Hi, Im Kate ^^

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I ♥ Willow :)
Jun 30, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Hi everyone, Im Kate, I live in Ontario, Canada, Im 19, and Im in college for policing. I got my baby boy Willow a few days ago and loooove him so much already ^.^ Any advice from personal experience for anything is appreciated =)
Hello Kate! A big welcome to you and Willow. You'll find tons of great information here by reading over the new owner threads or popping into chat. Feel free to ask questions too, no question is a dumb one!
Do you have any pictures of this said Willow? :D

hahah that kind of sounded like "yea, no one's gonna believe you have a chinchilla if we don't see pictures". I know it wasn't--it was just funny sounding er...looking.

Oh, and hi Kate!!! Glad you joined the forum.
Hello Kate! You have found a great resource for helping you keep your chinchilla healthy and happy. We are always open to answering questions so feel free to ask. :))
:wave: Hello & welcome. I am sure Willow will have you well trained in no time ;)
Hi Kate! Welcome! Can't wait to meet Willow! You might find that your addiction to chinchillas becomes overwhelming and the need to get another, lol. They are great furchildren!