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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. C

    First time Chin Owner

  2. C

    Still Somewhat Unsure...

    Filtered water is best :)) agreed
  3. C


    Welcome cuz :)) Glad to see you joined! You gotta come back over and we can play wiht the chinnys!
  4. C

    Fire alarm too loud?

    I would like to know also what kind of stupid fire alarms are set off by steam haha I was kinda shocked but it happened. Thanks though, I was just worried about her! lol
  5. C

    Fire alarm too loud?

    Hi, SO this is probably a REALLY dumb question but Im being over worried like usual. Today I left the bathroom door open while showering and the steam from the shower set off the fire alarms in the house. It scared the crap outa my chinchilla! They went off for a good 5 minutes, I couldnt get...
  6. C

    Too happy to not show 'em...

    Aw, they are so cute! Momma rat is adorable as well. My gerbils just had babies yesterday too! 7 of them! Its exciting!
  7. C

    The DIY Melamine Cage Club =)

    Fancy guys! I like! Too bad I couldnt make something like that! Im selling my cage to my cousin so I might have to look into it before I buy a FN :D
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    The DIY Melamine Cage Club =)

    what is a melamine cage?
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    Pet of the Day!

    how cute!
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    Storing food

    I was curious if its ok if you store chin food in a non air tight container? Will it get stale or expire faster? or does it have to be sealed in a air tight container only?
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    Your chin is not a standard, I know that I am not good with color but I'd guess a beige :))
  12. C

    Giant Monstrous Chinchillas Most Dire

    That sounds awesome! I have been googleing dire chinchillas and I can t find a pic! :( Can you find one and post it? This is awesome :))
  13. C

    Dried fruit?

    Thank you!!! All I needed to know. More fruits for me then :))
  14. C

    Dried fruit?

    so then they are bad? lol Ok, thanks guys
  15. C

    Dried fruit?

    So they would not be safe then? even though they are dried? wouldnt that take away most of the natural sugars?
  16. C

    Dried fruit?

    Can chinchillas have all natural dried apples, pears, or strawberries? They are organic and contain NO sugars, NO nothing. Its just dried fruit. Please let me know if they can have either, none or all of those 3 fruits when dried.
  17. C

    Dust Boogies!

    I noticed to day that after my chin had been playing and dust bathing like crazy that she sounded a bit squeeky when breathing so I got a better look at her nose and noticed she had a little bit of dust in her nostrils. I got a Q-tip and rubbed it around on her nose to clean it out and the...