Swine Flu

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Just wondering what everyone thinks about the Swine Flu? Are you going to have yourself and your children vaccinated? Are you worried about catching it etc? I'm not too concerned over myself, but I do worry aboutr my kids. My 15 month old just got over pneumonia a couple of weeks ago, so I really am concerned what that could do to him. Here in my city (it's more of a large town than a city) there has already been 6 confirmed cases at our high school alone. The elementary schools and middle school haven't released anything statisic wise, but I know it's in the school because they sent home a notice. matter of fact, my kids have been displaying all the symptoms of it and have been out of school for a week. Now, I worry about the youngest. he was a premie with underdeveloped lungs when he was born. If the boys aren't better within the next couple of days, I'll be bringing them to the doctors. Not that there's much they can do since it's viral. But, how does everyone feel about it? The vaccine was never really studies before it was released, that;'s my understanding anyway. You here about all these new vaccines and meds causing cancer and autism and such. So, do you chance it or not? Just wondering.
i usually do not get a regular flu shot for myself or my son, so i dont plan on getting the swine flu shot.
however; it appears that the swine flu vaccine is made exactly like the regular flu shot.
i think i would be more concerned personally if me or my son had weakened immune systems. i am also very leary about going into any dr office right now because of the germs! my SIL went to her pediatrician last week, one day she waited 2 hours and didnt get seen, the next day 90 minutes and finally went back on saturday 1/2 hour before they opened and still had to wait an hour. the nurse said that in one day they saw 260 patients!!!!! wow that is a lot of germs.
I work in a pharmacy. I didn't get the regular flu vaccine last year, I won't be getting the H1N1 vaccine this year. Why? It's a bunch of overkill for a flu that really isn't all that much different from the regular flu, just spreads faster because there is no built up immunity yet. I wish I could find the article from my local newspaper a few weeks ago saying that medical workers are even admitting everyone is going over the top about Swine Flu.

Every year people flip out about the flu. Sure, it's a PITA when you have it, but don't flip out. Don't put yourself in the positions to get it and follow base-line hygiene practices of washing hands, etc.
Yeah! I agree about the office thing. When I worked in an office we routinely saw people who would come in for their physical healthy and then would be back sick a week later! Germs are everywhere. that's kind of why I've held off on bringing my boys to the office to rule out swine flu. There is nothing they can do for it if it is the swine flu and if it isn't well, I guess it could be after being exposed to 50 people sitting in the waiting room coughing and sneezing! You know I never get the kids their yearly seasonal shot, and I know this is just another strain of flu, but the way the media makes it sound it's kind of scary! The doctor had asked if I planned on getting the boys the swine flu vaccination and said how they strongly reccommend it for children because it's deadly...and I said "well kids die of the seasonal flu every year too." She told me that the death rate is higher with this flu than the others?
You know what's really kind of funny? When the whole swine flu media frenzy started, my father said "What do they mean it's a new strain of flu? I had the swine flu back in the 70's! This sh** isn't new!" And it really isn't. That's why it's hitting the young and children. They were never exposed to the virus, where as the older generation has been. Therefore they are less likely to get it. I don't really worry too much about myself, but what about the kids? They each have hand sanitizer in their book bags that they use before eating lunch everyday, but lets face it, kids cough and sneeze and touch everything in school! There's really no way to prevent an outbreak in a school. I don't usually get them their seasonal shots and they have never caught the flu. But is this more contagious than other strains?
It's only more contagious because there is no immunity to it, I think. And if you don't let kids catch things, they'll never have an immunity to it. I can see how it'd be more deadly for people who aren't in as good of health, but that's any strain of flu.
Nicky-swine flu is definately here. I think I did 25 chest xrays myself this weekend alone-most on kids and young adults that they are assuming has the swine. It's in the schools big time. I've seen patients being hospitilized with it this weekend.

I do think the media makes it out more than it is-however-we are seeing alot of very ill people in the hospital. Personally-if I had your little one, I would vaccinate myself and the other kids-just to protect your baby. The vaccine is made just like the others and if you are worried about thermisol-don't. Studies show it won't cause autism. You will get more mercury from eating a tuna fish sandwish or a filet at dinner time than you will with the one shot. The peditrician told me it takes 48 hours for the mercury to leave your body with the vaccine and 44 DAYS when eating tuna fish sandwich. It was quite fascinating when he was giving the statistics. It put my mind at ease because I did get the shot because I am pregnant.

