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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. missyjre

    Wood, drilled or whole? Sticks or other?

    My girls seem to prefer smaller random pieces to actual sticks. I generally have both but they'll dig through the sticks to find the smaller pieces then go back for the sticks once they're all gone. I think it's probably because the shorter, smaller pieces are easier to drag all over the cage. lol
  2. missyjre

    What type of hay does your chinchilla like most?

    Like the majority of people that have posted. I use oxbow timothy. I've tried others and my girls either didn't eat it at all or didn't eat much. I buy it from Drs.Foster and Smith. Like 60 ish dollars for the 50 lb box and free shipping. I found that when I bought the smaller quantities the...
  3. missyjre

    I want to see your mosaics

    Here's my mosaic girl.
  4. missyjre

    Two chins chasing eachother like crazy

    The is a cut out. I'm sure some people do it different ways for me I just turned my pan around so the cut out on the pan was at the side of the cage where there was no through hole and put a chiller under where the pan cut out was so noone could be reachin through and losing toes. It's that...
  5. missyjre

    It should be funny

    LoL I find most craigslist adds terribly depressing! There was someone on the St.Louis one the other day who wanted to get paid for Volunteering to be foster for rescue dogs. It was funny ... and sad
  6. missyjre

    Good water bottle that doesn't leak?

    I would suggest considering the Valve type bottles. It did take my girls a bit to learn how to use them properly but now they use the valve bottles exclusively and i have NO MORE DRIPS!
  7. missyjre

    Zippers on fleece liner

    Mine are the pillowcase style as well and I have a girl that used to dig under and chew. I just put a few binder clips on the edge of the pan holding the liner in place at the end where it folds under.
  8. missyjre

    3 story FN

    The wheels on the bottom of the cage without the storage shelf!!! Why didn't I think of that!
  9. missyjre

    3 story FN

    I had my FN with all three levels for a while to save space as we live in an apartment and I had two girls that lived in the top level and three girls that lived in the bottom two it was a NIGHTMARE to clean. That cage is HUGE and super tall with the add on! to clean the top shelves in the back...
  10. missyjre

    four chords in "every" song

    That \m/Rocks\m/!!
  11. missyjre

    New BDB!

    Spoiler Alert again!!! Yeah I enjoyed it. It was much much better than the last book. I know alot of people are hoping that Quinn and Blay get their own book. I really don't want that I'm hoping they mix Quinn and Blay with someone else. I just feel like it's been dragged along too much...
  12. missyjre

    New BDB!

    I listen to the audiobooks because I have the freetime at work to keep my brain busy while my hands work. I enjoyed it... it made me cry a lil and I'm anxious to see who everyone thinks the next book will be about.
  13. missyjre

    New BDB!

    Well! I'll do it then! Surely someone has read Lover Reborn by now?! How's everyone feeling about it?
  14. missyjre

    Loud silver surfer in a fn?

    I replaced the small washer with a larger one as well and I also took a small scrap of fleece folded it a few times and wedged it under those two little tab things that go over the bars and both my wheels are completely silent now. I get a little noise just from the cage shaking a bit when...
  15. missyjre

    The Walking Dead

    I'm quite suprised Shane made it this long actually. My boyfriend reads the comics so I knew a long time ago that he would die off. And it actually should have been much sooner. That episode was AMAZING by the way. I am super excited about next week!
  16. missyjre

    Have you owned a chin with Malo or another genetic defect?

    I have a girl that is a "dwarf" guess that counts as genetic. And I have a girl that was just recently diagnosed with Malo and she's also a stress fur chewer.
  17. missyjre

    Why get a wheel at all?

    They need at least that first 6 months to grow. You want them to conserve as many of the calories they take in as possible! I have one girl that is really small so I didn't give her a wheel until she was about 10 months old because I felt she needed that extra time.
  18. missyjre

    Betta Fish

    I have 5 female and one male in a 29 gallon they've been in it for a while they lived in a 10 gallon together that I got from a coworker they were already stocked in there. But they do all live peacefully. That male though is a complete pushover and doesn't even flare at his own reflection...
  19. missyjre

    Cages colors?

    I always match my pets decor to the room that they are in. They don't care if their boys in pink or girls in blue just that they have things to play with and cuddle up in. I can't stand for stuff to not match. I think do what suits you best!
  20. missyjre

    Guinea Pig Help~

    my pigs chew the same wood my chins chew. They tend to prefer fruit wood and they dont' even just chew the bark off! They actually chew the wood!! Lol Here's a great video for nail trimming I use regular people clippers like the person in the video does...