was so cold outside and he laid in the show. The snow stopped the bleeding, otherwise he would have been dead. Ick - this brings bad bad memories.

I will say many prayers for little Bear. God, that's awful, and for such a little guy too. I just can't imagine someone singling him out to do this deliberately to him. That makes no sense. I hope he makes a full recovery for you and you guys are both saints for doing so much for such an unexpected burden.
We were just thrilled that they were able to graft from his belly, otherwise he would have had to have been put to sleep. There are also a large amount of stitches holding his left side together (in addition to velcro - progressive, experimental medicine). Part of the bad part is the fact that his wound is kind of stinky, but that should go away when they trim away the dead skin.

When they were talking about the grafts, they were saying his nipples might end up on his back, which (thankfully) didn't happen either!