If your baby does get sick-you have 48 hours to get tamiflu into her to help her treat it. So if she gets sick-get her looked at as soon as. I would think she would be at high risk for developing complications.

This is just my opinion and observations at the hospital.
I think for "regular" healthy kids its not such a huge deal, although I did hear at one point that 30% of the kids who have died from it, were "healthy" before getting it. So that worries me. I would also be really nervous if I had a child w/ other respiratory issues than I'd worry even more. So Nicki, I can definitely see why you are worried about your youngest, but if your older two have the symptoms, there probably isn't too much you can do at this point, except pray your youngest doesn't get it or gets it mild. My youngest (although almost 5 yrs) I worry about too because he had a lot of respiratory issues around 2 yrs old. He had croup and RSV so now he sounds like he has pneumonia everytime he gets a cold, although they always say his lungs are fine. My kids were both sick within a week of each other and ran high temps so I'm kind of hoping we've had it and don't have to worry about it. I was originally dead-set againest getting the shot. Then my mom's cousin's little boy (who I just took pictures of a few yrs ago and he followed me around while I did the rest of the family's-family of 8 kids so I got really close to him) got it a few wks ago and almost died. He was hospitalized for awhile, but is home now. That really freaked me out. He has mild respiratory issues, but still. I'm still not sure about the shot. I'm pretty sure I won't for my oldest and did send him slip back to school saying no, but still on the fence about my youngest, although I really don't think the vaccination will be available for us before its too late anyhow and like I said, I have a feeling my kids have had it already.
Pierce and I always get the seasonal flu vaccine - got ours about 5 wks ago or so. Then a little over 2 wks ago, Pierce came down with fever x 3 days (hovering around 101 - up to 102.5 at highest), cough & chest congestion, and head pressure (you know the kind, where you bend over and head feels like a needle poking through it). Took the little one to the doc and they tested him for strep and flu. No strep but confirmed Type A flu. Doc said since the CDC lab was so backed up testing for this H1N1, that they were told to treat all Type A flu cases as H1N1. Left the docs office with 4 Rxs (Tamiflu for flu, Biaxin for double ear infections, Dechlor DM for cough/congestion, and Motrin for fever and body aches). He was back to his normal self after 3 days of meds (though he was still on some of 'em for another week).

Since Pierce has already had the seasonal flu shot and supposedly a case of Type A flu, I am choosing NOT to vaccinate him as he should have natural active immunity to it. I am choosing NOT to vaccinate myself, no reason really other than I just don't like getting shots. Had the chance to get the vaccine about a week ago and told 'em "Nah, not interested."

And I'm also under the same understanding that the H1N1 vaccine has undergone the same testing as the seasonal flu vaccine does every year. No more, no less. As far as I'm concerned, the H1N1 vaccine isn't more or less harmful than any other flu vaccine - as far as testing goes. As for long term effects, well...everyone knows that noone knows that yet.
If even the Doctors aren't getting the shot why should we? It's just like any other virus (except maybe the one that'll cause the zombie apocalypse, but ugh, we'll have to work on that one..teehee..).
You don't need a mask because it isn't spread through the air. just wash your hands!

turn a page, ya wash ya hands-turn a page, ya wash ya hands
I'm a teacher in a middle school, so I kind of work in Swine Flu central (yet I'm not a high priority for the shot... hmmm...). We have had several students who have had it confirmed, and their parents still send them to school, so it's only a matter of time before we have some sort of school-wide outbreak.

