Meet Lucy =)

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Feb 26, 2009
I came home to a suprise =] Her names Lucy! My mom got Lucy be a friend to Nala how recently lost her mate of a few years. Lucy is such a sweet girl!
She's a standard thats seven months old. I have a feeling it will take quite some time after the 30 days i'll let her be in her own cage before Nala will acept her.

Thanks! Shes such a sweet girl. Other than being really afraid of my dog shes great. How long do you think she will warm up to her. Its not like shes a huge dog. Shes a little, old poodle.
She's very adorable. Congrats! As for your question about the dog. She may never "warm up" to the dog, but eventually she will get used to it being around and not freak out. Bryson took some time to get used to my dogs after putting him in the living room. He finally realized that if he nips the dogs nose, she will leave him alone. One scarred up nose on my ridgeback mix later, she has learned that Bryson means business haha.
She is the sweetest thing. My 15 month old niece enjoys giving them rasins. I didn't figure she would have anything to do with my neice but she came right on out and got the rasin. She wasn't as bad today with my dog. Callie usually backs off as soon as they start barking at her. Before my male chin, Neko, passed on he used to feed her. It was the cutest thing.