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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Jeanette

    My safe place

    Hello everyone. I haven't been here in over a year. But today I got an email wishing me a happy birthday so I thought I would come back to share a story. I have missed being a part of this community. Spiny passed away a few years ago and there has been a big hole in my heart ever since...
  2. Jeanette

    Experience with ferrets?

    My brother and his fiancée have two wonderful ferrets. One is a male and the other is a female. Both are about the same age and both came from very reputable breeders. They are both happy and as well behaved as ferrets get (no biting humans, etc.). However, Po (pronounced "Poe", short for...
  3. Jeanette

    Spiny- God, I miss you!

    I've thought about this day and knew it would come. I hate it! I want this feeling to go away and to have my little guy back. Spiny went for surgery about a week ago. They found that his vesicular glands (part of his reproductive system) were enlarged, inflamed and had hard spots. These...
  4. Jeanette

    Calling all Toronto and GTA chinchilla owners!

    This is sort of an emergency (albeit, not mine directly). There is a store near me that has chinchillas in a stifling hot and humid room. When I say hot, I mean like 32 degrees celsius (which is about 90 degrees fahrenheit for all the Americans). The chinchillas were not moving. One was on...
  5. Jeanette

    What would you have done?

    I think that I may have done something a little bit dumb. I found this pigeon in the street that couldn't use its legs, picked it up and put it on the grass... I was on my way to class when this happened and I washed my hands (literally 5 times). My friends looked at me kind of weird when I...
  6. Jeanette

    Fire Belly Toads?

    Hello everyone! I decided that my tank was lonely sitting beside my bed so I went out and bought two fire belly toads! Their names are Maddy and Ivory. Does anyone have any tips, tricks or WAYS TO KEEP THEM FROM ESCAPING? I have read up on them and given them all that they need, but I want...
  7. Jeanette

    Kilts and Culture

    I saw this news story about a principal who forced a boy to change out of his scottish kilt because he thought that it promoted cross dressing. I was really upset at the fact that the principal would do this. I mean, it's just as bad as...
  8. Jeanette

    Spiny beat the odds

    A little while ago, I took Spiny in for his annual checkup. While there, the vet discovered a lump on his jaw and on his chest... we all know that this is not the type of news we would like to hear. We think that it would be great if it were only an abscess or something just as benign, but...
  9. Jeanette


    I need to 'burrito' Spiny to give him meds, but I just can't seem to get it! Wasn't there a video or something on C&Q for it? I'm worried that I'm going to squish him... but he always seems to get out of it!! I won't get into WHY he's taking meds because I can't bring myself to think about...
  10. Jeanette

    Two Little Angels

    I have been keeping up with this story from a newspaper. One girl desperately needs a heart. Another girl is not expected to live and her parents offer to donate her heart. The donor girl, keeps fighting and keeps hold of her heart. They need to harvest the heart within 30 minutes of the...
  11. Jeanette

    Helping a friend after a traumatizing ordeal

    Hello, My best friend called me yesterday and told me that her dad had died. He had a heart attack right in front of her. She's pretty upset (understandably). I rented a car and drove an hour to go see her yesterday. I'm taking the week off of school (to go to the funeral, visitation, be...
  12. Jeanette

    Secret Santa sighs

    Well, it's officially March... So, I guess I can rant about this because this person will not be mentioned and there is no way for anyone to find out who it was, as C&Q is now down. I just want to say that I really look forward to secret santa time here and most of the fun is in the giving...
  13. Jeanette

    'Distant' relatives

    Oh boy! Do I have a story for everyone! Well, I have relatives that I see every once in a while (every 3 years or so) and I can't believe the drama in their lives! It makes me wonder how I'm actually related... My 'cousin' was in jail because he broke his mom's wrist. He's insane and has...
  14. Jeanette

    How old is your oldest?

    First! Yay! First thread in the poll section! How old is your oldest hedgehog? The chinnie side has a thread just like this one and I thought it would be fun to tag along! ETA: Spiny is two, going to be three April 29th. :heart3: