Newbies Breeding

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Godins Chinchillas

Godin's Chinchillas
Jan 30, 2009
Albany, NY
I know I am not the only one frustrated in seeing new posts on here about newbies buying animals and breeding. I don't know how most of you do it-answering the same questions over and over again.

I do feel that everyone deserves a chance if they are true in wanting to better the species, attend shows and be something. But lately-I just want to say "If you feel like you need to buy a pair and breed before you do any type of homework-then you are on your own!"

How do you guys do it? Respond to all of the same posts over and over again?
How do you guys do it? Respond to all of the same posts over and over again?

Just a little thing called copy & paste. :neener:

Really though, I try to be understanding. I'll be the first to admit that I went into breeding rather quickly. However, before I did, I visited a large ranch, had several mentors in place, and went to shows.

It is just more of the feel you get from the person. Do they REALLY want to learn and do it for the right reasons?

It's the same thing w/ those who go from 0-20 chins in what seems like 10 minutes. You don't HAVE to have huge numbers to be successful.
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Isn't this a forum for people who need information? Would you rather people start out and go find information somewhere else, get wrong information, then come back posting on the energency forum?
Every person here who breeds was a new breeder at some point. Every one has questions. That's how people learn.
I started breeding then got chins, I sold those chins for better chins, and got about 4 or 5, then picked up 18 in one pop...

I had owned chins for years before that, and grew up with a livestock background and experience in breeding other animals. I'm not saying it's the same, but I think you know more of what to expect than a pet owner who's never breed anything.

Honestly... yea.. You see the same questions with a different face. It's not unusual for me to be gone for the forum for a week or month when my life gets busy and sometimes the same questions make it feel like nothing new is going on with the forum.

I try to be patient because most of us have been there and done it wrong. Some people turn out to be good breeders/owners, others not so much.
Isn't this a forum for people who need information? Would you rather people start out and go find information somewhere else, get wrong information, then come back posting on the energency forum?
Every person here who breeds was a new breeder at some point. Every one has questions. That's how people learn.

It is not about people asking questions. It is about people obviously not doing research before they breed, so they ask the same question someone else asked last week that they would have found had they read the breeders section before they decided that chins were cute and would be easy to breed.
The sneaky breeders are also a problem, the ones that have a male and female and just want information because they are never going to breed, they just want to know. That and the pregnant rescues, every female rescue seems to be pregnant, maybe its true but if you are going to rescue you had better have done your research first about having kits and to me its not a joyous time that a rescue female is pregnant and has kits, its sad that the outcome of the kits health will be completely unknown.
I repeatedly answer the same questions for every "new" breeder. However, if anything is alarming in their initial first email to me, then I just don't answer. You can usually get a feeling of what kind of perspective they are coming from in regards to breeding, from their first email.

The ones that don't care and just want to throw any ol' thing with any other ol' thing to make babies - they usually are the ones to just write and say they got a male/female and are looking to breed with a male/female from you and only want to pay so much amount for that chinchilla(usually under $50).

^I don't answer those type of emails. :yuck:
From past experience with many many of those kind of emails - those people are adamant to breed whatever chinchilla they have(rescue, pet store, etc...) and aren't open to advice or help. They are just looking for you to supply them with some poor female chin to breed for them.

I answer the emails where people say they are considering/thinking about looking into breeding, owned a chin or two for "x" amount of years and are looking for information or advice from another breeder "before" going into breeding.
Those kind of emails are usually worth my time and I respond to them. :) Sometimes those types of people go forward and get into breeding - sometimes not. Anyhow - just how I deal with newbies in breeding.
Isn't this a forum for people who need information? Would you rather people start out and go find information somewhere else, get wrong information, then come back posting on the energency forum?
Every person here who breeds was a new breeder at some point. Every one has questions. That's how people learn.

Is there any particular reason that you have the same IP address as missjess10475? Multiple accounts do not make me happy. If this is missjess and she wants to answer the question, then step up and answer it. Don't hide behind another user name. That will just end up getting you banned.
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Is there any particular reason that you have the same IP address as missjess10475? Multiple accounts do not make me happy. If this is missjess and she wants to answer the question, then step up and answer it. Don't hide behind another user name. That will just end up getting you banned.

This is what I love about you Tunes, you flat out call people out on stuff:) You don't hold anything back-which is probably good for everyone involved (just don't be too harsh on me;)
Tunes, yes it did come from my ip address, and you'll find an apology from my teenage daughter in your private messages. Speaking on my own behalf, some people do share computers. Some people do share internet. You could have asked for an explanation before jumping on me. I've been posting here for a few months now and have never been mean or rude to anyone.
Is there any particular reason that you have the same IP address as missjess10475? Multiple accounts do not make me happy. If this is missjess and she wants to answer the question, then step up and answer it. Don't hide behind another user name. That will just end up getting you banned.

Nice!! And yes-this forum is to learn. There is so much info to be gained just by using the search button. Like I said-I believe a person who wants to learn and do things right should be given a chance.
Tunes, yes it did come from my ip address, and you'll find an apology from my teenage daughter in your private messages. Speaking on my own behalf, some people do share computers. Some people do share internet. You could have asked for an explanation before jumping on me. I've been posting here for a few months now and have never been mean or rude to anyone.

I suppose I could have, but since the odds were very slim that it was someone else, I didn't bother. Nowhere in my post did I say you were mean or rude to anyone.

