The final product: Chinchilla Tattoo

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Dot lives forever!
Jan 29, 2009
Here it is...I LOVE IT-- I am so amazed at how well it came out, and would have paid triple what I paid if I knew it would come out so well! I am just simply amazed.

I was going to have the flower colored in, but decided to keep everything on the black/grey/white scale. There IS some white in it, but I was so red you can barely see it. He said the whites should show up a bit better when the red fades.

My artist said he had a lot of fun doing it...and even took some pictures =). I'll grab more pics when it heals--but for now these will do. Please keep in mind my leg is raised and on a chair(and i'm short, so thats HIGH for me) so it makes the tat look a bit off, but it IS pretty darn "straight" when my leg is down.

The picture we ended up using:


Holy cow Megan that tattoo is AWESOME! Seriously, very nice artwork, so stylish--I LOVE IT!!!!
Wow, that is the most realistic one I have seen. Great artist, and cute chinnie!
I love my chinchillas, but that is seriously hardcore! Such realistic detail! How long did it take?
Wow that is so beautiful, I love the extra detail of the flower!
Wow that is awsome!! I don't have any tattoos, but if I ever did that would be the one!! Awesome-- How bad did it hurt?
Megan - That turned out gorgeous! Your tattoo artist is well worth whatever he charges!
That is the nicest chin tattoo i have seen :)
I would love to see it again when the redness is gone. I am sure it will be even nicer!