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She can have critical care as well as life line? I counted her pellets - took forever - but it went down so that must mean she ate some. How many times a day of critical care and how much?
Three droppings came out connected by a string of mucus like thingy. Umm anyway I want to say she ate more pellets; around 10 more are gone. She hasn't had any discharge since that day which is worrying me...Plus droppings are real small now. She's going back in tomorrow and I'll get some critical care then. The CC I have is old :(
Start feeding her as soon as you get the CC - the mucus means she is having gastric problems - She needs to eat right away. Give her gas drops also. Hopefully she won't need other meds for the gastric problems if you start force feeding her immediately. Mention the mucus in the stools to the vet and have the vet check her stomach for gastric problems
definitely get the infant gas drops. you can give 1 cc and see how she does. when you get the critical care make sue you get the apple bannana flavor. while you are waiting for the critical care, maybe you can grind up some of the pellets and add a very small amount of canned pumpkin or baby food squash. i add 1 TB for about 2-3 days of food, so just a little to make the consistancy a little more pudding like.
I gave her the CC and she inhaled it...She has one weird sense of taste! She's still taking Life Line. I gave her the life line right after the CC. At least that means she got a lot of water in her. She's still on Baytril and unfortunately I had to put her on a pain killer :(
She has been teeth grinding and such, so hopefully that will help. She said in the X-Ray part of her spine was probably damaged from the mucometra. So I thought she had pyometra but she has mucometra. She drank a little water on her own this morning which made me happy. I'm waiting to get in for the ultrasound to see if she has a cyst and will need to be spayed anyway. The vet also said her heart murmur was a 3 so we're gonna get that checked out with the ultrasound as well. And she peed on my lap at the vets lol. But yea she thinks that the CC and life line are nummy x3
I just hope everything goes okay. I can do homework when I'm freaking out.
/spins around in chair
I couldn't have less concentration! 8D

So..gas drops huh? Poor baby; more things to be shoved down her...
She was out for like 3 hours last night. She played a little, but over all she just wanted to sit on the couch and survey. I would put her back in and she'd throw a fit! So I just let her sit on the couch =/
Ok, so no spine problem just her being in a weird position. No more pain killer.
Might need a mild heart murmur medication. No cyst, so no surgery :D!
Umm..the mucometra is under control from the baytril, but the panacur she was given has gotten rid of her good protozoans. Her fat reserves are VERY low, but she's taking a good amount of CC. At the vets she took 8 ml from them. This feeding time I got her to take 6 ml, while she only took 4 ml last time. I keep getting CC on her though lol. It squirts out too fast even when I'm trying to be very careful. So, I'm supposed to give her as much CC and life line as she wants, but shes so depleted that the life line can't keep up. I guess if she still needs it then in two weeks she'll get some fecal transplant type of thing from the vet's healthy chinny. Mmm can you say poop smoothie? x_o
If her appetite is still not great, you need to continue to forcefeed her cc, and a lot more of it! She should probably be taking down at least 100ccs a day, more if she's a bigger gal. And is your vet absolutely sure she has a heart murmur? Chins have a unique heartbeat, and a vet who isn't very knowledgeable about it might mistake it as a heart murmur. Good luck with your baby and hope she gets better soon.
so sorry to hear this is happening. CC does have good probiotics, but maybe you could add more by sprinkling an acidophilus capsule into the mix? That way she might not have to get that "poop-smoothie" you mentioned.....

Are you monitoring her weight every day?
She weighs .44 kg
I'm feeding her CC every 8 hours. I'm trying to get at least 4 ml in her each time. This morning she took 6 ml of CC and 2 ml of life line at once :D
I'm thinking it's just too much food at once, so Ill split the CC and life line feeding times up by an hour or two. She's even eating on her own :) and drinking a little but then again there is a lot of water to be mixed with CC and life line
Now she doesn't want to eat the CC? If I hold her still force fer to eat it, then she eats like 1 ml at a force until she wiggles..sometimes not even 1 ml :( I don't understand why she hates it all of a sudden. I think I heard a weird sound come from her tummy when I was feeding her? Maybe something similar to a squeak.
Opps I guess I spaced out. I just noticed I didn't answer your guys questions. Yes, she's well adept in chinchillas and no I can't monitor her weight everyday. I don't have a scale and I have no clue where to get one? Her weight has finally stabilized though since the parasite was taken care of. I just don't understand why she thinks the CC is icky now =/ She is eating a nice amount of hay and pellets at night though. I saw her run back into the cage and eat lots :) But there is CC all over the room T-T On the my hair..on the sheets...on the carpet..that dropper has made me very mad. The CC is thickening in the dropper while I'm trying to give her it so then it refuses to squirt out then when it does it's everywhere. On me and her...poor thing has a messy face. She acts just fine and is getting into much trouble and acting more like herself now, but her droppings are still funny. They aren't one color and seem like there is maybe unprocessed food in it? It has some darker spots and lines through the droppings and another three droppings connected by some string like thing. I just don't understand why now the CC is nasty to her.
She was throwing bedding every which way having a tantrum Friday night.
Hmm I'd like her to be drinking more water than she is. Any ideas? I'd like her to drink on her own, but of course I'm trying to give her water through a dropper.
I gave her the CC and she inhaled it...She has one weird sense of taste! She's still taking Life Line. I gave her the life line right after the CC. At least that means she got a lot of water in her. She's still on Baytril and unfortunately I had to put her on a pain killer :(
She has been teeth grinding and such, so hopefully that will help. She said in the X-Ray part of her spine was probably damaged from the mucometra. So I thought she had pyometra but she has mucometra. She drank a little water on her own this morning which made me happy. I'm waiting to get in for the ultrasound to see if she has a cyst and will need to be spayed anyway. The vet also said her heart murmur was a 3 so we're gonna get that checked out with the ultrasound as well. And she peed on my lap at the vets lol. But yea she thinks that the CC and life line are nummy x3
I just hope everything goes okay. I can do homework when I'm freaking out.
/spins around in chair
I couldn't have less concentration! 8D

