Pick Your 5

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Winona, MN
The "Five" is a persons five quirky things they can't live without. Not a person or pet, not a place, but a thing that you cherish beyond measure. What are your Five??
Feel free to post pictures!

My Five:
1. The urn that holds my 4 animals that I have lost and the footprint of another that I lost. Without that I would feel like I have lost my connection to them forever.

2. The two round, baked pieces of clay that are sprayed gold from my vet. There is one for Preema and one for Peekers (unfortunately someone there forgot to get Finns done and he was sent out to be cremated before it was finished). Each "medallion" has their foot prints in it. I take them out and touch their feet from time to time and I feel like I can still touch them.

3. My wooden chest...which I still call my "toy box". My grandpa made it for me when I was 3...for my 3rd birthday actually. It has moved everywhere with me since I was little (and I've moved probably around 50 times in my life...seriously) and it means the world to me. It's pretty bumped up, but all those little bumps are the memories of my life.

4. All of the rings my husband has given me.
At 4 months he gave me a promise ring - promising to marry me one day.
At 3 years he gave me my engagement ring.
And a month before our 5 years together we were married and he put the final ring on my finger.
I would sob if I lost any of them.

5. My wedding dress and accessories...but mostly the dress. It was simple and elegant and the best reminder of that day. I also really love the shoes and earrings I wore, so I would be pretty upset if anything happened to them. They are still in the bag I took with me to the hotel the night I was married. I have slooooowly unpacked the things from my wedding night...and that was close to 7 months ago.

Beautiful dress!
Oh wait - I just reread that and have to change mine...most of them were people!

My five:
1. My wedding ring
Before we were even engaged, we were shopping at a jewelry store for a necklace for my mother. They had a ring on display and I said, "That is the most unique ring I have ever seen." 4 months later when he proposed, that's the ring he had for me.

2. My photographs
After going through a tornado in 1999 that demolished the house, I was left with only a fraction of my pictures. Every picture I take is some kind of memory and I treasure them ALL! It's sad, but I keep almost all of my photo albums and scrapbooks in the basement, just in case.

3. My diamond ring from my dad.
A long high school relationship ended shortly after HS did with me giving back the "promise" ring the guy had given me. (Love those dramatic high school relationships. haha) This happened right before the holidays and for Christmas my dad gave me a very simple diamond ring and told me, "I just wanted to give you a diamond that no guy can take away." Awww.

4. My kids' artwork/schoolwork.
I keep seperate tubs with artifacts from school/daycare that they've made for me.

5. All of the cards & love notes my husband has given me over the years.
1. Carousel horse music box--My grandpa bought it for me the year he died and was going to give it to me for my birthday on August 8, but he decided to wait until Christmas. He passed away suddenly on August 20.

2. My wedding picture--it's not one of the formals, just a shot someone snapped when I was giving my husband cake, he has the fork stuck in his mouth and really funny look on his face, and I am laughing at him. It's just very us.

3. Memory Ring--My great great grandmother was married twice. After her second husband passed away, she had her engagement, wedding and anniversary rings from both marriages melted down and made into one ring. This was passed down to my grandmother, my mother, and then to me, and I will pass it down to a daughter or niece.

4. My brother's photos--one of my brothers is a very good amateur photographer. He has actually been publsihed in some national publications. Anyway, I have a collection of his best photos on my wall. (Does that count as more than one item?)

5. My albums--My grandma started a photo album (actually a set of five albums) for each of the grandchildren starting at birth. We have pictures from every phase of life up until marriage, when she gives them over as a wedding gift. Many of the photos in there are the only pictures I have of some of my deceased relatives, plus, of course, a ton of childhood memories.
1.My grandpa's wedding ring: I have this because he has cancer, and lost so much weight it no longer fit's so he gave it to me to wear, he is like my dad, he raised me and this is such a special item to me, it never comes off my finger, id cry so much if i lost it.
2.My engagment ring: On valentines day the man i love asked me to marry him, its so beautiful, we had our names engraved in it to make it mean so much more.
3.My baby blanket: Yes i know kind of lame, but its the one my grandma made for me, and whenever i feel terriable i hold it. and it makes me feel so much better, that blanket has seen a lot of tears and heartbreak over the years
4.My pictures: I love taking pictures, and they hold so many wonderful memories.
5.My picture of my best friend David who went to Iraq and saw his friends get blown up right in front of him, and has changed. he wont talk to me anymore, but i still treasure him, he was a wonderful person.
Wow you all have such great things...

