Young Chin Color

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2009
Ok, so I've been looking into adopting a young chin (between 2-3mo) and one person described the kit as the following: "The black ones I guess I would call ebony with some white in the fur, and white on the bottom of the chinchillas." and the parents as "beige and mosaic with some black. ". In the photograph, he looks like a standard...

Thoughts? I'm not an expert on chin colors so I figured I'd ask here.... Also, I'd post the picture, but for some reason there is a shirtless dude holding up the chin in the picture o_O (all you see is chin + nipple... gag!)

At this point, I'm ready to bail...
Sounds kinda like a black velvet. Black on top, white on the bottom, splotchy veiling.
You might be able to photoshop the picture, if you think it's that bad, and make it decent!
From what you're describing, sounds like dark standards, if there's grey between the black and white, but could also be black velvet - depends on if the head is mostly black, and how much.
Look through the 'chins for sale' section, as there's many pictures to compare to!
Everyone has nipples...

What scares me is they don't even know what the color is called. This is an unethical/uneducated breeder, please run. There are plenty of good ethical breeders in NY.

About the chin, unless the white is a TOV white, it can not be a black, probably just a dark standard.
It sounds like a black velvet or a dark standard. Is this a breeder? If so, I would definitely bail. If a "breeder" can't even tell you the correct color of a chinchilla they shouldn't be breeding. If this is a craigslist rehoming/rescue/something else of the sort, then grab the poor chinnie and run.
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About the chin, unless the white is a TOV white, it can not be a black, probably just a dark standard.

Who knows if this "breeder" even knows the correct colors of the parents. I still say we need a picture. Nipple or no nipple. :p

TOV whites are not something that are very common, which makes it improbable to me. But we would all love to speculate the nipple photo with the chin it in anyway! :p
Okay, so I "photoshopped" a privacy smiley face. He def. looks like my standard Jack.

And yes, they were advertised on c-list


Thanks... just as I thought... *cue Monty Python* Runnnn awayyyy
UPDATE: I think they sensed that I'm going to bail and admitted that "maybe he's a standard or a hetero ebony". Yikes.
Love people like that - on a envelope - and what if he/she jumped???
Experienced?? I think not!!!
I'd be looking elsewhere!!!
All I can say is YIKES! By looking at the picture it's pretty obvious that it looks to be a standard. Either they are really clueless with chins or trying to rip someone off by trying to make the chin sound like a mutation. They really shouldn't breed anymore.:huh:WOW!
My chins all have three nipples... most of them even have FOUR!

Peggy is special... she rode the short bus!

Looks like a standard that needs a dust bath to me... and yea the envelope thing... weird.

I'd definitely look for breeders in NY, Missi on here is in NY and so is Paul ( PJK ) I think he's a member here too no? and they can actually tell you what color is it... no envelope or nipple shots needed!
Dangit! I can't see the pics here at work because the stupid school system won't let pics through. Anyway, I'm DYING to see the three nippled picture on an envelope. . . ? Did I get that right?

Oh, and to the original question - if this is a breeder advertising like this, whatever you do, don't get this chin.