Chinnie Bag!

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Jax Chinchilla Rescue
Jan 29, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So my sewing skills are..well...crap. I have had a sewing machine for over two years and only used it once to fix hubby's pants. Well, I broke it out tonight and decided I wanted to try my hand at actually making something. I kept seeing these chinnie bags everywhere and really wanted one. So, I grabbed some scrap fleece and bam! Chinnie Bag! It actually came out better than I thought, though it's far from perfect.

Just wanted to share in my triumph. Haha.


I made the strap a bit too long hence the knot.

Chinnie in a bag.


Surprisingly, all the chins actually really, really liked it. Even my spastic guy let me carry him around for awhile before demanding to be put down.
I honestly wonder if the chins don't mind the bags because it has the same effect covering their head can have. When I have to pick up my girls that aren't too keen on being caught, I place a fleece square over them so they don't see me coming and don't stress out, and I can catch them easily, and hold them relatively calmly as well when they're still covered.

So since they can't see much, they don't freak out. Kind of like how most animals react to having their head covered.
Well, I let them come out of the bag when they want, and even then 2 out of 3 went back into the bag on their own. -shrug- The world may never know. :p
Thats soo cute! It would be nice if mine would behave so I could carry them around with me. Lol.
That's really cute and I love the bag. Edgar will stay on us while we will take him for a walk around the house. I think I will have to make one of those for him too.
I would love the chinnie in a bag please! I think this turned out great. My birthday is Feb 12th in case you were wondering!
I have a wing nut style coop cup holder about 8in across, I cut out a large circle of fleece and used a strip of fleece to "sew" it on. So now they have a fleece chinny pouch bolted to the side of their cage. They are loving it!
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It's strange how many of them love the bag immediately, isn't it? The pouches are my most special secret for handling chins and taming down rescues. If I didn't have them, there is no way I could hold everyone like I do. :D Dawnna, of Chocolate Chinchillas, introduced them to me years ago...she's so awesome. :)

A friend of mine made me a bunch more pouches and gave them to me yesterday (because she is beyond awesome)...I could potentially hold maybe 20 chins at a time! I need more shoulder space!!! Or, get a helper.... :)
You should put on all those chins and then weigh yourself. I'm interested to see how many lbs. you gain. Haha.
Congrats on the bag!! We've had a couple that enjoyed riding in the pouch of a hoodie. Maybe I'll get crafty and try making a bag. Are the chins able to jump out on their own if they're getting too hot, or do they just start squirming and fussing to let you know they've had enough?
I check on them throughout the ride. :p I feel their ears, and if they feel warm I let them out. Roxas didn't want to leave though. I put the bag on the floor and he stayed. I poked him in the rump from outside the bag and he just barked and stayed. Apparently he likes the bag. :p
I check on them throughout the ride. :p I feel their ears, and if they feel warm I let them out. Roxas didn't want to leave though. I put the bag on the floor and he stayed. I poked him in the rump from outside the bag and he just barked and stayed. Apparently he likes the bag. :p

That's great to hear! I won't even attempt to make one, but yours looks great!
LOL Yeah...they like to stay in and get mad when removed. Saffron does that to me all the time because she's out of her little mind, such an assertive little chinchilla.

If the chins get hot here, they seem to poke their heads out and want to get out. There's nothing holding them in - no zipper or closure of any type. They don't seem to get too warm though - it's just like their little hammocks and tubes that are lined with fleece. They're just hanging out in there with very little they don't get too warm in a hurry.
Uh oh.. now they're going to demand to go shopping with you! "More raisins! More raisins! Get the BIG box this time."
that is really cool. i think at least one or two of my guys might like this. i know my richie would, he always wants me to hold him. i was going to bust out my sewing machine that i got at a yard sale for 5 bucks and try my hand at a fleece liner, maybe i will try a bag too!