The only things I can think of (because I don't keep much) is:

1: a bottle of Old Spice (just in case they ever stop making it.. It reminds me of my grandpa who died 5 days before my 16th birthday... He was my best friend..

2: the pictures of my kids

I don't have anything else... How sad I'm I... :(
1. Blackie Bear, a gift from Grammy for Christmas in 1989, when she was in CA instead of home with the majority of the family. His head has been cried into so many times I've lost count, and yet he's not falling apart like most favorite stuffies tend to. He kind of reminds me of how tough Grammy was, and how that kind of strength was both passed down to me by blood and taught to me by her example.
2. Grammy's dress watch, which she gave to me just before she passed away in 2004. Most of the jewelry etc. that she had been given through the years went back to the relative that gave it to her, but she couldn't remember where she'd gotten it. She was a petite lady, so the watch is also very small, and I'm the only grandchild out of 30 that it fit. Gram's exact words when she gave it to me were, "I know you'll take care of it. I don't care who bought it first." Turns out, my dad had given it to her after he landed his first paying job in the early 1960s and it's actually a rather valuable antique.
3. My harddrive/backup files. I write in my free time, and help teach a lot of people from Europe proper English grammar/etc. I've been able to rescue documents for people years after they were written, and have made some amazing friends along the way. Every story or magazine article translation is a piece of one of them, and since we live so far apart, I have few enough of those as it is.
4. Kitty Blanket, the quilt Grammy made when my mother finally got pregnant.
5. MY pillow. Not just any pillow, my pillow, and since I accidentally left it at home on this visit to the boyfriend's parents, I'm awake at 2AM while everyone else in the house is sawing logs. :)

No not a copy of Harry Potter. my copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I have so many memories involving this book- among others, reading it during elementary school recess and thinking "'An Animagus,' said Black, 'by the name of Peter Pettigrew,'" the greatest plot twist ever invented. This book, especially my copy, has become a tangible representation of my childhood, and my equivalent of comfort food.

2-5. my various notebooks with my writings and scribblings.
1. The first copy of the ECBC magazine with my name in it...for a 15 year old that had to be the most exciting thing I'd ever seen, lol

2. My keychain with a picture of a black velvet chinchilla...my boyfriend got it for me for my birthday when we first started dating because he remembered Jags website and remembered the one time I had told him my favorite color chinchilla was a black velvet :D

3. My Wii!! I've wanted one ever since the stupid thing came out and my siblings and parents finally got together and bought Tyson and I one for Christmas along with some awesome games.

4. My jeans from Express because they are the most comfortable thing I own...I need to get another pair, lol

5. My bookcases...they hold my hundreds of books which would have to be packed away otherwise.
My jewelry box with my jewelry would be first. It contains my mom and grandmother's engagement ring, my engament ring that was made by my husband and is a beautiful alexandrite and an amthyst ring he set for my wedding present. It also holds an heirloom piece from my grandmother that was made by Tiffany and I call it my princess necklace.

A relief carving of praying hands from that my grandfather a Methodist Minister kept over the desk he wrote his sermons. While he was just Grandpa to me we had a really close relationship and I treasure it because he did.

My Rock collection which in reality could never be removed in time but it is my own little museum of specimens. It is also a collection that I have had to much fun obtaining with my husband or are gifts from treasured friends.

My collection of world art and dolls. Again this is a larger collection but each is so unique and from all over the world.

My wool and wool art. I love fiber art and have quite a bit that I have lovingly collected. Especially the fiber I've gotten from the small farms and art from friends on another forum.

These things are irreplacable but the first two would be my priority. After the animals of course because they are what's truly important to me.
Things I cherish but not a person or pet is difficult--

My keeper author books are one--I'm a big re-reader and would be lost without them.
My grandmother Shaw's graduation ring--I never met her so the ring means a lot to me
Jewelry I have of Lisa my sister who passed away from breast cancer. I'd rather see it on her, but wearing it makes me feel connected to her.
My green bay packer green fleece pullover--I LOVE this thing and have to always have it!
And my Elvis stuff--plates, tins and mementos I've gathered through the years.
Ooo this looks like fun.

