Ok, so i almost killed my friend

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well, i would have thought that my yelling and beating the crap out of him was what made thim not eat, only it happened so early in the morning and an hour after, they were playful and cudly, they just didnt eat. and also, they werent balanced as normal. harley likes to climb down from the second level door when i let him out and he did yesterday, but kind of stumbled. he didnt hurt himself as it is only an inch above the ground, but i felt bad and all i could think about was that cat that my friend had that ate that weed and got all retarded. i'm so glad they're ok!
EnslavedByNinjas - I am sorry, but I wasn't directing my comment toward you. It was a general comment, that there are members here that may be less committed to their animals and may expose them repeatedly to dangers, but it was in no means directed to you. Or to Megan. I guess I didn't make that clear at all. Again, please don't take offense, my comment wasn't intended to offend or to blame. I am sorry.

The real point to this thread, is the well-being of Megan's chin. I am so happy to hear that, at this point, he looks like he'll be just fine. Megan, you are a good chin momma and you did the right thing to protect your baby. You should feel good about that. We all make mistakes and we learn from them. We become better people. I would just continue to keep an eye on your little guy for a few days, and if something concerns you, don't hesitate to call your vet. The vet (most of the time) has the best advice.

Sorry if I took that personally. It was because it was in response to ticklechin quoting me, rather than anything you said. So... I kinda took it personally when you didn't say anything to trigger that. Please accept my apology for the misunderstanding. :D I think it is fair to say that at least the vast majority of people on here do care about their pets. Some to the point of obsession. *cough* :dance3: I agree wholeheartedly that we are all on here talking about these subjects because we DO care. It's so much easier and less time consuming to put a chin in a small plastic cage with the kaytee chin new owner kit of stuff and assume it's the right thing to do. So whilst I kinda took offense, I did agree with you. :thumbsup:


That explains it. I didn't realize there was another reason that you were worried it was the smoke that affected them. I know the feeling of watching them do something weird and not knowing if it's just them being silly or something being wrong! The first few months are sooo stressful. They change their routine up just enough to keep you on edge. The first time Nibbler plopped down on his side I just about had a heart attack. If he just stumbled once I wouldn't worry at all. It might just be to chin-silliness. I'm glad to hear they're eating fine, and I have to agree they should be more than over it by now. They can be scary, especially in an emergency issue, but for the most part from what I can tell they are rather hardy animals. They're rodents, after all. Anyhow, I'm glad your wee tots are doing well. :D
well, i would have thought that my yelling and beating the crap out of him was what made thim not eat, only it happened so early in the morning and an hour after, they were playful and cudly, they just didnt eat. and also, they werent balanced as normal. harley likes to climb down from the second level door when i let him out and he did yesterday, but kind of stumbled. he didnt hurt himself as it is only an inch above the ground, but i felt bad and all i could think about was that cat that my friend had that ate that weed and got all retarded. i'm so glad they're ok!

I'm so glad to hear that they're doing okay too! :) You should seriously consider getting rid of this "friend," no person with half a brain would consider doing this to animals. Just another reason pot is illegal... many of the people who smoke it lack good judgment.
Can we keep this thread on topic please? This is not a forum of the discussion of pot and it's uses. I've already had to delete one post since it mainly discussed drugs rather than chins.

As an FYI, for anybody reading this and posting, posting about using different illegal drugs on an open forum is not the smartest move. Once it hits the internet, it's pretty much there forever. It's just not something that should be discussed here. It's the same reason we remove phone numbers when they are posted in open forum. It's just not a good idea.
My apologies for the post, tunes.
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Sorry for starting a debate about marijuana tunes, it wasn't my intention as I stated before. I was just worried about my boys and wanted to make sure they'd be ok. Also I didn't say anything about me doing illegal drugs. I just said that a friend (former) doing it and blowing it at my chins. I don't condone that at all in my life. I also said my husband smokes sometimes, but I clarified later that I meant cigarettes. Sorry for the confusion.
I am glad your babies are ok!

Having said that, I dont think "my friend" would have been walking straight if I had seen that. I think I would have given him the beat down of a lifetime. It is disrespectful at the least and it is abuse. I really hope he is not allowed into your house anymore.
yeah, no one has to worry about him being allowed in my house or anywhere near me. if he can do that to an animal, immagine what he would do to a crying infant. my boys have been fine sice and thank you all for your input and support. i dont know what i'd do without you all and this site!
Wow, I'm sorry but it kind of made me laugh! As crazy and hyper as chinchillas are pot is the last thing they need. I'm sure they will be fine, it's just smoke from a plant, and I'm sure that they didn't inhale it(because in your post you mentioned he said they where bouncing around and barking at him) so they probably didnt like being around it in the first place!
Just make sure when your husband smokes cigarettes that he washes his hands well.

Good luck, and dont let that idiot mess with your babies again!