Nala's Babys updated

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Feb 26, 2009
So these are my boys that were born very very tiny. Pee Wee was only 22 grams at birth. Kanevil was only 30 when he was born. They are now 7 weeks old! Still small but getting bigger and bigger every day.


This is Pee Wee. Has anyone ever seen fur like this?


This is Kanevil! He's a stinker.
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Lol i am going to keep him =] I wonder if anyone has ever had a kit have fur like that?
I remember as well, though I also don't remember who it was. :(

That is sooooo cute though. You better lock up his cage at night! :p
He was born and his fur was normal..then at about week 3 or so his hair started coming out. He only had a under coat, its starting to grow out but its curly lol
Yeah, there was someone who had a chin born like that, I think it does get less curly with age, but still definitely curly.

For show chins that would not be desirable fur.

From what I've read, the first Curly furred chin came about in 1963 in Minnesota on the Sakrison ranch. I think that there are some curly furred chins bred now in Germany, called Locken (which translates to curl I believe) Chinchillas. See if this link works, it's a google translation of a German page describing them. Some of the words obviously didn't translate well, but it's still interesting
Click on History of the Chinchilla Breeding Locke to get to the history part.

I find it interesting that they state that in 2007 they traded some for the Angora chins, so I wonder if they're now being bred in the US but aren't for sale?
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What did you feed them? I had kittens born years ago and they needed hand feeding, come to think of it it must have been 15 years ago because I fed them my son's formula-insert aww moment here- Anyway, they lost some of their fur, which I think may have been attributed to not being fed exactly what they needed. Other than that, they were fine.
And where are you in Illinois??
Guess you gotta use lots of dust - doesn't he retain it in the fur?
Down in central il. and they were just on mommas milk with some critical care for awhile. just normal hay and oxbow feed.