1) my blue baby blanket. I keep it folded up by my bed. My grandma has re-sewn the outer lining on it a gagillion times.

2) Cole my rabbit stuffed animal. She was a christmas present when was 3 and has always been my bunny. My mom tried to get rid of her because I would drag her around the house with my blanket non stop. She also tried to trade me for a real rabbit when I turned 14 or something. And of course there is that fateful day when my mom "accidentally" put her in the dryer (she had long hair) and she turned into my stuffed frizz ball. She stays with my baby blanket by my bed.

3) My giant fake diamond necklace from my great grandma. This thing is about the size of the palm of my hand. I use to wear it all the time right after she passed away and its all chipped now but I still treasure it.

4) My jade rings from both of my grandmas. They mean the world to me.

5) My sega master system because you just cant find those anywhere.
1) My stuffed cat, Meow. She was a Christmas gift from my sister Melissa who was given up for adoption, but we still keep in touch with. Melissa is two years younger than I am, but we're both very alike, in looks and hobbies. I got in the third grade, and I still sleep with it at 21 years old.

2) A note from my ex, Jeff, written for me for our one and only Valentine's Day together. It gives me hope that, even though someone may not be able to tell you how they truly feel, they can still show it if given the chance.

3) "The Notebook" it's a notebook from senior year that my best friend and I would pass back and forth between classes and write notes to each other in, about teachers, other people, etc. When I graduated, we'd still pass it back and forth when we saw each other with new notes and messages.

4/5) I don't have these yet. I'm hoping to get them soon, hopefully at least one from a certain redhead. He doesn't understand my desire to have things to "keep". I'm hoping soon he does...
im just going to include a few things in each one since i can't narrow this list down to just five :)

1. my baby blanket and my stuffed lamb. i've had both since I was 2 years old and even though my blanket is now more like a rag they are both so much comfort to me that i can simply smell them and feel better.

2. a pink stuffed bear and a beaded necklace that were both given to me from my very best friend. she died when i was 5 years old but is still an huge part of my life and my inspiration.

3. a wooden photo box that i started when i was little which has everything meaningful to me from my childhood, including all the letters my sister wrote to me while she was in various different rehabs. also, a second box that includes many special things from my high school years including notes and cards that were important to me.

4. the three pieces of jewelry i wear everyday; a sterling silver bracelet with a single angel charm on it that my best friend's mother gave to me for my hs graduation to remind me of my angel thats always watching me (my best friend) a white gold and diamond ring that my boyfriend gave to me for our first christmas together and a single pearl necklace in a sterling silver setting that my boyfriend got me for our second christmas simply because he is my first and only true love.

5. a ceramic music box in the shape of a gorgeous vanity that i got when i was little girl and my entire collection of precious moments, both because they always remind me of how simple beauty can be.
1. My Heart to heart bear I've had since I was 6

2. My Great Grandmonther's wedding ring

3. My photos of loved ones lost but not forgotten

4. My VW bus

5. My mind
1) A tiny stuffed animal polar bear my older brother gave to me in the hospital the day I was born.

2) All the books I own and all the photos I have.

3) My sketchbook. It's really a sketchbook/journal. All different kinds of media art in there, even has a page of stained glass mosaic (they keep falling off though). I carried it around everyday when I was 16 and 17. It has a big picture of Sid Vicious on the front and a bunch of Tool lyrics on the back. I wrote down every detail of my horrible, creative, beautiful, painful teenage angst...ah, those were the days.

4) The necklace I got when my Nana died. She wore it everyday of her life since she got it decades ago. Her eight kids pitched in one Christmas or birthday, I forget which, and bought it for her. I remembered when I was little I straight up asked her if I could have it when she died. She smiled at me and happily said yes. Years after, I was appalled at myself for asking such a morbid question, but I have it now and I'm very glad I do.

5) A small wicker basket with a ceramic frog in it. Also from my Nana, I've had it forever; couldn't tell you where it came from and when I got it. Also, a giant conch shell from my Nana...I'm realizing I have a lot of stuff from my Nana that is super important to me. Hhmmm...Ahh---I'm remembering so much stuff I wouldn't be able to live without. The teddy bear my best friend gave to me when I went away to residential...the doll my friend sewed for me when I went back home...A golden jacket I used to wear and play blues brothers with my best friend...alright I have to stop this!!!