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Here is Spartan, my 2 year old Doberman.

Aw Sandi, I didn't know you have a pug!

We used to have a fawn pug, sadly she was put down a little over a year ago :(
I want to get another one someday..

This is her when she was older, as you can tell by the grey muzzle!

And this is just funny, this is when Lila and Maka met for the first time, look how small Lila is compared to Maka, and now Lila outweighs Maka

And now look at her! She's 65 lbs Maka is 45
Thanks Allison :))! We love our Buddy :heart: sooo much! We were very close to getting his brother who was fawn, but Buddy kept tugging at all of our pants cuff's as if he were telling us pick me, pick me! He is 2 and a half years old and he already has a grey muzzle! My girls love dressing him up in American Girl doll clothes, LOL! Here are just a few of him in his modeling days when he was a puppy. A doggie gear boutique had him modeling harnesses because he was so mellow and listened very well, even at 9 weeks old.



ETA: Allison, what kind of vests are Maka and Lila wearing, they are cute!
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Here are our three Bernese Mountain dogs Scout, Brandi and Soriya.

Brody, our Cocker Spaniel as a puppy and at about a year old.



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Yep Sandi, I made those for them! My grandma's basset hound has a jacket too that I made her for this past Christmas :D

I wish I had more pictures of our pug Princess on this computer but I don't, they're all on my old computer. My mom always dressed her up for halloween. One year she had a hawaiian shirt and skirt. And I put reindeer antlers on her for Christmas
I loved dressing her up!
Yep Sandi, I made those for them! My grandma's basset hound has a jacket too that I made her for this past Christmas :D

I wish I had more pictures of our pug Princess on this computer but I don't, they're all on my old computer. My mom always dressed her up for halloween. One year she had a hawaiian shirt and skirt. And I put reindeer antlers on her for Christmas
I loved dressing her up!

Do you make/sell the vests on your site? Do you make them for boys :D?

I love pugs, you are going to have to get those pics of Princess! We love dressing up our pug too, poor baby. I promise these will be the last pics of him!



and this is his winter outfit, I need a better vest/coat & some booties that stay on for him because sometimes when it's freezing out, he starts limping and then I have to carry him...
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Sandi! Don't apologize for posting so many pics, lol...I personally want more. That pug is just too darn cute! I want to give Buddy a hug!:hearts:

Everyone has such cute dogs! I read every post and I love reading the stories that come with the pups!

Susan~It's good to see all your dogs! I LOVE FIFI!!! She's so cute and I have a weakness for absent minded dogs, lol.

Here are my three pups. They each have stories of abandment/neglect/abuse and came in through the vet office I work at and I ended up taking them home.

Priscilla is the first. She's the 5lb yorkie and I got her when she was 8 weeks old. She's now my boyfriend's baby and spoiled rotten by him. He's 6'5" and was afraid he would step on her when she was a 2lb puppy so he ended up carrying her everywhere and he fell in love(he's never had a pet before).

as a puppy when she first came home. She's under 1 lb in this photo so you she's the size of a full grown chinchilla.


due to poor breeding her teeth don't line up correctly so her tongue sticks out...


And this is Prissy now...she gets a puppy cut!

This is my Border Collie, Fly.


This is my Pug, Ruby.


This is my Papillon, Star.


I had trouble resizing the pictures. I wanted the ones of Ruby and Star bigger but I couldn't do it. :impatient:
This is Luna, I got her when she was 4 months old. She's a wire hair dachshund mix...I'm going to have a DNA test done eventually to see what all she is. She's the calmest little thing and was abused before we got her. We think the people who abandoned her and her brother were thinking of keeping her for breeding(the brother was surrendered a week before her...we didn't even know she existed). She still to this day, if you say anything in a mean voice she squints and puts her head down like she's waiting for a blow. :(



And this is the newest addition. Ichabod! He was 7 months when I got him. He's a dachshund/chihuahua mix(his previous owner wanted a "designer" breed).

Cuteness overload! I love dogs, all of them. :)

Star looks like Fifi. :)

I love all your dogs. No one wants to read the giant gush that I would take me three thousand words to go through for all of them. Honestly, if I had my way, I'd have hundreds of dogs. There's that whole being one person with two hands thing that always gets in the way of what I want to do! (And the husband who would surely divorce me if I had even just slightly more animals....)

This is our new puppy, Biggby. (named after the coffee chain Biggby's Coffee) We adopted him from a local animal rescue. He is 12 weeks old & a pomeranian/chihuahua mix.

OK...Here's the deal. Should you ever tire of Biggby, he comes to live here, okay?

That is just such a cute dog! He reminds me of my Hossie...but he's fluffier and a little whiter. ;) I love the way he looks right into the camera for pictures. He's got to be such a good little dog. THAT LITTLE FACE!!! (Sorry...I love him...he's just so cute.)
Sandi, I did have them up on my Etsy site for a while, but I haven't put them back up since I like to do them custom for the dog. I can do boy ones too :))

For a pug sized one it'd probably be around $20. Lila and Maka's is lined with faux fur, but my grandma's was just lined with fleece. Or if you wanted it really warm I could do fleece and faux fur.

I'll get more pictures of Princess tonight. My old computer is a laptop so I'll turn it on and get some of her pictures off of there. It'd probably be a good idea anyways because if that old comp. crashes I'd be sad to loose all her pics..
OK...Here's the deal. Should you ever tire of Biggby, he comes to live here, okay?

That is just such a cute dog! He reminds me of my Hossie...but he's fluffier and a little whiter. ;) I love the way he looks right into the camera for pictures. He's got to be such a good little dog. THAT LITTLE FACE!!! (Sorry...I love him...he's just so cute.)

lol He is quite a sweet little boy...but don't be fooled by the cute face, he can be quite naughty as well. :))
Thanks Tabitha! We love our Buddy :heart:! I always wanted a yorkie and taking a look at your prescious Priscilla makes me want one real bad, she's a doll!

Carol, we need to get Buddy and Ruby together for a playdate! :thumbsup:

Allison, I'm going to be sending you a pm about you know what. ;)