The verdict is in- now I adjust

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Had the hysteroscopy today, the doc tsc'd when he saw the inside of my uterus. Said that I have a fibroid that is half the size of my uterus, with multiple areas of scarring. He didn't even discuss the ablation procedure. He said between the fibroid, the scarring, the endometriosis and the adenomyosis, I am too far from menopause to wait for that to solve my problems. He recommends hysterectomy. This is a doctor that specializes in this type of care, he does fibroid removal and the ablation procedure. So for him to go straight to the ultimate, I guess I really am not a wimp, lol.
I am going to try to work on exercising little bits and get my physical strength up before surgery. Start taking a multi vitamin and really take care of myself. Surgery will be in about 6-8 weeks.
I am woozy today because of the pain meds- I took a lot of drugs today. I need to drink water to flush it all out, but I am hoping that the pain is down when this round starts to wear off, which should be a couple of hours.
My heart is broken to some extent, I will never bear a child. But, I know that physically, I am broken and this is the only fix. I know there is adoption, and fostering. It is just so final.
God love ya, I know you don't know me from Adam's house cat, but I'm sorry you're going through all of this. Please know that you will be in thoughts and prayers, and I have the distinct feeling that mine won't be the only ones. Please just try to take care of yourself.
I had a hysteroscopy done when I was 19 to try and figure out why I cramped so badly. The doctor stated that due to the severity of my endometriosis that I should have a hysterectomy and that he would schedule it ASAP. I personally chose against it, as I was far too young and would rather deal with the pain, even though I never want to have children. On the other hand, my family doctor said no, absolutely not, the doctor was crazy for suggesting it. I think sometimes with problems like this, a second opinion is great to have. Are there any other options that were discussed?

When it comes to your health though, take care of yourself. I personally considered becoming a surrogate mother for someone who could not have children due to these issues, which is a reason why I would not have the hysterectomy done when the doctor suggested it. Pain was nothing for me, but your situation is much more complicated. Hopefully someone can do the same for you. I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this.
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Well, I have been going the hormonal route- and it has not been working for the last few months. I bleed profusely, Monday I just stayed in the shower for an hour because I could not make it out of the shower until the bleeding slowed. It has become a drain on my life. I can't do things because I will cramp and bleed, so my grooming business is suffering. I have to miss 2 days a month of my regular office job because I might get soiled and have to leave. I tried to be brave on Monday and go in, had to leave because my clothes were soiled even though I had just put a fresh pad on. When I got sick in January, what should have been a simple cold almost turned into pneumonia because my immune system is so drained. If it were just one of the three, he would try alternate routes, but the combination makes treatment difficult. Even with surgery, he says I may never get complete pain relief due to all the scarring from the endometriosis.
A second opinion wouldn't hurt. Also, while you may not be able to give birth, you can always have kids via adoption.

