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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. R


    My little Onyx will come up to the cage bars, stick his nose through and when I come up to nose kiss him, he lunges foward and back with a little hiss. What is all that about? He will do it 3 or 4 times in a row. Is he trying to scare me off? The little toot! Sheri
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    I Am

    For anyone that has experienced child abuse, addictions, cancer or troubles in life, I have done a video series. It is the story of my life. This is very serious and very emotional. I was compelled to share this with the world. It is in several parts as YouTube has a size limit. I hope you...
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    Chinnie Playtime!

    My boys LOVE there new playhouse from Christine! It arrived in the mail yesterday and they were able to have playtime last evening. By the way four new boys were brought home when I got to visit Susan at AZ Chins. The white one is Quartz, the beige is Caliche, the dark grey is Psilo, and...
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    Fleece Odor

    I have a strong urine odor coming from Izzy & Ozzy's cage. I have washed the fleece, changed the beddding, scrubbed the tray. Still an odor that seems to be coming from the fleece. What do you use to wash them in. Any suggestions. I do not see urine stains on the wood shelves. Not sure...
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    It's a girl!

    Izzy and Ozzy are in the care of my husband and I just had to share this with you all! My second grandchild, Hensley, was born yesterday at 9:58am, 7lbs 1 oz, 19 1/2" long. After booking my flight to Texas, to help with my sick grandson, I called and talked to my son. I explained what was...
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    More FEETS !!

    Izzy & Ozzy had 15 minutes outside play. Here they are in thier cage napping. This has to be a 10 on the cuteness chart! Izzy & Ozzy feets!
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    Meet Ozzy, a saved Chin!

    As most of you know the first chin I bought from the lady here in Wickenburg, AZ died within 12 hours. She was way to young to have been taken from her mama and also had a really bad cold. I returned to the lady (she also has a small pet shop) with a credit for the vet bill and recieved Izzy...
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    Hay & Fleece

    I cleaned out the bedding in Izzy's cage and replaced it with fleece. I put a small glass pie dish in the corner with bedding in it. The problem I am having is that Izzy throws all of his hay out of his bin and onto the bottom fleece. Not doing much good having a fleece covered bottom that is...
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    Ok, I know I have asked this before but I have to go to Texas next week to help my daughter. Can I get a smaller cage and keep Izzy in it on the road and while I am there? It is approx an 11 hour drive one way. The cage would have most of his toys and fleece in it. I have a surburban and he...
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    More Izzy Pics!

    More pics of my adorable little boy!
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    Izzy feets!

    Izzy was sleeping on his side in his tube when I snapped this picture. In one of the photos you can actually see his little feets!! I love my 'Busy Izzy'
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    Izzy questions again!

    Just to let you know that Izzy's soft poo's cleared up. I followed the advice of am member. She told me to take him off treats and pellets, only give him hay and water. It took about 6 days but it worked! He is back to normal. Now for the questions :hmm: 1) How much food (pellets) do you...
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    Softer poo's

    Since Izzy got out last week, his poo pellets seem to be softer. Before they were solid, none when he steps on some of them, they squish. Is this normal?
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    Woke up this morning around 6:15am to hear something munching under the bed. We live in an older home and have mice that get in every once and awhile, the rats usually stay outside! I knew Izzy's cage was closed, heard him jumping in his cage and he has NEVER got out so that was not a concern...
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    What kinds of hay can a chin have? Only Timothy hay?
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    Where is a chins favorite spot to be scratched? I have tried on the side under Izzy's ears.......he seems to like it for a few seconds. What is your experience? Also, I bought rose hips for Izzy and he doesn't like them. He LOVES the papaya pieces (purchased from AzChins) and the mini...
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    Izzy's Cage Redo

    Ordered supplies, treats and food from AZChins, wood house and toys from Twilight Chinchillas and the complete fleece set from Shooper. I could not be happier with everything and Izzy LOVES his new cage! I posted a ton of pics on my facebook page.......(be sure to mention this board to become...
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    What are you guys using for playpens? I read a lot about the Ware pop up. What are your opinions? I do not have a room available to chin proof. Sheri
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    Izzy Questions

    Izzy won't get in his straw house. He sleeps in the corner of the middle shelf of his cage. Is this normal? It is the front corner that is open, not in the back dark corner. How much is to much as far as toys go? I am not sure how much to put in his cage. He has a really big cage. I put a...
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    I do not see mesquite wood mentioned anywhere. Is that a safe wood for a chin? Has anybody ever given it to their chin?