My Chin Room!

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
Mechanicsburg, PA
Well since all the chins are down in the basement I figured i'd finally take pics of the 'chin room'!





Justine what the heck! Way to make me super jealous :( I hope i have a room like that when I get my own house. Did you draw those pictures on that poster?
It's lovely! It's like chinnie kindergarten or something... :thumbsup:

Look at all those FNs...
Justine what the heck! Way to make me super jealous :( I hope i have a room like that when I get my own house. Did you draw those pictures on that poster?

Lol sorry Kim! nah i didn't draw them.. got them offline and just cut them out and put them on the wall because they were super cute!

Looks great and super tidy! I wish my room was that tidy!

Lol it's because i just cleaned up before taking pics, lol.
Lol sorry Kim! nah i didn't draw them.. got them offline and just cut them out and put them on the wall because they were super cute!.

I love it! And i love how you put everyone's name next to their cages :) anddd i have that lamp! haha
lol i can't take pictures when it's messy :p

I like being organized though but its not easy keeping the chin room as tidy as it's pictured but i try to sweep and vacuum daily if not every day.
I love it! And i love how you put everyone's name next to their cages :) anddd i have that lamp! haha

i bet your lamp isn't broken.. lol. mine broke during our move.. i was very upset and the duct tape isn't doing a good job but it gave me an excuse to buy pink duct tape :)

my dad told me to make name tags because he forgets who everyone is. lol.
It looks great! Very neat and organized. Now you need to come over to my house and do that for my chins who are now in the basement :p
It looks great! Very neat and organized. Now you need to come over to my house and do that for my chins who are now in the basement :p

Me, too! And you need to teach me to keep it organized. :) I get everything all neat and tidy and then a week later I seem to have forgotten that everything needs to go back off of my desk to the racks.
I love love love that room. I want a chinnie basement. First I would need to live in a state where the homes have basements.

Where did you find those pictures? I want them!
Thanks everyone.

Fly me out there and i'll organize your chin rooms :p

The pictures I actually found on a thread that someone posted on here.. i don't remember where but i can send you the jpg files for each of them. They didn't have a tan so I actually re-colored one.

edit: heres the thread! Chin artwork

and heres the link for the color chart chin color chart
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