Sick Chinnie, advice needed.

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I noticed some sneezing this morning, but still no weezing or coughing that I can tell. Still has the runny nose and weepy eyes.

I will definitely be getting the correct syringe today. That was only used because it was the best thing I could find here. I checked walmart for anything that would work and didn't find anything, and the pet stores were already closed. I will be getting at least 1 or 2 of the correct syringes from the vet this morning.
He ate the piece of acidophilous this morning and I put more hay in there and I saw him nibbling on a seed head. He almost seems like he's having a problem eating. Like he'll put a pellet in his mouth, and take a small piece off then let rest fall out. Maybe because he's having problems breathing through his nose so he's mouth breathing?
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He ate the piece of acidophilous this morning and I put more hay in there and I saw him nibbling on a seed head. He almost seems like he's having a problem eating. Like he'll put a pellet in his mouth, and take a small piece off then let rest fall out. Maybe because he's having problems breathing through his nose so he's mouth breathing?

Hmm...maybe you should have the vet take an x ray just to rule out anything teeth related, also have them look around in his mouth to make sure nothing is stuck. Poor guy, when can he see the vet?
You should wait awhile after giving meds--otherwise it's wasted calories because the baytril kills the gut flora. If you feed him right after the baytril dose it's like him not eating anything at all.
Baytril doesn't stop the digestive process. You don't give probiotics within 2 hours of antibiotics as they cancel each other out. The probiotics reduce the effectiveness of the antibiotics.

I will try his normal probiotics (chewable, tastes like strawberry and he loves them). If that doesn't work I do have the capsules I can empty as well. Can I put acidophilous in his yogurt as well? I will go with plain for now since I knew plain has a semi sweet flavor as well. I know it may be overkill but I want to make sure he has enough bacteria in his belly. Plus, I can crush his strawberry flavored ones and that should make the plain/vanilla yogurt taste a little sweeter as well.
I don't give yogurt, I get the high potency (8 - 12 billion active cultures) acidophilus capsules from the health food store. I either mix it in with the CC or dissolve it in water and syringe feed it. Tucker thinks a syringe of acidophilus is the best treat in the world.
Crysta, the Exotic Bird Hospital should have the larger syringes--I know for sure they have the ones with the longer tips, because that's where I got mine.
I am going to call them because the syringes I got from the vet suck. He's even messier now than he was with the other ones. :(

On a side note though, he's now on Baytril and Reglan and has another appointment with the exotic vet on Monday. He did get subq fluids and did so well! He wiggled when when the vet first held him, but when he slid the needle in he didn't even flinch. Yay Buttons! Even the vet said he didn't expect it to be that easy.

He still seems "sick" but he isn't as lazy as yesterday. He's fighting me a bit more during feeding and cleaning off after feeding, so that's always a good sign. The vet is definitely going to check his teeth on Monday. He specifically told me so over the phone. His eyes also aren't as weepy as they were. The vet said his nose was definitely bubbly but the color of the mucus is completely clear, which is a good thing. He also didn't hear any weezing from the lungs, but he did when he breathed out his nose because it's stuffy. So at this point (I'll get confirmation Monday) he doesn't think it has made it to his lungs. No coughing or weezing, but stuffy nose and watery eyes.
Well, that is a bit of good news Crysta. Luckily he is on Baytril now and has a much better chance of getting better. Fighting back is a good thing too! Let's pray you caught it in time and that he pulls through- you have definitely not had enough time with him. Good Luck.
He had only been like that for less than 8 hours before I saw it (I was at work). When I got home from work was when I went for playtime and when I noticed he was sick. The vet said in comparison to some chins that were brought in with a URI that he looked really good.
That's excellent Crysta that you were able to catch it so fast. A lot of times with respiratory issues, they hide their symptoms until you don't stand a chance. Good work getting him to the vet ASAP and getting a handle on this.

I'm glad to see that they gave you the Baytril instead. Like I said, I'm all about Sulfa, but for some things I'd rather go right in with the heavy hitters just to be sure.

Please keep us posted on his progress.
You saying they usually hide it does make me wonder how long he was symptomatic before he actually started showing outward signs. I do hope I found it in time. I had to BEG for the Baytril. Finally I think he got tired of listening to me and just gave it to me. He really wanted to wait for the visit with the exotic vet on Monday and give me the other today.
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More meds and another hand feeding down. I wonder if I can find syringes at CVS or something of the sort. With the way he is attacking it (even coming from the side) I am needing a new syringe each time I hand feed. He's literally biting chunks off the tapered end.
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You could try if you can manage it, putting a drop of CC on his lips and see if he licks it off. I had to give Smokey her meds like that as it was a heck of a lot easier that way. She fought probably as much as Buttons, but luckily hand feeding wasn't involved so did get too messy.

It's good that he has more energy today. C'mon Buttons!
Sorry youre having trouble with Mr. Piranha chinnie. I hope he stops destroying all the syringes. Don't they realize we're only trying to help here!?

Good luck with everything. Youre doing a great job!
Ok, I am definitely thinking he may be having a teeth problem as well. :( I gave him a piece of a critter cookie to see if he would take it. He did, tried to bite it and then he just kinda let it fall from his mouth. He then did the same thing again and again. :( He did the same thing with a pellet this morning.

A URI and a teeth problem all in the same day? I would think maybe it was just a teeth problem, but then why the stuffy nose?
Rather than worrying about it, just keep up with the CC feedings and wait until you see the vet on Monday. There's nothing else you can do except make yourself nuts. You'll do the best you can for him.

It would seem odd though that he wouldn't chew a pellet but will bite hunks of plastic out of a syringe if he has tooth issues.
I didn't even think about that!

He's seriously not chewing a pellet, but major chunks are coming off the syringe. I've gone through 3 already.
You know how when you are sick, things just taste crappy? I am hoping that is the case and not teeth problems. Add all the extra stess the poor guy has been through, and I truly hope it is just a runny nose from having a week immune system. You are doing a great job Crysta, if you didn't catch as soon as you did, he wouldn't have had a chance.
Great news Crysta- how is he acting? How much CC are you getting in him?