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Hello, my name is Robyn, and I'm unemployed.

I figure I can't be the only one...or maybe I am...haha. Just thought I'd open a space for people to vent about unemployment or speak praises of it if you're enjoying not getting a paycheck.

Actually, I am blessed because I do qualify for unemployment benefits and my husband makes enough money for us to pay our monthly expenses. So, this is almost a paid vacation for the time being as I get to cook, clean, waste my life on facebook, and bond with my chinnies....oh, yeah, and apply for jobs.

If you're unemployed, how are you productively (or unproductively) using your time?
My boyfriend's job was shipped over-seas. So he is on unemployment. He is being lazy about getting work, but I keep showing him jobs to apply for, but it isnt easy where we live to get good paying jobs, and he has a college degree.

He spends his day playing, Warlord BattleCry II on the PC, and let me tell you, it might soon be a frizbee, as I am sick of him on it everyday :D
and he has a college degree.

Yeah, I'm one class away from having my masters degree...so I'm not wanting to take a job unless it pays a decent amount more than my unemployment and is suitable considering my level of education.

Best of luck to your boyfriend...and to you in dealing with him...
I can't find a job for anything, but I'm available at weird hours because of my class schedule. I've been applying for retail and restaurant jobs, but alas nothing.
When I was unemployed I slept, a lot. Sometimes I painted a ship. Sometimes I chipped paint. Mostly I slept. I went to some job fairs, sent out my resume, went to job websites, slept some more. And ate things. I joined a gym that last 3 months of unemployment to get some exercise - after I had gained a good 50 lbs sleeping and eating.. Good thing I did, I got a job and started the week my membership was over! Had to take trains and walk a couple miles a day to get there and home! Wouldn't have been able to do it before the gym :p

Still working on losing my unemployment weight.. :p
well i've been unemployed since september of '08. I'm suppose to go back in March but it's one of those don't call us we'll call you type deals.

I've just been hanging with my kids and the animals waiting for my call back.
My husband has been unemployed temporarily a couple of times since June. Six weeks the first time, 3 weeks so far this time. He works at a factory that makes parts for Ford and we live in Michigan, so the outlook isn't great. He's a good worker and smart, but doesn't have a degree to go with - although in Michigan these days, degree or not, there are no jobs. Even high school kids are having trouble getting grocery store jobs because they're all taken.
Yeah, highschool kids can't get grocery store jobs because people like your husband have been reduced to taking them to support theire families. It's a horrible situation and I feel for ya.
I was unemployed for a while 2 years ago, I too spent much of my time sleeping...
Now I have a job that doesn't give me as many hours as I really need... So again I surf the web and sleep.
Well as of yesterday I am offically considered unemployed. I'm not sure if I want to collect unemployment just yet or continute applying at places. I'm currently waiting for a company to call me back. I've had two interviews with them so hopefully I will get that job.
I have no job, and finding on is hard as heck. My fiance recently got one at this factory in Cahokia (Outside of St. Louis) and it has some pretty good benefits and pay for someone without a college degree and only a year out of high school.
I've been unemployed since my former boss went to Fed Prison last June, with the exception of 2 mos. My field is odd, so I can't find a job, but luckely for me and my son, not for Mom, my Mom has health issues, so I drive her around and hang out with her all day. We do Dr. appts, visit Walgreen's almost daily, wait for the UPS man, occasionally do lunch. Basically I'm a 25 year old retired person. Mom has Fibromyalgia (sp?) and cataracts and diabetes, so she doesn't like driving and isn't always steady, so I go to drive and babysit.
My brother-in-law is on temporary unemployment. He has a job doing construction (insurance work), but there is no work so he's collecting unemployment until things pick up this spring.

My best friend and I went out to lunch the other day and in the half hour we were sitting there, we were amazed at the number of people that came in looking for a job. We're talking people of all ages. The restaurant wasn't hiring, but is always taking apps. Then, dad and I went for lunch another day, and the same thing. Several people came in asking about jobs...again, the place wasn't hiring and didn't expect to be anytime soon.

When I was a kid, my dad was on disability and then unemployment for a while. It was great! We went for long walks with the dog and went fishing and to the park. My sisters and I loved it.
Been unemployed since early Aug'08...and trying to run my event planning business, PartyLite, MaryKay, racehorse partnership, vineyard, and help drive a friend who has Lupus and can't drive any more to her appts.

I still hunt for work, but given the market here, UE pays more than an admin assistant is being offered. I was making $18/hr...offers are at $11/hr for the exact same job description at Hewlett Packard. I would LOSE money after taxes taking that job vs. staying on UE. Besides, I've been trying for a long time to make my event planning work to start paying for itself...now's a good time to see if it can.
Is there a time limit on unemployment? I thought it was only a few weeks/months that you could collect?
I would LOSE money after taxes taking that job vs. staying on UE. B
Yup, totally the same situation here. I also have been unemployed since August. I didn't start collecting unemployment until November. Partly that was because I got bad information about not qualifying since I moved to a new state and partly that was because I really had no idea with all my education it would take soooo long to find a job.

Is there a time limit on unemployment? I thought it was only a few weeks/months that you could collect?
Yes and no. I don't know how much things vary by states or what is federal, but I qualified for about 6 months of unemployment and on top of that, they have implemented a 13 week extension program because unemployment claim numbers are so high that they know finding a job is particularly difficult right now. That means that some people will be able to collect for nearly 10 months and even more if those extensions pile onto one another and/or are extended. Mind you, they don't pay you what you were making before, just a portion of it. In NY, the most you can receive is $405 a week before taxes. It would be near impossible to survive in NYC where I was or NJ where I am on that as a single person even...but it certainly is a great supplement!

Personally, I've decided I want to use this time to write a book...I just haven't been terribly motivated after getting past my 5 page outline.
My dad was laid off when I was in highschool and he was on unemployment for awhile. He took it as a sign and used that time to start his own business - something he'd always wanted to do but never had time for. He's since gone back to work at the company as a contractor, but now he has his business as well.
Im soon to be unemployed. Im a full time temporary employee on a 6 month contract and it ends March 15. Ive been working contract jobs for a few years now and they are not the best jobs. But a job is a job. I just wish I could get some health care. I could go on a long rant about contract jobs: low pay, job insecurity, no benefits, etc. sigh.
Yup, totally the same situation here. I also have been unemployed since August. I didn't start collecting unemployment until November. Partly that was because I got bad information about not qualifying since I moved to a new state and partly that was because I really had no idea with all my education it would take soooo long to find a job.

Yes and no. I don't know how much things vary by states or what is federal, but I qualified for about 6 months of unemployment and on top of that, they have implemented a 13 week extension program because unemployment claim numbers are so high that they know finding a job is particularly difficult right now. That means that some people will be able to collect for nearly 10 months and even more if those extensions pile onto one another and/or are extended. Mind you, they don't pay you what you were making before, just a portion of it. In NY, the most you can receive is $405 a week before taxes. It would be near impossible to survive in NYC where I was or NJ where I am on that as a single person even...but it certainly is a great supplement!

Personally, I've decided I want to use this time to write a book...I just haven't been terribly motivated after getting past my 5 page outline.

NJ unemployment is higher by about a hundred dollars a week...
My mom was fully enuemployed this winter. She works for a local baseball stadium as the picnic area manager, and normally, once winter hits, she's back in to help with the event they run through the winter (ice skating park). However, because of the economy this year, they pulled salary-only people in for the ice park. She had a heck of a time getting unemployment because of how many cases there are. She homeschools my sisters, though, so she has something constructive to do over the winter.