The Walking Dead

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Chinnie kisses!
Jan 30, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Did anyone watch the premiere of this new series today? I did!! And I like it! I hope I'm not the only one that enjoys watching zombies and killing and blood and guts and gore! So far, it's a pretty typical zombie story plot, but it's really well made. It's not cheesy or have stupid fake effects or really obvious fake blood spurting. Everything looks so real and just... gorey! It's so great! lol. It is pretty violent and graphic, but I think that is necessary for a zombie flick/series. So I am intrigued and will watch it to see what happens. Anyone else?!
I really liked it too. My favorite was the half zombie in the grass, lol. I'm going to bet though, that that mom attacks her son, and then the dad ends up having to kill his son to avoid him turning into a zombie. He should have taken his wife out when he had the chance. :frank:
I looooooved it. My favorite thing is that they did the show without scaring the crap out of me every five seconds. They emphasized more on the plot line, and I like that.
I loved it too, so did my son, he waited all day just to watch that show. I think the zombie mom some how looks different then the others, and it seems like she was looking for something when she was at the door? Maybe she is drawn to the boy somehow. My fav was also the half zombie in the grass, I wonder where she was going. I loved how the deputy was so close to his wife and son and didn't know it. Should be very interesting if the writing keeps up as well as the first episode.
I caught it as well, I enjoyed it too... except for the part with the horse :cry3: I was home alone when I watched it and I have to admit, I was walking around my house slighty freaked out! What can I say, I am a goober :D
YES the horse really upset me. Especially because generally in zombie stories, zombies aren't interested in animals and don't eat them.
I was also very surprised at the quality of this. Very inspired from the original Romero concept :) Let's see if they can keep it up this Sunday.
Even though I am a huge Zombie fan, and have been drooling over the premier of this show...why on earth does everyone always go into a city during z day...

I loved the last part...

"Hey you, the tank."
"Good Job *******"
I was also surprised at how closely they followed the graphic novel during the first episode. If they keep it up, I think this will be a great new series!
Yay I'm glad I'm not the only one who was pretty impressed by this show. I feel like such a dork just waiting for sunday to watch the next episode! I had no idea this was previously a graphic novel. I will have to check it out.
Was looking for something to watch on Hulu this morning and saw this in the "most popular" shows, because I had seen the title of this thread I decided to check it out. It was decent writing, good filming, good entertainment. The characters have depth. I'll be watching more.

However - I always have a problem with zombie stories for one reason or another. In this one... why on earth would an entire city as big as Atlanta be overcome by zombies when these ones are pretty easy to kill?? They should have been taken out before they outnumbered the living.
I assume, if we were talking about real life situations, panic in general, love ones being bit, and you carelessly hope to hold them on if theres a cure...

What i laugh about zombie movies...if its Z Day, why in the **** do you want to go into a city....

Even though Atlanta was where the refugee camp was...
Well, if no one went into the city, we wouldn't get to see all the innocent people get attacked and eaten now would we... :neener: But anyways, Rick the officer guy had no idea what was going on since he woke up from the hospital, not knowing anything of what has happened in the past few weeks. So it wasn't really a Z day per se, but I guess it was Z day for him? Even on his way to the city on his radio, that group of people who heard was like, oh gosh, he is soooo gonna die. So it's not like he really knew any better... Btw, 11 more hours til the show! heehee!
It's on tonight at 10 for those wanting to check it out.

Last night my dad checked the tv guide to see if it was on and it said it was on at 11 (Due to the time change, lol) but if forgot about the time change. He was cursing the tv, dish network, etc etc over them switching it to 11pm cause he'd have to stay up til midnight or later to watch. He was so angry that it was funny. He's usually in bed by 9, lol