Im back with me wondering worries.

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2009
My chin Pixel has been a fur biter for a while. But he has had no other problems. He adores dustbath time, he always eats his pellets and hay, chews his lava stones and wood I give him. My friends chinchilla however has gotten sick and is drooling so I've looked up malocclusion and other such things to further educate myself. and it says a chin with malocclusion could fur bite. so i worry. like always. is Pixel okay? He always chews on his toys and eats his pellets, he drinks his water and eats his hay. I dont think anything is wrong. But being a worrier I like to get and hear opinions.
Chins with malo can fur chew, but not all fur chewers have malo.. if you don't see the other symptoms, then he's probably just a chewer.
For what it's worth, my malo chin did not fur chew. But I also have a fur chewer who does not have malo.

I don't think you can go solely by that. There will be other symptoms like drool, pawing at the mouth and a decrease in food intake. My girl also stopped chewing her twigs and taking treats.

And if your chin is only 6 months then it'd be more rare for him to have malo. Generally it shows up later on.
I have seen chins with Malo that did not fur chew...And I have seen chinchillas fur chew that do not have Malo. If fur chewing is the only sign I would not worry about Malo just yet.
That reassures me. And he is actually a year and some months old now. I've been away so long I havnt updated my sig. He turned a year in January tho. But like I said he takes his treats, eats his pellets and hay, drinks his water. :]
One of the first signs of malo is slow gradual weight loss over time, its why it is important to keep track of weights.