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Im just about to go out and get an A/C will a one that uses water work, or would that be bad because it makes it humid
Humidity is not the best thing with chins as that can serve as good conditions for fungal growth. Unless you get a dehumidifier along with it, I'm not sure that I would use it.
There is no a/c that uses water that I'm aware of, do you mean a swamp cooler?

Swamp coolers wood depending on your location. Moist air tends to feel muggier, and less cold. A great reason to have your location in your profile info so people can provide better answers.
Ok thanks, my mom is determined the guys at the pet store are right and they said a fan would work, and now she is debating wheter or not i can get a small portable A/C and im about to tell her how stupid she is being for listening to them
You are talking about a swamp cooler, and that isn't what you want. Get a regular A/C.

Not always true.

If you are in a very dry climate a swamp cooler may work just fine. With me though, being in FL, a swamp cooler would be completely out of the question since our air is so humid.

To Tiatrack, where are you located?
Crysta, it says she is in OR.

It is also fairly humid up here, which is why I would not get anything to add to the humidity. I would also just go for the portable a/c. A fan will do no good for chins since they do not sweat, and cannot cool down that way.
Not always true.

If you are in a very dry climate a swamp cooler may work just fine. With me though, being in FL, a swamp cooler would be completely out of the question since our air is so humid.

To Tiatrack, where are you located?

Yes, I'm in Oregon, and I still say I would NEVER use a swamp cooler as a means for cooling off a chin room (or my house for that matter, but that's a personal choice). Swamp coolers can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Also, even in low humidity places like Oregon, we have have been getting a couple of very hot, humid weeks a year for the past few years. Swamp coolers don't work well in those conditions. When you have a temperature sensitive animal like a chinchilla I wouldn't risk it.
Crysta, it says she is in OR.

It is also fairly humid up here, which is why I would not get anything to add to the humidity. I would also just go for the portable a/c. A fan will do no good for chins since they do not sweat, and cannot cool down that way.

I wasn't saying that to the person I quoted, just saying in general for people who are in a very dry area. I made the mistake of saying that was for Tiatrack. >.< I meant that question for the maker of the thread.
I know of people who breed and use swamp coolers, they live in a very dry area.

They are not a breeding ground for bacteria anymore than just living in a humid area would be.
They are not a breeding ground for bacteria anymore than just living in a humid area would be.

But that's exactly my point. Humidity promotes bacterial growth.

Swamp coolers also have a limited range that they can cool. Based on the humidity level in the air (a very simplified description), they typically can cool about 20 degrees. That's not much if it is a really hot day and/or the humidity is up that day.

Maybe some use swamp coolers and are satisfied with it. I personally would not. Since the OP didn't state her location, I find it much simpler to answer her question with the safest response since she said she needed a "QUICK ANSWER!!"
Ok thanks, my mom is determined the guys at the pet store are right and they said a fan would work, and now she is debating wheter or not i can get a small portable A/C and im about to tell her how stupid she is being for listening to them

I believe that your parents should have done their own research on any pet they allowed their 14 year old son to bring into their home. Apparently the chinchilla seems like a "hassle" to them and they only want to listen to what the pet store says and no one else.
I would stop tip toeing around what your chinchilla needs and either demand they respect the needs of the animal or I would rehome it due to the fact that it could die from something like heat stroke.
I know it isn't your fault that they wont listen but you really need to step it up and explain these aren't "luxury" things for the chinchilla and that she HAS to have these things. If they cannot deal with that, then unfortunately you may need to give her to a home that can supply her with that.
YEY!!! I now have the A/C which cools down to 61 degrees!!!
Good news. :) You dont need to have it right at 61, anywhere under 70 is fine.

I think i shall do 70 flat, maybe lower eventually, i will have to acclimate because she is in my room
That is very good you were able to get the AC. I'm glad that you're taking the time to learn about their needs and doing the best you can with what you have. I understand your situation and keep asking questions and learning :]
I gets very humid in Nebraska in the summer, but I don't have problems with bacterial growth or fungus.

Because it doesn't happen in your house doesn't mean that humidity doesn't cause bacterial growth. Have you ever seen what happens in a room with a humidifier that is on too high? Or a bathroom without proper venting? Spraying water in a warm, small space can cause mold and bacterial growth. That's a fact.
that was exactly my question, I was thinking of getting one too for my chins.

Also, what is considered "dry air"? I live in California and I think it's pretty dry up here, if I don't put on lotion, I really feel it on my skin =( Would a "swamp cooler" be okay?