We adopted two dogs, and now...

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Wow that is absolute insanity that someone could do that to a puppy!! I wish nothing but harmful and hurtful things to that person. i'm so glad he is doing ok and just keep holding in there.
ps Chaser is GORGEOUS!! and Jessie too! You picked up some really nice dogs!
Wow! That is just a horrific wound! He looks like he really couldn't care less, though. What a cutie! And Jessie and Chaser are adorable! You are an amazing person to have done this for these animals. Bear really is a little miracle puppy...
Bear is doing very well! He has grown so much over the past couple of weeks, and he is as active as a regular puppy. He's actually turning into a little bit of a snipe - he's cute and he knows it!

We have a vet appointment this evening at the e-vet (hopefully the last one). The open part of the wound has closed a bunch on its own, so we might not even have to get it surgically closed. He's still in a crate when we're not home, but he's getting better about going potty outside.

Now if only the vet fairy could pay his bill... :err:
Leave the bill under your pillow and wake up with it marked "PAID." How awesome would that be? :D

I'm so glad that he's doing so well. When you update this thread I am always dreading hearing that something went wrong, but he's doing alright! YAY! :D

Bear's wound has closed! He won't have to have another surgery, and he's gaining weight every week (he's up to 8.5 pounds!). The vets who have worked with him are thrilled not only because he's doing so well, but because they also have a great subject for several articles and whatnot. Here are a few pictures.

Here was his wound soon after we brought him home (about a week or so after being at the e-vet)

Here is his wound about a week and a half to 2 weeks after the picture above.

Here is what his wound looked like last week. This week it is closed!

He came a long way to get to where he is, and we couldn't be happier!!

By the way, he is SUPER psyched for Christmas, as you can see here:
YaYYY!!!!! That's terrific progress for the little guy!

Question: Does this mean that his fur in that area will grow differently (texture, color, look) compared to the rest of his body? Odd question, but I'm just curious.
They don't think it will, but right now he looks kind of funny because his undercoat has grown in but his overcoat hasn't (he looks like he's two-toned: black and gray). Our vet has said that when his fur grows back, you probably won't be able to tell there was anything wrong with him.

I wanted to let you all know that the last of Bear's sisters is going home on Sunday. We will be down to one puppy.

I don't think I appreciated how hard it is to raise a puppy, let alone two. I felt like I did nothing but chase them around, keep them out of mischief, and clean up after them.

Needless to say, both my husband and I are thinking about pushing back our plans for children...
omg...this is horrible whoever did that doesnt need to be alive..i believe if you can do this to an animal, you can do it to a human.....sick absolutely sick...
Yes, we are keeping Bear. He gets to go up to visit my parents on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (we took him over Thanksgiving, too). He's a spoiled little thing, but we don't mind!
Bear went for his second round of shots yesterday afternoon, and the vets didn't even recognize him! He is a robust 12.4 pounds, and his wound is healing nicely.

They did have to shave him a little so they could look at the wound, and a concern is that the skin might fold as it heals. He might have to have another surgery in the future, but for now he is progressing nicely. His ankles are as good as new, and his fur is growing in very well.