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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. 2chins1planet

    New baby :) pics and a question!

    that little dark face though:D
  2. 2chins1planet

    Happy Vday

    Happy Vday Chins n Hedgies, from Buttons :heart3:
  3. 2chins1planet

    Might get another chin.....

    Yeah what they said, i mean you buy their animal and you're technically supporting the company and saying you like them having chinchillas, and then the whole new one introduced to a pair doesn't always if usually doesn't work. If anything it is sad but there are a lot of pet stores i know of 5...
  4. 2chins1planet

    off to pick up chins

    Exciting, should post pictures when you get them all settled in! i too got myn from cuddlebugs @myzarandgemma as soon as i found out info, rescue adults but great personalities (:
  5. 2chins1planet

    Countdown Started!

    wow lucky you that is a gorgeous chinchilla indeed!
  6. 2chins1planet

    A little rant....

    yeah i have to drive a little bit to find a store that sells food healthy and good for my chins but its worth it giving them the good stuff. on a side note maybe teach the brats a little lesson before you're 18? *.* or set them up since taking mail is a federal offense? at least here it is i...
  7. 2chins1planet

    possible chin nightmares :(

    i always wondered this too (my girls do this), nice to find the topic and see what others have to say
  8. 2chins1planet

    Made new toys/shelves with hay holders!

    That sure is a lot of goodies for them, bet they loose track and think the toys are moving around haha!
  9. 2chins1planet

    Website for school project

    Yeah, it depends on the website owners. I personally would only mind it if someone took a photo and tried to take credit or something of that nature. But if they're an active site and you email them im sure they wouldn't mind at all if you credit them properly.(i say active just so you know they...
  10. 2chins1planet

    Sleeping on Side?

    yup, both of mine do it on the ledges and in the tubes. at first i was worried but i came to know they just do that. and then i also came across a topic after searching it much like this one and it assured me they were just comfortable with their surroundings now =)
  11. 2chins1planet

    Almost bad experience.. water bottle not working!

    yeah like chinmama said, i usually find it working best if i practically fill it to the rim. i dont know the science of physics to the whole thing but im guessing it creates a better pressure and suction to keep water in. because i filled it up somewhat low one time and i noticed it leaked...
  12. 2chins1planet

    Almost bad experience.. water bottle not working!

    Well that's too bad if the chin didn't have water, i refill my bottle daily so i can always check. Did it just not hold the water pressure or what made it malfunction? because in that picture is basically what myn is (same design anyways).
  13. 2chins1planet

    Show Off Your Critter Nations!

    very nice setup. that would be awesome having open walls, im sure theyll love that =)
  14. 2chins1planet

    water bottle dilema

    i had a plastic one for about a day just because it was all i could find to buy, then they chewed on it and i switched to glass, and no problems it works great so far!
  15. 2chins1planet

    Thought i should say hi.

    thanks everyone for the welcomes, and the shiny sparkly one myzarandgemma :)
  16. 2013 01 30 21.12.07

    2013 01 30 21.12.07

  17. Buttons and Zipper

    Buttons and Zipper

  18. 2chins1planet

    Lost Baby Chinchilla

    yeah same thing guess your reply wasn't fast enough to be approved, im sorry for the loss that's terrible hope you can figure a way to keep that from happening :/
  19. 2chins1planet

    Cuddling chins?

    okay well thats good im glad they are very content with eachother, makes me think they they arent lonley for the times that im not home, but even then i know family comes by and talks to them offten. heres a picture, wish i could get one of them in their tube, i mean its a big tube but they are...