Back Pain - Any remedies?

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I lost my job back in September. I haven't had health insurance in 3 years though (when I lost the best job ever), nor have I went to the doctor since then. Crysta is right, I'm not eligible for medicaid as I've been down that road before since my husband is disabled. My part time jobs can't pay for health insurance right now, as all of my money gets put into my animals, as they're my priority. I'm not hurting for money or anything, it's just that I don't see putting thousands into medical bills of my own when I can deal with the back pain, it's just annoying. Considering the majority of my family has back problems and has found no relief over the years, I just kinda blow doctors off.
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My friend's husband has back and hip problems and his chiropractor suggested weight loss and exersizes to strengthen his core. They joined some online weight loss community (I think it was free), have changed the way they eat (YOU on a Diet - no sugar, no enriched bleached flour, smaller portions, etc.), bought a cheap used treadmill, got a Wii Fit, and are now starting pilates. She lost over 50 lbs. in the first year and he lost around 75 lbs.

He was seeing the chiropractor 2 to 3 times a week in the beginning, and now hasn't had to go in at least 8 or 9 months.
I find sewing is very hard on my back, spine and shoulders. It's the position spent for long periods of time. Try moving around a lot, change chair height and position. Nothing much worked for me but I have 99% less pain now that I'm not sewing at the moment.
I had similar issues and at some point could not sit longer than 10 minutes at a time (very problematic when you're a grad student!)- this lasted for over a year and drained all my energy. I was shuffled by doctors, chiro did nothing for me and I was becoming depressed because of the pain and irritability. I could no longer exercise... until a physiotherapist/osteopath (she was trained in both techniques) saved my life three years ago! I was in physiotherapy for 6 months (at first twice weekly, then once every two weeks), with lots of stretches in between she had taught me. It's been 3 years and I have not had another major flare-up.
I would suggest finding a good physiotherapist (not chiro) and taking all relevant X-rays and scans to them.
Best of luck!
I will second the physiotherapist suggestion, the inversion table, and the core strengthening exercises and raise you a well trained massage therapist! Probably wouldn't hurt to try craniosacral therapy (very light pressure, don't have to take your clothes off or anything) which is a very unintrusive therapy focus on the spinal column and nervous system (cranio = head, sacral = "tail").

In the meantime you can try a warm compress when it gets really bad, ice if feels inflamed or swollen. Try to stretch it out gently whenever possible (cat and cow poses work great for this
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Have you tried sitting in a warm bath to loosen muscles? That works for me.

Also I have a grandmother that has chronic leg and back pain and she finds relief in my parents salt water pool. We put the heater on a bit for her too and it helps. I dont know how close you are to a beach or if you know anyone with a salt water pool but if its not difficult to get to either one you might want to give it a try.
My husband has arthritis of the spine in the same area you have spinal stenosis. It was recommended that he use a coccyx cushion in his chairs/car to help relieve the pressure (which leads to pain) sitting puts on the lower spine. It has helped him so maybe one would help you too.

The type of cushion he has is a square seat pad with a u-shape wedge cut out on one side. The cut out side goes to the back of the chair so when he sits the tailbone is above the cut out and doesn't make contact with the chair.
I saw an infomercial recently for a back pain device. You lay on the floor and put your legs up in this machine and it gently lifts your legs at the knees, which is supposed to massage your lower back and help decompress the tissue and vertebrae. The "testimonials" sounded great and the concept seems sound.. But it's $200..
Tiffany - this sounds really weird, but it helps me. Make sure to always sleep on your back. :) I have some pretty serious problems with my back because of a car wreck I had a few years ago but also because of bad muscle tightness from my adrenaline/anxiety issue. I sleep on my back and that helps a great deal. Also, I try to pull my shoulders straight back whenever I feel any pain - that can be difficult because of the tight muscles. (That whole animal control thing a few weeks ago tightened up my muscles so much that I couldn't walk straight or stand up straight for days...ugggg...thank you anonymous tipster, great job on causing me serious pain and wasting everyone's time.)

I'll let you know if I figure anything else out. I want to be able to stand up straight and not be in serious pain or just not be able to move at all. I'm thinking of acupuncture as a possible way to alleviate all that tension my muscles...supposedly it's good for anxiety. I really don't want to have to take drugs for it...muscle relaxers would probably just make me more loopy than normal. ;)
That's a big issue of mine, I sleep on my stomach or my side. It hurts to lay on my back straight, so I have to lay at some angle. I thought about getting a better mattress, but every mattress I've laid on in stores really hurts. I'm comfortable with my broke in mattress lol.

Also, muscle rubs don't help my pain. It's not a muscle issue, and whatever is going on with the top of my back now isn't muscle related from what I can tell because I've tried 3 different types of muscle rubs as well as one my husband's lidoderm patches just to see if it would numb the area.

My uncle just started hydrotherapy for his back pain and he told me it's helping him so much, but it's also $550 twice a week (thankfully he has insurance). So maybe I'll invest in a hot tub or something. I'd have to take over the fleece room though, hehe.
I do know that I've been in pain many times after visiting the chiropractor, and I've asked him about it, and he said mainly it's because my bones are in line where they are supposed to be instead of where they think they should be, so I'm in pain because they think they're out of whack.

I'm also a side and stomach sleeper, for the same reasons as you. Have you ever thought about a sleep number bed? When you go in, they measure your number, and map out your pressure points to determine where your pressure points are, and then adjust your number that way. That was the only bed I've ever laid on on my back without feeling pain and it being uncomfortable, because it was adjusted to me. You can change the number too if you think you need a harder or softer mattress. And it has 2 sides, so a partner can have their own number. And all parts of them are replaceable, so essentially, you'll never need to buy another bed again, because if any part breaks, you can get a new one! They're more expensive than a traditional mattress, but trust me, they're amazing!
I have seen Osteopathic Doctors help those with major back pain, I have worked with them in the past and it was very helpful. Inversion also has helped me.