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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Cinder and Me

    Appropriate cage?

    Yup, ditto with taking out the plastic wheel and igloo. To be totally honest, and yes I spoil my pets, that cage looks to be a bit small. My "small" cage that I keep Taz in right now since he's a baby is 36"x24"18". His normal cage when he gets a bit older is 48"x36"x24". Maybe you can add...
  2. Cinder and Me


    Most people do not give any raisins at all. There are a ton of other good treats that are safer and not controversial. I will admit that very early on (~9 years ago) I gave a raisin here and there. But I never did it after learning the possible issues with bloat and other illnesses. Go with...
  3. Cinder and Me

    6 and counting

    Oooh, ok. Thanks!
  4. Cinder and Me

    6 and counting

    Very cute photos!!! I'm not familiar with hedgies - when they give birth, do the babies have spines?? Looks painful.
  5. Cinder and Me

    Elevated Liver Enzymes

    What else are you feeding her? What type of food and hay? Did they do a blood test - did anything else seem elevated/low? So sorry your little girl isn't feeling well. I wouldn't give any more fresh fruits or vegetables though - they shouldn't be having any anyways.
  6. Cinder and Me

    OMG Some people

    Wow. Who does that? I wouldn't do that to any animal!
  7. Cinder and Me

    My Mom & Uncle Keeps Releasing Chinchilla help??

    Yup, lock the cage. That's very frustrating...
  8. Cinder and Me

    Chinchilla Acting Strange

    I have a light on a timer for Taz and then in the living room for my dogs. I just feel bad if they're in total darkness until I get home. I have heard that between 3-8months of age, chins go through a maturity/growing phase. He could just be acting like a moody teenager. With the time...
  9. Cinder and Me

    Chinchilla and Winter

    They typically don't chew fleece, and if they do it shouldn't be an issue. Fleece, out of all materials, has been chosen since it doesn't get stringy and wouldn't cause an intestinal blockage. If your chin just sits there and eats its (actually ingests it) then I'd remove it. If you're really...
  10. Cinder and Me

    Perianal mass

    Oh no! I'm so sorry about your loss. You did everything you could and he knew that. Have you spoken to the vet about him? <hugs>
  11. Cinder and Me

    Am I really doing this wrong!?

    Nope, not worth the risk when there are sooooo many other alternatives for treats. I will not be giving any fruit (dehydrated or not) to my fluff-butt. ETA- just realized this was an old thread. haha
  12. Cinder and Me

    Perianal mass

    Hope he's doing ok!! Did the vet say what the mass was?
  13. Cinder and Me

    RIP Hera

    I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
  14. Cinder and Me

    Table saw or Miter Saw?

    Thanks Greychins!
  15. Cinder and Me


    Thanks you guys! Those are nice, cheap play toys to give them! :))
  16. Cinder and Me


    Just a quick question. I've thought about giving cereal boxes, oatmeal tubes or toilet paper/paper towel rolls but I wasn't sure if that was ok. If cardboard is ok, great! But what about the paint on the outside of the cereal and oatmeal containers? Thanks!! :))
  17. Cinder and Me

    Convincing Parents

    And to piggyback on to what the PP said.....most dorms don't have AC. We had a heater, but no AC. :( What are your plans for when you to go college? Would you leave your chin with your parents or were you planning on taking him/her with you?
  18. Cinder and Me

    Convincing Parents

    Well, then zot! zot! zot! :tease: My hubby received his molecular bio/bio chem degree at UCI and I got my earth and environmental science from there too. Great school! Luckily I've never had to take my last chin or my current one to a vet. But if I did, the two you mentioned are on my list as...
  19. Cinder and Me

    Convincing Parents

    I opened your ppp - are you also a fellow Anteater?? I graduated from UCI in 2005. :dance3: Btw, nice ppp. I read through the whole thing. Are those vets familiar with chins?
  20. Cinder and Me

    Convincing Parents

    The biggest difference between chins and most other animals is that they need cooler temperatures - and this is precisely the reason a lot of people/parents say "No!" to owning them. They don't want to keep their AC running because its expensive. One way to approach that "issue" is to ask for a...