What you expose YOUR children too...

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Yeah, and I just said it is a statistically proven fact that a woman dressing in skimpy clothing is more of a target. Is it her choice or desire? No, but it makes her more of a target DUE TO HER CLOTHING.
Rape issue aside, and to go back on topic, I still think everyone needs to calm down. It's a hypothetical situation. Disagree with me all you want, but insulting me to try and get me to agree with you is ridiculous and won't change anything.
Pash, I don't think anyone is insulting you. I think people are aggravated because you are speaking out of turn about something you have no experience with, i.e., raising children and all that goes with it. I don't see anyone insulting you, I see people calling out on your views.

I will agree though, everyone needs to take a deep breath and take a step back. It's just a discussion and people are entitled to their opinions, whether you think they are right or wrong.
Teenage girls and guys crave attention. The point of the parent monitoring how their children dress is to make sure that they receive positive rather than negative attention. A 13 year old girl dressed slutty is going to elicit a lot of bad attention from men of all ages (especially with girls maturing physically at a younger age now). I have had trouble telling the age of a teenage girl and I am not far removed from being a teenager. Teaching teenagers and children to respect their bodies will encourage them to not use them like a dumping ground for attention.
Lessening that negative attention will also help prevent consentual, though illegal, sex between teenage girls and older guys. That is still rape by law since the girl is not at an age to consent and that act is encouraged by provocative dress.
I am not saying that teenage girls should wear sweaters and hoop skirts all the time, nor that boys should have no option in how they dress, but clothing is the first attractor of attention and if one respects himself, he should want it to be positive attention.
hey just to lighten the mood........i just read on TMZ that billy ray cryus filed for divorce from Miley's mother.
I don't care one way or the other. I'll probably never have kids and I don't have to watch shows that are offensive to me in anyway. People, who have kids, can raise them however they want and I am not going to say anything. Well, the only time I say anything is if the kid is annoying me or something...other than that, it's none of my business.

We all compare how it was when we were kids to how it is now and how horrible everything is with today's kids. It's all probably about the same...fashion changes, hobbies change, etc. Although I do think girls dress a little more provocatively than we did back when I was a teenager or preteen. It's all the parent's business and I don't care what they do...it's hard enough to raise children without childless people yelling at you about it. The kids are the parents' property, not mine...I just expect them to keep them quiet and leashed in public and not let them disturb my property. :p
I would have given my eye teeth if my parents actually cared enough to notice I was alive and home....
hey just to lighten the mood........i just read on TMZ that billy ray cryus filed for divorce from Miley's mother.

Miley has a step mother already. Hope hes already divorced from her biological mother.
Yeah, and I just said it is a statistically proven fact that a woman dressing in skimpy clothing is more of a target. Is it her choice or desire? No, but it makes her more of a target DUE TO HER CLOTHING.

This is actually not a proven fact. Women and children are targeted by rapists because they appear weak or they don't look like they're going to put up a fight. Rape is about power, not pleasure.

I'm not going to comment on the rest of the thread. I don't have kids and probably never will so I wouldn't have "experience" with any of this. I do know from when I was growing up that my parents had little to no control over what I was and was not exposed to outside of the home. I was not allowed to wear something just because I bought it and I sure as heck was not allowed to just do something because I had my own money. While I lived in my parents' house, I abided by THEIR rules even when I was over 18. I thought some of the rules were stupid, but when you're living in someone's house for free you show them respect and follow the rules they set out. Rules have never hurt anyone and it gives a lot of kids direction. I'd be in a lot worse place without my parents giving me rules and helping steer me in the right direction.
FYI Rape is a crime of power as Tab said, but Rape does not only happen to women. Most of the things being discussed in this thread are about young girls and not boys. Rape can happen and does happen to men. Most men don't report it out of shame. Because Rape is a crime of power and not sexual men are often targeted--not as much as women, but they are still targeted.

No one blinks an eye at a teenage boy after practise taking off his shirt because he is sweaty--however that is just as provactive as a young girl in a shirt skirt and low cut top.

Clothes are our first fore front--AND if it weren't for older women dressing that way, younger girls would not see to do it.

So again you can be as proud of your boobs and great looking body as you want as an adult woman and want to flaunt it, but because you do it makes the younger girls want to do so as well--just saying.
Hey, Keith and I are just going by what he's learned in his security/criminal justice classes. The mindset (now this is what he learned) is that because they are dressed that way, they will be less likely to put up a fight due to "wanting it" even though they really may not and they are more likely to be raped because the way they dress draws the attention to them, rather than to someone who is dressed plain and blends in to the crowd. So the provocativeness of the clothing has nothing to do with being sexual, but making the rapist feel like he has a more successful shot at getting his ultimate goal.

I have no problem with dressing sexy and classy with clothes that fit your body, but there is a fine line between that and trashy that some people don't understand. If you've got it, flaunt it, but do so tastefully and do so in a way you wouldn't be ashamed/embarrassed if your own children followed suit, and parents still need to explain to their children that what's appropriate for them as an adult isn't suitable for their child due to age. Parents have a large responsibility in what their child wears and looks like, and in showing them what is acceptable vs what is not.

An 8 year old wearing sweat pants or sweat shorts with "FOXY" or something across the butt is NOT acceptable. Frankly, I don't think that's acceptable for anyone and that's where we cross the line into trashy...
I'm going to prelude this post by saying I don't have kids and don't plan on having kids for at least 6 more years. Where I am in life right now, my views on rearing kids are as follows.

I think that the parents should be the role models in a childs life. My Mom has always been my role model and always will be. Because of her, I have learned the value of hard work and am always willing to pull my weight. When I have kids, I'm going to raise them like my parents raised me.

My brother and I were allowed to watch about an hour of TV a week, but we didn't care about that because we were out doors playing. Whatever we watched was restricted to certain channels and programs. We were allowed to play video games of the Donkey Kong and Mario varieties. We were home schooled during every summer for 3 hours a day which helped us keep up with our math skills and such.

I had no idea who Christina, Brittney, or anyone was until I was in middle school or later. Growing up, I had no influence of TV role model which I count as a blessing in life.

As for dress, my dad always told me to be the Lamborghini, not the Chevy truck. He said you never see Lamborghini's "advertising their goods", yet everyone knew who they were, so I shouldn't feel the need to either. It has worked for me my whole life. I don't dress in a provocative manner, and never will. Skirts and short dresses make me feel uncomfortable, as do snug tops and low neck lines. My parent s taught me to value myself and how I look so that I could go out into the world and portray myself in a positive manner.

As for exposing your children to multiple relationships... well my father wasn't exactly monogamous in his marriage to my mom, but I did not learn that until later in life when I was mature enough to formulate my own opinions (late teenage years). My mom wanted me to have a positive relationship with my father after they split, and didn't want to taint that with his many exploits.
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