Mazuri or Tradition?

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
I have always fed Mazuri and never had any issues. Its recommended by a lot of vets. Its a little more expensive than others but if its a healthier choice, cost doesn't matter to me for my lil buddies. I was at a breeders house the other day and she was telling me how mazuri was no good and I needed to switch to Tradition. She also said she knew of a lot of stories of fur biting and when switched from the mazuri, it was no longer an issue. I've never heard such a thing nor have I had any issues with fur biting. I've also never even heard Tradition and Mazuri compared, I've always heard Oxbow and Mazuri. I wanted to hear everyone's opinion on the Mazuri/Tradition comparison.

I have had my chins on Mazuri for at least 10 years and have had no problems with it. As for Tradition, most breeders love it and it is cheaper than Mazuri. However in NJ it is impossible to get. I would say, if you are planning on breeding I would go with the Tradition because it is good and it is cheap. If not, since your chins are on Mazuri with no problems and it is a good food why bother with the stress of changing
I personally feed Tradition, and love it.

Mazuri was at one time a GREAT feed, however I know they messed around with the formula and a lot of people who were having good results with the feed, now had chins with runny stool. Some people still swear by mazuri, though.

If it's working for you--why change it? It's not a bad feed, and is still considered better then hartz, l&m etc.
I have fed mazuri for 7 years and never had a problem. I say if it's not broke, don't fix it. If your chins are doing well on mazuri, then I wouldn't switch them.
I've been using the Mazuri for nearly 13 years always worked for me. In fact, they changed the formulation and it gave even better results than I ever had before. I can get it fresh and the quality control processes that they use ensure a very consistent product from batch to batch (ISO-9001). I've had people tell me that the food was no good, yet, they never tell me exactly why it isn't good. I haven't had problems with the chins developing health issues, I still have my first chin and he's been on it his whole entire life. Most of the issues caused by feed seem to be with chins being fed the petstore feeds...they come in through rescue. Chins that come in having been on Mazuri or Oxbow are always in much better shape...

I don't have any experience with the tradition. I've heard mixed results with people liking it or not liking it, but you'd need to talk directly with people that like it.
I've used both, currently use Mazuri. My chins do just fine on the Mazuri, I didn't keep using Tradition as it's hard to get by me. If your chins are doing fine on Mazuri no need to switch.
I can say I am happy with Nutrena I am now using, chins like it alot and the weight and fur quality is just as good as oxbow.
If I could get it out here, I would choose Tradition hands down over ANY chin food on the market. Since I can't, I am happy with Nutrena. I am not a fan of Mazuri because I had problems with it, but I also believe if it works for you, why go through the hassle of switching?
I used Mazuri for years (with no problems) and my chins are on Oxbow now because my online store sells it (no other reasons, my chins were great on both feed).
I found that Tradition is way darker (the pellets I mean) and it smells more like molasse than the other feeds. So I would choose Mazuri (or oxbow) over tradition.
If I had 50+ chinchillas maybe I would have a different opnion....
I had to switch from Mazuri because of soft poos, and I now use Tradition. I'd say if Mazuri is working for you, don't switch. I miss feeding Mazuri because it smells sweet and good. Tradition is STINKY. Don't get me wrong, it's a good feed, but I dislike smelling it when I stick my head in his cage for whisker kisses.
if mazuri is working for you then there is no reason to change it. it has no treats and has all the right nutrients in it. the breeder might have had problems with soft poops in the past with mazuri so thats why she said that. not all chins have that problem and as long as they continue to not have problems then in dont see why you should change it.
If the Mazuri is working why switch? I didn't like it but we all have our own preferences. If it is considered a good feed why make your chinchilla go through the switch?
i can't seem to find tradition, but kishi's been on mazuri for over 2 years now, it's been great for her, she's been more enegetic compared to the crap feed she was on,and i had no squishy poos switching her, and it's only a dollar more per bag than the cheap stuff, so the price is pretty good.