Personally, the jury is still out for me as to whether or not it was a teenaged daughter. I've been on the boards for a long time, seen too many people say/do the same thing, so I'm a bit of a skeptic.
Well what worries me Jessica is the people also looking for chins. As a new breeder I am holding onto my good animals for now. My pet quality chins will only be adopted out to those who answer my questions "just right".
I've seen too many people go from zero to a hundred. And I've witnessed one person dumping them in a matter of months.
And I agree there seems to be a run on nit wits wanting to breed. I don't even bother to respond. I feel like it will go on one ear and out the other. So go ahead and breed your non usable pets to try and turn a buck. Good luck with that.
Breeding chinchillas is always an adventure. Anytime you purchase an animal to breed, you have no idea of the genetic background and what could pop up in the offspring. Unless the animal shows a genetic flaw ie. bad teeth, chewed fur, fur pattern (swirly lay down fur) that are obvious signs they should not be bred, many times you dont find these things out till you've produced offspring and it shows up. It is good to do your homework, ask experienced breeders questions, learn as much about the animals as you possibly can before getting into breeding, buy your animals from long time breeders that can tell you about the lineage of the animals and if there's ever been any genetic problems in any of the lines. But, even doing everything right you'll still encounter unexpected problems with the offspring that is often hard to pinpoint exactly what parent it's coming from. I've been breeding chinchillas for over 25 years and I still make mistakes with them and still scratch my head sometimes and try to figure out why a breeding pair produced what they did. It is frustrating at times and exciting at times. I've bought animals from many of the top breeders in the country and received lengthy pedigrees and talked with them about the lineage and still I almost always uncover something unexpected when I cross their animal to other animals with different backgrounds. Everyone has their own reasons-goals for wanting to breed chinchillas. It's not my position to judge anyone for wanting to become a breeder. I have learned a lot about breeding chinchillas along the way and will always try to help out any new breeder that comes to me for advice, just as many breeders have helped me in the past. I continue to learn more about them even now, though I've been around chins all my life. As long as you have a goal in mind, gather as much good information as you can, continue to be open to wanting to learn more about them, have patience and excitement, and be able to learn from your mistakes. You have what it takes to breed chinchillas. For me, it's been a life long passion and a huge committment of time and hard work, but I wouldn't have made the accomplishments without it. Many others have tried breeding and quickly found out it is much harder and more work then they really wanted. But some, like me, have made it a life-long endeavor and really enjoy all the trials and tribulations. It doesn't usually take long for people to figure out if breeding is really for them or not. It is not my job to try and figure that out for anyone. It is their job though and hopefully they will do it responsibly.
What frustrates me are the people who want to breed their pet chins just to make cute babies. They don't split the genders and allow father chins to breed with daughters, siblings to interbreed, etc and end up with too many chins sharing a cage and breeding uninhibited. This is irresponsible and cruel.

As a rescue, I’ve this situation over and over again. Whether it is intentional, or accidental, people become overwhelmed when the numbers of offspring go up (or the numbers of hoarded chins get too much to handle) and then it’s the chinchillas who suffer from needless breeding.

As I've stated before, with the huge numbers of unwanted animals looking for homes, why would anyone want to breed chins simply to produce pet quality animals?

On the other hand, I respect those who strive to improve the health, vitality, and strength of the domestic chinchilla.
I know we all started out as newbies. But it would be nice if people researched first. I had a chinchilla for a while went to a show then researched, then started breeding. I dont like the emails and phone calls that say ...I have been breeding my chinchillas they have been together for X amount of time what is the gestation and what do I do when the babies get here? can I sell them right away or do they stay with mom for a while?

Some very basic research first please.....No one knows it all. We all get surprised and have questions. I still have questions sometimes or dont know an answer, but you need to know the basics. at least the very basics
As for the "everyone has to start somewhere" comment...why not start out right? Go to shows, learn what quality is, learn how to correctly pair chins, THEN start breeding. Don't just throw 2 chins together and say you'll learn all of that afterwards.
I hear this all the time. "We just want one litter and that's all." I don't understand that one at all.

When I started they didn't have the chins in every petshop like they do now. I had to listen to breeders because they insisted that I know what I was getting into with even just getting a pet chin. When it came to breeding I was told all about what to expect and I had very good people to answer questions before I started. It's so much different now with people being able to find chins on Craig's List and at stores. It feels like we've taken a huge step back with that.

My favorite is when I try to discuss just simple things that pertain to breeding and the person SCREAMS at me or tells me that I shouldn't sell chins because I won't sell to just anyone. Fun stuff! This is the reason why I usually do not answer emails where someone is discussing breeding at any point in time. People are excruciatingly rude to me when it comes to discussing things so I don't really feel the need to help them with their new chinchilla breeding business. I don't care if they need information anymore because normally I am totally blown off and treated badly. That's the newbies' faults and not mine.
I don't care if you want to breed, provided you take the time to research, and actually listen to the advice given to you. I have talked to many new breeders starting out. I've given them animals at reduced prices to help them along like it was done to me by my mentor. However, they took the advice given, attended shows, and truely wanted to do things right. Those who don't give a care what they are doing-- I will tell them to join the forums and read them. I'm not going to waste my time on people who simply won't listen/don't want to learn.
I don't understand why a bunch of people want to start breeding. From being on this forum, I have heard breeders talk about vet bills, horrible stories of kits and moms dying and just the tremendous amount of time and effort spent breeding. I wouldn't want any part of it. I would be constantly worried about where the chin is going and if it was a good home. That is why breeders don't sell to just anyone.

When Chichi had a surprise two kits, people asked me, "Are you going to sell them? You can make some $$$" I responded with, "Heck no! They came with Chichi and they are a package deal! I love them!" I wouldn't ever think of breeding.

There isn't a reason to breed unless you are breeding to improve the species. There are plenty of "backyard" breeders and we don't need anymore.

Not saying there shouldn't be newbies with a true desire to breed. They need to do lots of research, communicate with reputable breeders, attend shows and have plenty of resources if they have problems.
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