my CJ

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
My heart is broken... I thought we would have so much more time. I'm sorry I soaked your fur with all my tears.
You were the perfect chin, the perfect patient, the perfect wall surfer, til the very end!
I can't see the keyboard through all these tears.
My CJ, I will love you forever!



How you loved to wall surf and loved your play pen sooo much....



I'm so so so sorry to hear, Sandi. He was a very beautiful little guy! He was priviledged to have a mother like you and now you are priviledged to have him as an angel watching over
Sandi, I am heartbroken for you, RIP CJ you were such a loved little boy and lucky to have your Mom.
Sandi, there are no words to make you feel better...but I am so incredibly sorry you had to say goodbye to such a beautiful and wonderful companion. I can tell from the pics how lively and fun he was, and how special he was to you. (((hugs)))
I'm so sorry Sandi, I know there's nothing I can say to make it better, but just know that my prayers are with you!
Sandi, you are an AWESOME chin mom and you did so much for CJ. He passed knowing what true love a person can give to their beloved pet. You did everything you could for him and gave him an amazing life for the time he was here with you. Now you have another chinnie angel to watch over you- I'm sure Whiskers met him across the bridge and they will both be with you in spirit til they see you again.

Big HUGS to you- I'm here if you need to talk about anything and I know many others are too.

Rest in Peace, sweet CJ! :angel2:
Sandi there are no words to tell you how sorry I am. CJ had the best mommy a chin could ask for. He will be watching over you always. :(
Oh Sandi, my heart dropped when I saw this thread. I'm so sorry CJ has passed; I know he was very special to you. He was obviously blessed in his too short time with you. Please accept my condolences. RIP little dude. :(
Sandi my dear sweet friend, I know there are no words that will ever truly say how sorry I am. Know that I love you as much as you loved CJ and as much as he loved you.
Oh Sandi I'm so sorry. You were the best mom he could have ever asked for, and he had so much longer with you than he may have had with somebody else. Lots f hugs to you and the rest of the family.
So many kind and truthful words from friends here. They are all so well said, and I feel the same way.

CJ is no longer in any pain and knew every ounce of love you carried for him in your heart.
I can't go downstairs and feel so bad about it. I've got my 2 girls who are super down as well. They can't believe he's gone and how things happened/progressed so quickly with CJ's condition. :cry3: You guys mean the world to me and your kind words are helping me heal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.