So..gas drops huh? Poor baby; more things to be shoved down her...
She was out for like 3 hours last night. She played a little, but over all she just wanted to sit on the couch and survey. I would put her back in and she'd throw a fit! So I just let her sit on the couch =/

What is mucometra? I dont think ive heard of that one........
Hope shes' doing ok :/

Wanted to add - I'd get a gram scale if I were you. I don't even have a clue what .44kg translates into as grams (I suppose I could look it up), but point being, kg is a much larger measure than grams, so it's not so easy to see small gains and losses in her weight. Before I found my good vet, I went to a vet that weighed in pounds... the first visit, my chin weighed 1.2 pounds, several visits later, it was somewhere between 1.0-1.1. They're like "oh it's only a 1/10 of a pound"... yeah but in grams that's a lot.

You can get an electronic food scale at Walmart for around $20 I think? the one I have from there measures in grams and ounces.

If she's not eating on her own, then usually the not-drinking goes along with that. When my chins have stopped eating, they always stop drinking as well, unfortunately. Giving water through a dropper is hard and time consuming, not to mention you can aspirate the chin. Ask your vet about getting her a shot of sub-q fluids. For one chin we had, the (good) vet sent me home with an iv bag of fluids and several syringes and needles so I could give her the shots myself and not have to take her in there to get the shots to keep her hydrated.

Good luck!!
LOL I'd like to add first that I heard her jump up the wall and slide down. I don't know what shes trying to accomplish by climbing up the wall like spiderman but whatever. I'll go to Walmart tomorrow then :)
She's actually eating fine, but I'm not sure if the water in Life Line and CC is making her full of water or not. I'm shoving her in a corner and she has no choice to eat, but, I'm worried since the dropper is getting hard to squirt that I'm going to choke her. :|
I wish I could add life line or apple juice to her water. She's just being stubborn. I guess I'll take her for fluids again tomorrow. She got some last Saturday. How would you give a chinchilla an IV? i mean with that much struggling I'd think bad things would happen. I can't roll her to make her stop moving for the life of me!
She got some last Saturday. How would you give a chinchilla an IV? i mean with that much struggling I'd think bad things would happen. I can't roll her to make her stop moving for the life of me!
Well, it's not an IV like we think of with the tube sticking out of your arm... it's like... The fluids the vet gives the chin for sub-q fluids is whatever concentration of fluids is in IV bags (or at least, the IV bag I got)... sodium something-or-other... so when the vet gave me the IV bag and the syringes/needles, I would just syringe the fluids out of the bag and then give her a shot of the fluids under her skin (sub-q), the same way the vet would do.

I want to note, I HATED doing that. It was never as easy for me to hold her still and give her her sub-q fluids by myself as it was for the vets (cause of course for them, she would hold perfectly still).

ETA: the bag is 0.9% Sodium Chloride. I just looked at it cause my vet told me to keep the empty bag around should they ever be closed and I had to go to an e-vet.

ETA: I'm not saying everyone in this world should attempt to give a chin sub-q fluids. I'm sure some people simply don't have the coordination or know-how to do it (my vet showed me, and this particular chin had had it done numerous times in front of me) and I'm sure in many situations it's best to let the vet do it. But in this case for me with this chin, she wasn't eating or drinking well, and she was consistently dehydrated even when she was eating the CC, so for us, it was the best option for me to learn to do it myself.
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All of a sudden I'm pretty sure there is blood in her urine! She just had an ultra sound and had no stone. What the heck is going on?!!?