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Chinnie kisses!
Jan 30, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Amongst all the chaos of moving, I think I forgot to mention that I also graduated last December! I finally received my bachelor's degree in biology with a minor in biochemistry. Here's just a little pic from graduation day. (And yes, I chopped off all my hair! :eek: ) And if anyone in my area is hiring... ;)

:grad: Congratulations to you on attaining your degree :grad:
:youwoman: Congratulations, that is great!! :woohoo:
Oh yay how exciting! I graduate with my BSc degree in June with a double major in biological and physical sciences. Next year hopefully grad school for Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Are You taking more schooling?
Thanks all for warm wishes. I do hope to continue schooling...but not at the moment, probably sometime next year. I need to get my feet wet in the employment world and gain some experience. Maybe get a bit more focused in what I want to work with. I still want work in animal care, but the job industry for it around here isn't all that great. So I may just have to get a few certs done to work in healthcare.
Congratulations! That is awesome. Do you know what you want to do?
congrats therese.

hair looks great by the way - how does the hubbs feel about it???