I'm sorry that you have to make this choice, but please know that you will be in my thoughts. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything.
So you tried the Lupron Depot? That's what I was given for 6 months and I didn't notice a difference until almost a year later. I had an immense amount of scarring which surprised me, but it explained why I had hurt so badly for weeks at a time since I was 11 years old and bled so heavily. I wish I had something to offer, but I'm here if you'd like to talk about it, as I've been through a lot myself and learned to live with it, though it's not in your best interest to do so if you're suffering so.
Chilli, I'm sorry this is happening to you. I had to have ablation 3 1/2 years ago as I was bleeding so much I nearly died. After my ablation I continued to bleed--I was in the 1% who still have a period. For awhile it was okay then a year ago it was very heavy bleeding and again my hematocrit dropped to dangerously low levels. It was recommended to do hysterectomy but at the time I was caring for my terminally ill sister as was the rest of my family, so I told him I could not have the surgery. He put me on Seasonale--the pill for 4 periods a year. It really helped me alot. I trust my OB Gyn--I used to work for him so I know how good he is. I say a second opinion does not hurt and a really good doctor will never feel slighted you choose to have a 2nd opinion. As I am 47 I am now hitting perimenopause and I haven't had menses for 6 months. What I do know is you really can become incredibly ill from a heavy menses and you can literally bleed to death.
What matters most should be your health which it sounds like everyone is concerned with. I'm sorry you cannot bear a child, but I know you have love in your heart to give a child and really that is all that should matter. It's not about the egg or sperm or where the baby grew--it's who gave it love to nurture it and make it feel loved and cared for.
Try to keep those drugs in your system for as long as possible! Feeling no pain is a good thing--otherwise I swear by 800mg of Advil!
Please keep us posted on the latest news--and again I'm sorry you have to go through all of this.
I know that has to be heart breaking. Have you thought of possibly harvesting your eggs and getting a surrogate when you are ready to have children. A friend of mine is in need of a hysterectomy and is currently taking the Lupron Depot while she waits for her insurance to kick in and pay for the hysterectomy. She has thought about harvesting her eggs just in case. And I would have to also go with a second opinion.
The doctors never mentioned the Lupron. I have my follow up in 10 days, I have to wait for the biopsy to come back, so I will ask about it then. I have been on a progestin only birth control for almost a year, which was to help shrink the fibroids. It has controlled the in between bleeding, but the menses itself has been getting worse and worse. The doc said that if it were his mom or his sister, going with a permanent solution would be the way to go. Of course I know the insurance is going to be a problem, I am young, so it is going to be a struggle to get authorization, but that is why he has staff. They are good at what they do. The nurse that assisted in the procedure was awesome, she was super sweet and helped talk me through the pain. The gal that runs the billing dept. is good too.
I would definitely ask about the lupron. It's used for endometriosis and it helps with pain and scarring. It reduces your estrogen levels in your body. I don't think that it will work for the fibroids, but it should decrease your pain. It's just another option. You get one shot a month for 6 months and I think they can give you more if that doesn't help.
chili--sorry you are going thru this. i hope you can exhaust all options before having the procedure.

sounds like you were given some good advice. i hope it all works out for you. but if you end up having to have it done, just remember not all babies are born from the belly, some are born from the heart.
I was really sad yesterday. Then it hit me.
I will NEVER EVER have another period:dance3::bliss:
My surgery is scheduled 2 days before I am due to start again.
Yes I am scared, I have 20 million questions, but when I realized how happy I was that I will never feel like I am bleeding to death like in some horror movie, I realized this is absolutely the right thing for me. The Lupron doesn't seem the way I want to go, and surgery to remove the fibroid will not remove the real culprit, the adenomyosis. Thank you all for your support and your suggestions. I read up on each one, and I just came back to I want my life back. The Lupron has some really scarey side effects, and I don't think I can take the Seasonal due to my blood pressure and diabetes risk. Yes it is major surgery, and it comes with it's own problems, but I am not losing anything- it couldn't be used to carry a baby anyway, so I will be gaining my health and my youth. I may be quite a chatty cathy while I am recovering, lol.
I was really sad yesterday. Then it hit me.
I will NEVER EVER have another period:dance3::bliss:
That's exactly how I felt when I had surgery a year and a half ago. Believe me, you will not miss them at all.

Are you having a partial or total (i.e. are they leaving or taking your ovaries)? If the ovaries are going, you might want to look into Amberen. It is awesome for menopausal symptoms.

How is the surgery being done? I had it done laparoscopically. It was a breeze and I went home the same day, granted I had less issues than you are having. I had to have surgery again this March to remove my remaining ovary and it was done via robotic assist. Again, a breeze. A friend had a hysterectomy a few years ago and had it done vaginally she had lots of uncomfortable complications and wishes she had known about the laparoscopic option. Failing that, she would have opted for the abdominal cut over what she went through vaginally. It really messed up intimacy with her husband.
I was really sad yesterday. Then it hit me.
I will NEVER EVER have another period:dance3::bliss:
My surgery is scheduled 2 days before I am due to start again.

Chilli -- as I posted in your original thread on Girl Troubles -- I STILL refer to the day that I had my hysterectomy as the happiest day of my life -- and I DO mean it!!! And mine was the day before I would have started again -- I thought it was poetic justice!!!

Good luck to you. I'm sure that in the 9 years since I had my surgery there have been many advances. I was fortunate to have a vaginal and have my ovaries left in, and I had a relatively comfortable recovery with only minimal pain meds needed, and I'm the first one to complain if I'm uncomfortable!!!