I don't love...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I don't love seventh graders that yell at me then throw up on the floor of my classroom...

... or clowns... I HATE clowns...
I don't love seventh graders that yell at me then throw up on the floor of my classroom...

... or clowns... I HATE clowns...

Does anyone like clowns??

I don't love the people who feel it is necessary to turn the bass up on their cars so all you hear is the BOOM BOOM BOOM as they drive by. Gives me a freakin headache.
I don't love people who can't drive in one lane but feel the need to take up two.

I also don't love people who think the world owe them something because they are miserable people who can't figure out how to be happy with what they've got.
I don't love feeling miserable all week and being diagnosed with bronchitis and asthma exacerbation finally today. All because my patient's family got a new dog against medical advice (the patient has breathing problems). Yay for inhalers :/
I don't like the smell of food cooking after I've gone to bed. I don't like honkers or people who tailgate on the expressway. I don't like hearing people curse in public. I don't like know-it-alls who just talk out of their ear.

Eeks, I just realized it can be dangerous to think too much about things I don't like...lol
I don't like when a mother glares at me because her child heard a cuss word from me. If you want to shelter your kid that badly...stay home.

I don't like losing baby chinchillas. This makes for an aweful day and much irritability and depression.

I don't like getting speeding tickets.
I don't like Bubble Gum, you chew it and it all disintegrates in your mouth. Bleh..
I don't love people that get animals and then won't/can't afford vet care for them. There have been several postings on my local CL of someone with a litter of puppies with parvo. They have all been dying off one by one and they keep posting for home remedies for parvo because they don't want to pay for vet care.

That always makes me so mad that people do that. There is always a way to find an animal adequate care, no matter what. I don't care how poor anyone is because I've been there and I always made things work.

And, breakfast food hatred? You all don't like pancakes or biscuits or waffles? The only thing I don't really like are eggs, ham and sausages...they make me feel sick when I eat them and/or break out in hives. But, the muffins and pastries and other deliciousness...I love breakfast. :p

Right now I don't love chinchilla fur under my contact lens...owww...
I don't love my roommate's unwillingness to take basic precautions to avoid getting herself, and me sick. I suggest she wash her hands (something she doesn't do after, say, using the bathroom), she replies "I wash my hands every day." Yeah, like once a day is going to be enough. This is the second time she's gotten sick in the two weeks we've been here, and the first time she's gotten me sick. I'm stressed enough about school without getting sick :hair: