What is happening???

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A few minutes ago, Peewee was chewing a vitamin C, and all of a sudden he started acting like he was choking, and was furiously pawing at his mouth. He also started making sneezing noises, and continued to open his mouth wide open and paw at it....He then stopped making the noises and pawing at his mouth, but was basically just sitting lethargically with his face in the corner of his cage.

Now he's just sitting towards the front of the cage totally still, with both cage doors open....He still seems to be making some quiet sneezing noises as well. He also is wet all down his chest...

I have no idea what just happened, but he doesn't look well and it's freaking me out. I have no transportation to get him to a vet.

Please help.
What do you mean - chewing a vitamin c? Like a Vitamin C tablet? Is he breathing okay? If he is wet down his chest - he's drooling and that's not a good sign. Sound like he may have it caught in his throat and will need to see a vet.
Is he eating pellets and hay normally? Sounds like possibly having teeth issues/pain.
If it is a chewable Vit c, he could have not chewed it enough and have a piece stuck in his teeth or throat. See if you can open his mouth a little and see a piece of the vitamin

is he breathing - he could have a piece in his throat, stopping the breathing, If he is not breething you will have to do a kind of hiemlic (sp). Try pressing down on his upper stomach not too hard
It was actually a regular, non-chewable vitamin c tablet. I think he just devoured it so quickly that he got a piece stuck. He's breathing fine, and he even took a little tiny piece of dried apple...He's just still very lethargic. I don't know if it's just due to the shock of the whole thing...
I could be wrong - but I don't think vitamin c tablets are a good thing. Rosehips contain Vitamin C and can be given. Apples may also be not a great idea - as they have sugar. I would continue to monitor PeeWee, especially his breathing and see if he's eating/drinking normally. Also monitor if he continues to drool.
The drooling was only due to the spontaneous choking or whatever it was. He is not drooling otherwise.

The apples are little tiny slivers that Chinworld sends me with my orders. I give them extremely sparingly.

No one advised against the non-chewable tablets, and since he liked them, I was giving them. However, I am not going to again in light of this incident.
Apple is definately not good - even if chinworld gives them to you. I give my chins chewable vitc 3 x a week. With chewable, they will desolve quicker. I have never had a problem with them - of course there is always a first time for EVERYTHING. I wouldn't give him any vit c for a while. His throat is probably sore now. If you want, in a couple of weeks you can give the chewable but only a small piece That is what I would do I know other people on this forum don't agree with giving vit c
I'd probably switch over to chewables, as well. The others are meant to be swallowed all at once and not to be chewed...so that could be what the problem was.

I've seen chins have this problem with hay and pellets before. A piece gets stuck at the back of the throat and the chin will start to gag. The drool doesn't happen all that often - that's always frightening! I'm glad that he's alright because it could have gone another way and he could have choked to death... :(
Yea it seems like that was indeed the problem. And yes, I think his throat is probably sore now. He's still a little sluggish and unhappy looking. Wasn't eager to come out of his cage when I got home tonight. Other than that he seems fine. Just a little sad. :(

I've never had a scare like that before with him. Ugh.
They don't.

The only time I would see the need is for a chin with dental issues. Other than that, it's unneeded.

That's what I said in the original post when it was asked if the vit. C could be given...

IMO, With chins, the K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid) method works best- if there is nothing wrong that requires needed suppliments/vitamins, pellets, hay, and water is all a chinchilla needs. I see no point in offering suppliments/vitamins/whatever when their pellets and hay cover everything they will ever need. Especially in pet chins where they are not having to expend energy by breeding, raising kits, etc.
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Sounds like someone comparing chins to guinea pigs who need Vit C.
Welcome to Chins-n-Hedgies, glad your chin is Ok, there is so much to learn on here.
There are no studies on the intrinsic production of Vitamin C by chinchillas according to Dr. Crossley, a very well known vet dentist for rodents, he contacted our rescue group about the use of vitamin C for dental health, he questions whether they are closer to guinea pigs than to rabbits in this aspect. We have used Vit C for dental health for many years now on chins with teeth issues.
There are no studies on the intrinsic production of Vitamin C by chinchillas according to Dr. Crossley, a very well known vet dentist for rodents, he contacted our rescue group about the use of vitamin C for dental health, he questions whether they are closer to guinea pigs than to rabbits in this aspect. We have used Vit C for dental health for many years now on chins with teeth issues.

Older studies have studied the requirement (or lack thereof) of vitamin C in chinchillas. They don't need it. If a chinchilla is experimentally fed a diet without vitamin C, and it does not show signs of deficiency, it must be producing its own.
"Although the chinchilla is closely related to the guinea pig, ascorbic acid does not appear to be a dietary essential for this species."
(Ascorbic acid = Vit C) (source: http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/abstract/52/3/427 )
I wish there was something newer than 1953, chins are just not enough of a interest to have many studies done.