How stupid can you be?

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I have tears rolling down my face from laughing.

Kody says - Mom, what's break wind? He was pretty grossed out when I told him. :)
ROFLMAO!!!! I knew animal rights activists were stupid but honestly...I wouldn't go near a big group of motorcycle enthusiasts!

Poor Kody, lol
This was too funny not to share so I showed this to Barry, he could not stop laughing (me neither) and because he has a sinus infection, he got into a serious coughing attack and almost fell off his chair! So I had to laugh at that as well! Thanks Peggy!
I'm a biker chick (well sort of) I ride a 06 Suzuki Bolevard 800cc, but I am a lone wolf. I just ride by myself or with my son, and I don't fight
LOL You'd probably still be able to beat me up! :D

You aren't a "biker" biker... Those people can be scary, but they can also be very nice. The scary biker guys are always nice to me...but then again I don't go telling them not to wear leather.

And, me on a motorcycle would equal instant giant accident. I'm not very coordinated, so I think it's great that you can ride one by yourself! Shhhh...don't tell anyone, the only time I was on a motorcycle someone else was driving and I was on back. I think I screamed like an idiot the whole time until he just had to turn around and take me back. See what I wuss I am?
Yeah, that's how my husband is. He can't stay up on a bike for more than a minute. Are there any other dirt/street bike people on here?
I'm at a loss for words. ( laughing ) Perhaps I'll see them at Sturgis this year. :hilarious: I'll be going to Sturgis but WON'T be staying there. Even I have my limits. Lucky for them they didn't anger the 1 percenters. Looks like they met the good ole boys instead. Idiots.............
:biglaugh: Ha!!!!!!!! That's about all I have to say.

". . . something went horribly, horribly, wrong. . . " DUH!

That pic gives new meaning to the term "tree hugger!"