I think SHE is a HE

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*scratches head*


looking at chin sexing websites it looks like maybe Tohru is a male? unless I am just looking waaaayy to close.
Yes, definitely a male. Now you need to learn how to do hair ring checks- lucky you!
Male, but would just like to add, I have 2 boys and the distance between the penis and the butt isn't always the same, chin-chins distance is bigger than Bo's distance, if that makes sense.

But with a female their private parts [at least with mine] are literaly right next to the butt part.

LOL I thought so.. *shrugs* O well, hes still a cutie patootie! Thank you all so much for your help! They had him listed as a beige female at the pet store, and I looked and said, no, I think thats a male, and the guy got all irate and said no, its a female. I just shrugged and said OK but have been thinking shes a he all night.. I think I will call the petstore and say hey, you know that chin you sold me.. BOY. :p now at least Im sure what to look for if I get another chin, another male! no chinbabies for me, as cute as they are. I want to get to know adult chins first!
yeah.. that's the sad thing with buying them from a pet store. Normally they don't really know how to properly sex a chin. And sometimes that's how they end up with pregnant females.
Exactly what happened to me 5 years ago :(. But you still got a cutie and the name still fits, lol!
hmm maybe i should check mine, the people at the pet store i went to seem pretty knowledgeable and its nothing like petsmart, its a little exotic pet store but i guess checking would be the best thing to do!
Hmm i looked in the thread about sexing chins and they look really alike to me, how can i better tell if my girl is a boy to? It looks like there is a small slit in both parts, is that a female?
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*raises hand* It happened to me too. I bought a chin that was supposed to be a male, and it ended up being a girl. My vet broke the news to me when we took Chauncey in for an initial exam to get a chart started. Hence the boy name for a girl chinchilla. I had a small mom and pop pet store order the chin from a breeder in supposedly Atlanta.
same here, I bought from a small mom and pop store that supposedly orders from breeders *shrug* but he really is cute LOL.
and Thanks Sandi! we are leaving his name alone since my kids think its a good name and honestly it still kind of fits :)
My latest chin I got from craigslist and they said it was a girl and her name is Doesha, well he's a boy and he responds to his name so Mr. Doesha it is LOL
hehe Mr.Doesha! neat! I wonder where that name comes from?
hehe Mr.Doesha! neat! I wonder where that name comes from?

OMG, I googled that name, well the owner was telling me that Doesha's first owner was a pothead and blah blah, I couldn't hear what she was saying very well because 6 little dogs were yapping. Apparently it has something to do with pot. Hmm I think I had better rename him since we have a soon to be 15 yo boy.
Hmm i looked in the thread about sexing chins and they look really alike to me, how can i better tell if my girl is a boy to? It looks like there is a small slit in both parts, is that a female?

Yes, that's a female. Males don't have slits. The space is also a great indicator. Females don't have a space, males do. To do a test, you can also lightly push up on the cone. If it's a boy, the penis will appear. If it's a girl, she will be very confused. :rofl: