Intro a baby female to an 2yr male

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Active member
Aug 4, 2010
Sin City
So, ive read a few different methods on how to introduce a new chin, but was hoping to see what works best for everyone on here. Id like to intro my 7 week old female in with my 2yr old male. The last time we tried to intro him to new chins, he beat them up and has since been a bachelor. Im hoping that since its just a female this time and not a couple im putting in with him, that he wont feel so intimidated. Thus far all we have done is put the girl near his cage to see his reaction. He sniffs her and barks at her a lot, but doesnt seem to get TOO aggressive. Yesterday we took them out and held them next to each other, and he was a little more calm, im assuming because it was neutral ground and not in "his house."

Any suggestions on how to help him take her as his mate? Thanks in advance.

You cannot put a 7 week old female with a male. You realize she'll get pregnant right? Females can and do get pregnant at anywhere from 2 months on up. If you put her in with him and he breeds her, he may very well kill her.

Also, if he doesn't get along with anybody, then he needs not to BE with anybody. Playing musical chins doesn't work.
my advice - do not do it. at least not for another 10 months if you plan on breeding. 7 weeks is insanely too young for a girl to be in with a male. he will try to get her pregnant. she will die if she gets pregnant. even at 3 months, she CAN get pregnant but should NOT. would you send a 10 year old girl on a date with a 50 year old man? honestly, that's about the same thing. you'll only be putting her at risk if they end up getting along because she will end up pregnant but is too young to carry the kit(s). if they don't get along, he could end up killing her very easily because she is so young and defenseless.

also, did you get the male and/or female from reputable breeders? because if you do not know their health history, I would not even breed them at all. Just keep them as pets, they'll be happier and safer.
Wow, thanks i didnt know they could get pregnant that young. I thought i remember the local breeder saying that the females couldnt get pregnant for 6 months, and the males couldnt impregnate for 8 or 9ish. Apparently i was fed BS. That opens up a whole new question then....
I have the "family" all together in one cage. Mom, dad, and the male and female baby chin. Is that bad because they are all different sex? They all live well together and no one is getting roughed up etc... so i didnt think anything of it.

I dont have breeding papers or history on any of them. The male that we bred came from a local breeder but he didnt come with any pedigree papers or certifications etc... like i have for my dogs. He just took really well to our existing female so we let them do what nature wanted to do.
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Even if not for breeding purposes, if i had him fixed would she still be to young and too small to be in with him?
If he was castrated that would be fine, BUT, you said he beats everybody up. He's not going to stop doing that, regardless of whether he's castrated. He is telling you, loud and clear, that he does not want a cagemate. You should pay attention to that.

And yes, it's bad to keep the family together. Get the female offspring out of there.
If he was castrated that would be fine, BUT, you said he beats everybody up. He's not going to stop doing that, regardless of whether he's castrated. He is telling you, loud and clear, that he does not want a cagemate. You should pay attention to that.

And yes, it's bad to keep the family together. Get the female offspring out of there.

Copy that... thank you so much.
Well heres a question that is kinda throwing me off a little. Ive read how people keep all of their chins together as a "colony." How do they do that if some chins are supposed to be kept separate, or you dont want them to breed etc...
A colony is females who are not related to the male. It's not offspring being kept in the same cage and letting them grow up.

I do colonies of 3 females or more to 1 male, in 1 cage. When the kits are 8 weeks old, they are weaned and removed.
A colony is females who are not related to the male. It's not offspring being kept in the same cage and letting them grow up.

I do colonies of 3 females or more to 1 male, in 1 cage. When the kits are 8 weeks old, they are weaned and removed.

Ok, that makes sense.

I appreciate all the help.
Even if he was neutered, you would have to wait appx 1 1/2 - 2 months before he was not fertile. Even with the testicles removed they can have sperm stored "in the pipes" as well.

Neutering him may help with his temperament, or it may not.
Glad you got some right answers here. I would suggest to continue reading and researching, especially on here to learn more about chins and breeding. I'd suggest keeping all males and females seperate since you don't know enough to be breeding and since you don't really know their history anyway. As far as that male, some chins just don't like to share their space, how big is the cage? Have you tried introducing in neutral territory? Either way as others said, dont put him with females because he will breed, and if you do get him neutered he's got to be seperate for a while still anyway and there is always the chance he won't recover very well as chins don't handle anesthesia well.