Pooping a lot

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It seems that my chins are pooping a lot...I don't know what's normal, but I cleaned their cage less than 2 days ago, and it seems like theres loads of poops. I know they poo a lot, but I'm just making sure they're not sick or anything. The poops are normal in size/color/texture? and everything else...any suggestions?
LOL Chins are adorable and awesome, but, unfortunately, poop factories! Poops shoudl usually be brownish, round and elongated, soft, but not smooshy, and when fresh, slightly wet to the touch (I know that's gross). As long as you are not seeing tiny poops, hard or smooshy poops, poops that are mucousy, or pinched at the ends, you are probably looking at "healthy" poop. If you see any of those things, definitely check back, because you could be having a problem.
A chin with lots of normal poops is a healthy chin. Be happy their digestive tracts are working so well :thumbsup:
I'm always happy when I see lots of poops. Lots of poops mean healthy chins (as long as the poops are healthy!!). They will become part of your daily routine. You'll find them EVERYWHERE!! I even brought one to work with me that had gotten into my laptop case and when I took it out and put it on my desk, a little poop fell out on my desk too!! Fortunately nobody was around to see it :)
The quantity of poo from 2 chinchillas is a little startling when you're still getting used to it. Eventually, though, you won't think twice about the poop, but the hay will slowly drive you out of your everlovin' MIND with the mess it makes.
Gotta love poo everywhere...in shoes, bags, blankets....LOL! I just make it a habit to clean often and sweep often. :D
:laughitup: I LOVE IT!!! That was the same thought I had a few days after I brought my first chin home LOL. The more poo the better! Now I have 6 chins and way more poo. Funny...as I sit here typing this I've got Remi to my right and Roo to my left and I'm wondering who is going to throw the first turd (playtime was cut short tonight) LOL.
Someone is re-selling them on e-bay for fertilizer - pine chips and all! Supposedly works great!
Wish I'd known that at the old house with 32 rose bushes!
Me and my 2 sons are so accustomed to finding poo all over the place! Yesterday at baseball practice my son shouts out (very loudly) "hold on coach, I have poop in my shoe". All the parents were like "did he say he has POOP in his shoe?" ROTFLMAO
oh its always bad when you get to school and theres poo between the pages of your books...oh and yea...walking around with poop in the shoe is really uncomfortable
Be grateful with their poopies, I love seeing them, the more the better. as loong as they're normal in size, shape and hardness.
i even find poo in my jackets its totally funny when your at walmart and reach into your pockets and there is poo
I always have to take a second and look at it because I play soccer at an indoor field on Sundays that has some of these little small black pellets, usually smaller than chin poos but those get everywhere too. So basically my whole house is covered in small roundish black things...