I think there has been a lot of overreaction to the whole H1N1 thing. Yes, few have immunity, and yes people have died from it, but people also die from the flu every year. To me, the vaccine is not worth Guillon-Barre syndrome, so I think I'll risk the flu!

one other thing to add..................last year they picked the wrong strain of flu virus to duplicate, there was a whole news thing on it. that is why so many people got sick with the flu even though they got the shot. they picked lets say A strain but it was B strain that most people got. while i am sure it is more precise with the h1n1, i am just wiping door knobs at work & home. got about 10 bottles of anti bacterial to put around our offices and shops (and 2 at home). remind my son every morning before i drop him off that there are a lot of sick kids and to make sure he washes his hands A LOT!!
P.S. Brittiny - excellent reference from Rocko's Modern Life!! I love Filburt!!
If even the Doctors aren't getting the shot why should we? It's just like any other virus (except maybe the one that'll cause the zombie apocalypse, but ugh, we'll have to work on that one..teehee..).
You don't need a mask because it isn't spread through the air. just wash your hands!

turn a page, ya wash ya hands-turn a page, ya wash ya hands

Actually, the influenza viruses are spread via droplets. So yes, masks ARE helpful in containing the droplets that hold the flu virus. It's not as easy as just washing your hands. It's when those who have the flu sneeze or cough and throw all of those virus-ridden droplets out into the air that you're walking thru or onto something that you then touch and transmit the virus to your respiratory system (via mouth or nose) that you contract the same virus. Again, it's not as easy as washing your hands and you won't get it.
jennybug, I was wondering if someone would notice that... cartoons, they don't make 'em like they used to..

also it's a know fact that people shouldn't touch their nose, mouth, or eyes after each other because that's how things spread..
I haven't seen Rocko's Modern Life in so long! LMAO! Is that show even still on the air? Anyway, I started thinking about something. I'm wondering if the baby (chad) actually had the swine flu (it's not diagnosed but all the symptoms are there) first and that's what led him to contract the pneumonia? My 2 older boys contracted these symptoms last week, Chad had the pneumonia a week into his "cold" symptoms, but maybe it was actually flu symptoms. He wouldn't be able to report the bodyaches, headache and the rest like the older 2 can. So, basically, Chad's "cold" symptoms developed about 2 weeks before the boys. They have stronger immune systems so they may have been able to hold it off a while. My oldest hasn't been to the doctor for illness in 3 years! Right now he's laying in bed and doesn't want to move.
You are so right! Cartoons are nothing like they used to be. The graffics now are out of this world. You know, I bought my kids a Heath Cliff movie at toys r us and watched it the other day with them. I never realized that he was in a gang! That's so bad! He went around starting trouble with his "gang" and got into fights. I don't think they'd allow that to go on air now a days! LOL
I am typing more and more cases of H1N1 every day. So far, I'm noticing a trend towards the elderly (who they say are not at risk) and kids, the oldest of which thus far has been 22. None have been hospitalized, but all have been feeling pretty miserable (typical influenza in my mind).

I will not be getting the vaccine myself, though some would argue I should because I have asthma. I get through the regular flu every year with no problem, other than feeling like I got hit by a truck, but I do worry about my kids. If it was summer and they were just hanging out outside with their friends and doing whatever summer activies they usually do, no I wouldn't get it. But school becomes the dumping ground for all the sick kids that their parents either can't, or won't, take off from work to care for. I religiously keep my kids home from school if they have a fever. That is the time that your children are most likely to be contagious. The other parents? The school is nothing more than a glorified baby sitting service, so off the kids go.

My boys had one class of 25 kids with hardly any kids in it for several days because the others were sick. They had no teacher for the class. It's spotty like that throughout the school. Run of the mill flu never did that, at least not here, so obviously this is a bit more virulent than what we are used to. For that reason, and so that my kids don't end up getting behind in school, I will get the kids vaccinated.

I do find it completely stupid that they will close down for someone to serve a volleyball somewhere obscure in a tournament, but won't close down when illness is sweeping through a school. SD definitely has it's priorities.
nicky: we download all the episodes and in the first episode Mrs. Bighead is trying to seduce Rocko. OMG. and i used to watch this? on the other hand I watched all those 90's cartoons and was never aware of those things and I was never rude/disrespectful to my mom or any other adult for that matter. And in highschool I would catch all the literary allusions in those cartoons that were relevant to classic novels. As bad as they were they're still better than Hannah Montana and the Jonas brothers or iCarly. anyone notice that Nick only plays Spongebob/iCarly ALL DAY?
sorry this isn't related to the topic.^^

but ugh.... swine flu is bad. and ugh... ask grandma for soup. that always works ^_^

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