What are you getting your chins for the Holidays?

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I will be putting up an ad with Christmas and winter fleece items as well as Christmas baskets. I'm just waiting for the toy parts to come in so I can get them all up at once :))

My girls will probably just be getting some new toys, along with whatever else my Secret Santa gets them. They have pretty much everything else they need.

wahoo! I was wondering when/if the Christmas baskets would be posted!!
me too!!! Anyone else not wanting to wait until Christmas to give the big presents? I want to order my chin spin today but I know it will come and I will give it to them wayyyy before christmas!!
every day is christmas around here! lol but i will give them all a speacial treat on christmas day...................an stick of applewood with a big cookie on the end (thanks to stacey). i will also be buying 7 of those cute little stockings to put them in!
Seriously? You are putting up stockings for the chins? I'm not judging... :p Heck, when I got my first girl for Thor I bought them hats and wanted to make up a little wedding for them. I'm insane, too! :p

You have to get pictures of the stockings. Are you going to hang them by the fire place? That would be cute...
:laughitup:I just bought my mini stockings from rite aid for 99 cents each... haha. your not the only one!!!
Awww...seriously, you all have to get pictures for me. I live for those pictures. I have some new picture frames that I could put them into and then hang them in my hallway. There's a bunch in there now from years ago of chins that a lady in CA had taken the most adorable pictures of when they were all dressed up! :)
They also had a 99 cent santa had that was small enough for the chins and I really wanted to do it.... i might go back. HAHAHA
I have to make stockings for all my family, and the pets are not discluded! Each gets a embroidered name, and is about the size of your hand because I have 30 to make, 27 are people. and this is all just my boyfriends family and friends!

As for what Chie-Chie gets... He gets new things all the time! I want to get him a chinspin, and whatever Secret Santa sends.
I just ordered two FNs... Well, I guess that will be their present. But I will most likely still want to get winter items from you, Alli! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!
My chinchillas will get their presents late, and they will just be getting new ledges and some wood to chew on, most likely. :)
Order some cute custom made houses and tube from Amanda, and having another person custom make chin spins. Also, tons and tons of chew toys. 1st Christmas with all my babies so I gotta make it special!
me too!!! Anyone else not wanting to wait until Christmas to give the big presents? I want to order my chin spin today but I know it will come and I will give it to them wayyyy before christmas!!

I know what you mean! I'm ordering my little one a new house from simlychintastic , but I have to wait because I know that it will arrive and eat away at me until I give it to her.

Also, does anyone else ever feel like they get more enjoyment out of presents for their chinchillas than the chinchilla does itself? As soon as I put a new toy or accessory in her cage I sit there forever watching her play with it or trying to entice her into playing with it, and squealing with delight every time she does something new with it.
HAHAH Thats great.. I do the same thing!! Our sister just moved in and she is so confused by the fact that we think the box of hay smells great when it comes (because we are obviously enjoying it through the chins) haha!

And guys, I got so excited from this thread that I ordered the chin spin...

I tried so hard to hold out but.... o well!!!!!!!!!!

I think Ill order some happy stix from PPBN for stocking stuffers!!!

Would it be cool if someone could weave stockings out of hay or straw for them ? HA ..
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I honestly have no idea what I am getting the chins for Christmas. They have FN, full fleece sets, chin spins, enough food to feed a small chin army...maybe some willow stuff. I am out of that. :D
Willow is a favorite!!! ALWAYS! Apple sticks? Those happy sticks are loved by my chins!
THAT BRAIDING THING IS COOL.. although I don't quite understand it. ha
Probably more fleece stuff, and maybe some new wood hideys! I am working on getting a new sewing machine (my twin kidnapped the one we shared and hauled it off 4 hours north a few weeks ago!) and a scroll saw for the wood hideys. They might have to wait until after Christmas for their gifts though, we'll see! :neener:
I ordered the chin spin.. thanks a lot guys for getting me so excited that I couldnt wait (although I suppose I am to blame because I created the thread)