Best temperment by color

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So, I've talked to a two breeders here intown and there has been mention of it about here. But I was wondering:

What color/mutation has the best temperment?


Where does your opinion stem from?

Sorry I forgot some... it was a passing thought.
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I'm not sure I can define best temperment. There is cuddly, goofy, fiesty, funny, hammy, um what else? I love all their temperments, even the jerky boy.
I've found beige to be the most friendly and trusting, with the white ebony a close second!
Have also found white violets to be on the other end of the list - terrible, and worse as they get older!
My mosaic male is my sweetest baby boy, and one of my standard girls (Hahahaha I only have standard girls) is another total sweetie.

I just wanted to say, though, that I don't think you can really judge a chin's personality based on their color. I've also had a tan male that was a super baby doll. It all comes down to the chin. I don't want newcomers who come here to see this and think that "color = temperament"
It all comes down to the chin. I don't want newcomers who come here to see this and think that "color = temperament"

I agree, but my experience is just based on well my experience, but I will say I've had some pretty nice (friendly) chins in all colors, but those were my personal favorites. :)

Oh wait Tan comes from Beige! :tease: Yes I just HAD to go there! LOL :OSarcasm:
Each chin has a different personality. I have never associated a color with good temperament.

Me neither. Not even if I tried. I have more standards than anything, so I would say they have the best temperments, since all my chins are little angels! ;)
I don't think I could pick a BEST temperament, but I can say I have found sapphires to be rather unpleasant. Every sapphire I have come across is a TOTAL SPAZ! My sapphire female is the only chin I have who sprays, and, of course, she only sprays me. She loves my husband though :wacko:
I just wanted to say, though, that I don't think you can really judge a chin's personality based on their color. I've also had a tan male that was a super baby doll. It all comes down to the chin. I don't want newcomers who come here to see this and think that "color = temperament"

Just trying to gather information. This is something I find interesting as genetics can play a role in behavior. Sorry if the information given misleads newcomers. I will in the future try to think of more politically correct polls.
Oh don't apologize! This is how good debates start. :)
I know with my breeding experience with lovebirds, that in fact the further away you got from the normal green the sweeter the babies where. I have always had luck with my WF Blue violets being the sweetest (boys of course)
I found the topic interesting and its always fun to see what everyone else believes, or experiences. Like for example Sapphires. I have the sweetest white sapphire. Again she's white, and well just my experience! LOL
I've got the sweetest dark tan male, and extra dark ebony female - they both let you snuggle them up & love them like no tomorrow. And in the past i was foster mom to an awesome white boy. Same way, snuggles all around.

But then I have another dark ebony girl (also ToV) who hates to be held or petted, barely tolerates scritches. And a white ebony boy who hates all human contact. Same colors (white & ebonies) but totally opposite attitudes. Seen the same with standards.

Only consitantly "lovable" chin color I've seen is beige, but I've only seen 6 beige chins in my lifetime close enough to know their temperment (not counting tans).
I'm just a pet owner, so have limited experience, but I'm gonna jump on the beige bandwagon. My beige is definitely my sweet little cuddle bug by comparison.
I don't think I could pick a BEST temperament, but I can say I have found sapphires to be rather unpleasant. Every sapphire I have come across is a TOTAL SPAZ! My sapphire female is the only chin I have who sprays, and, of course, she only sprays me. She loves my husband though :wacko:

haha I was going to say that my sapphire is the sweeter of my 2..maybe I just lucked out!
My standard is a sweetheart too but itsn't as affectionate and doesn't like to be held like my sapphire does.
I've noticed in my herd that the black velvets tend to be the most reserved and shy. My most outgoing chins are 2 mosaics (male and female), 1 beige (male) and 2 ebony (males) a violet (male) and a standard (female). These are the ones that run to the front of the cage when you walk into the chin room and hop right in your hand when you open the door. So instead of picking a color I would venture to say that a higher percentage of my males are more outgoing then my females. I know...I know...I should never have ventured there....let the 'girls rule' debate begin. :pillowfight:
Just my personal feeling, but my Blacks and my Standards are some of the sweetest I have here. I also have the most of them. My beiges are the worst.
I have three different....

I have three different breeds.....beige/violet, mosaic (or white ebony), and standard.

My Mosaic (girl - almost 2 years old) has a VERY particular attitude and you have to take extra care with her....let her do things at her own pace, or she will bite. BUT.....when out for play time, I can say...."Tuya, come give Mommy a kissey," and she will hop right up into my lap and reach up and give me a kiss!!! It is the SWEETEST thing EVER. But.....she does not want anyone to reach into her cage or even reach down and pick up her up during playtime. She will bite and bite HARD if you are not extra calm and extra gentle with her...and you have to sneak up on her to get her. When I pick her up from playtime to take her back to her cage, she violently shakes her head "no," over and over again! I have thought many times about sending a video to the funniest animal video show - LOL!!! And, she will bite when I am cleaning up the fallen hay from her cage...if I make too much noise. Repetitive sounds aggravate her. If you tap your hand repeatedly on your leg, floor, etc., she will eventully viciously attack it!!!

My Standard (girl - approx. 5 years old). I rescued her from a person trying to sell her for $50 on Craigslist!!! I ended up getting her for free, after I wrote about 300 e-mails!!! She looked VERY rough when I got her...even though she was a nice weight. But....she was being fed CHARLIE CHINCHILLA - NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! In any case, she seems to be very sweet, but does not really want much interaction with us yet. This could just be because of her past circumstances??? Time will tell.

My Beige/Violet (boy - 2 years) is the most LOVABLE, cuddly, beautiful thing I have ever experienced!!! This could have something to do with the fact that he a boy, but I am not sure. Neither of my girls have EVER urinated on anyone....even though I have heard a lot of stories about this. Sometimes he will play around and try to hide from me, but 99.9% of the time, I can just call him and he hops right up to the cage door where I am. I can pick him up and cuddle him anytime - 24-hours a day. He is VERY smart, and will bang his dish repeatedly on the wood shelf if he runs out of pellets. If his water bottle happens to clog or get low, he will hop around his cage making a LOT of noise until I take care of it. He does have red eyes (which I though was scary looking at first), but he is one of the BEST things that ever came into my life! He hops all over me...mostly my head....during play time. He is a very social chinchilla. He has NEVER bitten anyone at all....EVER....not even gently. AND, his fur is by far softer and denser than the other two chins.

Oh....also, each chinchilla is in their own separate cage and are not being bred, however, the Beige/Violet and the Mosaic are with pedigree. Both pedigrees were born on the small side, so I do not think they are ready for showing....need to fatten up a little more. I am getting ready to begin mixing either PANR or Manna Pro in with their current 100% Oxbow feed/hay diet.

I believe how a chinchilla turns out depends more on how YOU treat and care for your chinchilla and how much time you spend with him or her. Even though I voted here, I am not sure this poll is going to help you determine a specific color that has a history of exceptionally good disposition.

Thanks for the interesting topic/poll though. : )
my standard boy is a love muffin, my mosaic boy is a spaz but sweet. but i am only a pet owner and have only had these two so its hard to judge. but just like people each chin has their own personality and reasons why they do what they do!
I can't choose a color because temperment isn't really color-dependent. I have a nasty standard female and I have super sweet, loving standard females. I have a snippy beige and I have sweet beiges. My white, Gizmo, is extremely sweet as well but that doesn't necessarily mean all whites would act like her.