Increase in feed prices?

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I'm honestly looking into rabbit feed these days. After my experience with Pen Pals I am hestitant to switch...I am finally enjoying the chins again. But a 3 hour trip @ 17.50 a bag + it going up even more isn't worth it.

I am toying with mixing the tradition with a rabbit feed to lower the costs. I have the horses/goats/fowl/poultry on Blue Seal, so I am back to leaning to them as my feed choice. I just want to take a closer look at the nut. information.
I just picked up 2 bags of Purina Chow show it is the same price $20.44 ea. I know that it will go up pretty soon. On hay I will know by Saturday if it went up or not.
I used to pay $14.50 for a 50 pound bag of PRCS. It's been going up a little here and there. I just picked up a bag on Monday and the price was over $19. I am definitely not looking forward to it going up even more.
It's going to get worse Sumiko. The sucky part is it will go up in price, the drought will eventually end, grain prices will come back down, but the price of our feed won't.
The hay is probably the biggest part of what is going to make the feed go up, possibly more so than the other ingredients. The biggest hay producing parts of the country are in a severe drought. Usually in SD we get third and fourth cuttings, good cuttings, of alfalfa. So far we've gotten two and there has been zero rain. I don't think there is going to be a third, let alone a fourth. Hay per bale (small bales) has gone from $5.00 a bale to $10 and up. It's just going to be a nightmare for anyone with animals, from pet to livestock.

If you check CL around my area, the brokers are going insane trying to snatch up every bit of hay they can get their hands on. Farmers who have stuff from 2, 3, or more years ago are selling it at premium prices, as thought it was fresh from the barn. I know older hay can still be good, but I'm not going to pay new hay price for it. Once the brokers buy everybody out, they charge double to triple for the same hay in other parts of the country, and the local people can't even buy hay because it's all gone.
That's one thing we have going for us. This years hay is $3-5 per bale, last years $2-2.5. It only went up about .50 cents.

It's just funny that the small animal feeds are climbing by dollars at a time, yet here my horse feed has went up a few cents only. If they can keep their costs down, and not sky rocket just yet... Why can't the small animal feeds?
Megan, a bunch of us had issues on PenPals, after PenPals I was on MannaPro with no problems. I then switched to custom milled, but even before the drought hit, it was up to almost $20 a bag. Now that I'm not getting a ton at a time, I'm going to go to Nutrena. I've tried it in the past with good luck.

I'd stock up on feed and hay, we are for the horses before it totally jumps this fall.
Manna pro was 13 a bag, now its 20! And hay prices are just out of control. Hay is normally 2-3 a small bale, now its up to 5+. I've been stocking up so I dnt have to pay the higher prices later this winter.
Just bought 75 pounds of Mazuri. Same price as it was in May. However I think I will feel the $1 to $2 a bag increase in the future. ( I base this on my mill date of July ) The farm and feed store owner I purchase from recently attended a meeting in Nashville with Purina. Purina is not certain what is in store for them. Seems there is a shortage of some ingredients. ( due to the drought )

This same store just increased most of their other feeds by $1 to $2 a bag. I'm sure my hay bale price will increase. I buy that at a different store.
I'm just in the process of going from shipping Oxbow to PCSR...which happens to be at a small feed store only 2 miles from my house...spoke to the owner, she said she always keeps it in stock, I paid just over $16 for 50 lbs... I'm EXREMELY happy and starting to mix it into their food now.... Not to mention supporting a local business woman **super bonus**
I've been purchasing Tradition for a little over a year now and it's stayed the same price for me... $17.99 plus tax for a 50 lb. bag.