Ok, so i almost killed my friend

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this morning i was taking a shower and my friend was over here and he was in my room and i go in there and he is smoking pot and blowing it at my babies. he said they were barking at him and that harly jumped at him and he was just trying to calm them down. he said i shouldnt worry cause he does it to his dog and his dog is fine. i yelled at him for smoking pot in my house in the first place (there is no smoking ANYTHING inside) and told him that chins arent like dogs and that certain things are poisonous to them and then i kicked him out and told him not to come back. they seem to be fine and it seemed to make them hyper instead of relaxing them, but that could be cause they're scared. are they going to be ok? i'm so MAD!
ok, so your friend is an idiot.
there is really nothing you can do at this point since it is already done. if it was me, i would take them out and put them in another room. get a fan and get any of the smell out. and wipe down their whole cage. and of course keep an eye one them.

oh yeah and uh...........never leave that friend alone with anyone.
and tell him that it is probably considered animal abuse to blow pot smoke at his dog.
stupid people should not own pets. period.
My first guess is that with only one exposure to pot, it should leave their system in a few hours and they will be ok. But you were right to kick out your friend. Second hand exposure is bad for people and animals alike. Just keep them quiet for a while and make sure you ventilate the room to get any residual smoke out. Your babies should be ok.
Wow, that is messed up. That is just so wrong. I am sure your chins will be fine, just keep an eye on them. Good luck.
well, i already aired out the room there is a fan blowing and the window is open, but i think he only blew it at them once(i'm hoping). i dont smoke pot, but most of my friends do, but i wouldnt have ever thought that any of them would be stupid enough to 1st. smoke in MY house and 2nd. blow it at MY animals. i just want to beat the crap out of him. they're acting fine now, i think they were just stressed for a second cause i came in as he was doing it and started yelling and slaping and freaking out. i prolly should have pulled him out of the room first, but i was so mad.
is it poisonous? should i worry about that? should i take them to the vet?
megan--they will be fine. it was one time, probably one puff. and its not like they would let him get close enough to blow it in their mouth!

i know chins are sensitive to smells, so it sounds like you did everything you could to make sure they are safe. i would just keep it calm for them today, maybe leave the radio on.
Ugh this is just horrible, your poor babies, I guess it could have been worse. Definitely keep a close eye on your chins for now. They were barking I'm sure because they were stressed and who knows what your "friend" did when you were out of the room. I'd be as mad as you.
well i'm just scared cause i had another friend who's cat ate a small bud and it made her retarded. she never walked normal after that and her head was alway kind of cocked funny. maybe thats just cause she ate it? what a way to start the day! who smokes pot that early in the morning anyway? its sad that his life sucks so bad he has to go through it high in order to deal.
What is wrong with people?

The thing about the marijuana smoke is that it gets into everything, like Michelle said. I picked up some rescues a couple years back that absolutely reeked of pot smoke. They had a cage and a dust bath and both of those things smelled so bad. When I got into my car after I loaded everything the smell was so strong I had to roll down all the windows.

I think your chinchilla will be alright. Just ban that friend from your home! That's so disrespectful of him to do that to you. I agree again, that guy is a total idiot. Poor pup dog of his...
I know people who have blown pot smoke on their dogs, on their ferrets, and the animals were okay afterwards (although I felt horrible for them!). I think they'll be okay, just keep an eye on them.

How disrespectful... if any of my friends thought they could smoke pot in my home they'd have another thing coming.
Well my husband is pissed! I don't think we will be calling him a friend anymore. My husband smokes sometimes, but never at home or around me or the babies! He's even more mad than I am. I've got him so paranoid about all the bad things that can happen to them if they are not cared for proprely.
well i'm just scared cause i had another friend who's cat ate a small bud and it made her retarded.
I have rescued two cats like that because of pot. I'm sure the chins will be fine, I would give them a nice long dust bath and throw out the dust after, maybe that will help air out their fur.
What is wrong with people?

The thing about the marijuana smoke is that it gets into everything, like Michelle said. I picked up some rescues a couple years back that absolutely reeked of pot smoke. They had a cage and a dust bath and both of those things smelled so bad. When I got into my car after I loaded everything the smell was so strong I had to roll down all the windows.

Good thing you didn't get pulled over!

What a moron! I'd ditch him, too!
Well I just got back from the feed store and got them new hay and some sweet PDZ dust cause we're allergic to the other stuff so I'm throwing that stuff out anyways
I think I'd get some different friends.

And did you mean your husband also smokes pot? I don't know that I would posting about my husband doing illegal activity if that's what you meant.
I don't think pot is poisoness. Your chins will be fine. It is less harmful than cigarette smoke, especially second hand. Just don't expose them anymore and they will not have any issues come from this at all. Don't worry, they are fine.